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    hello, how do i install the flags or country name to the lavalair profiles, that people can see where people comming from how most i create that code for sql and index.php

    hello, how do i install the flags or country name to the lavalair profiles, that people can see where people comming from how most i create that code for sql and index.php[/b]

    heres a hint learn php
    Attached Files


      thank u


        brandon if your not going to add anything constructive to this post and just be a troll then dont bother posting

        and i think the wapdesire script has it in place but cant remember ive never added it to my old script


          brandon if your not going to add anything constructive to this post and just be a troll then dont bother posting

          and i think the wapdesire script has it in place but cant remember ive never added it to my old script[/b]
          no wapdesire dont have it


            oh wapside script has it in i remember i had add my own flag files when uploading it here just snatch it from there and edit accordingly to your needs


              no wapdesire dont have it[/b]
              no i dont think its in there because its not i went through that script from head to foot i know all the codeing in it


                its in that script as im using the functions from it to get country and network from ip lol


                  function ip()
                  return $ip;
                  function ipinrange($ip, $range1, $range2)
                  return (($ip >= $range1) && ($ip <= $range2));
                  function network($ip,$opt)
                  $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM network ORDER BY subone, subtwo");
                  if(ipinrange($ip, $ranges[1], $ranges[2])){
                  $flag="<img src=\"flags/".$ranges["flag"]."\" alt=\"".$ranges["flag"]."\"/>
                  return $flag.$ranges["isp"]." ".$ranges["country"];
                  echo "[b]network:[/b]
                  and heres the sql i use

                  -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
                  -- version 2.11.0
                  -- [url]http://www.phpmyadmin.net[/url]
                  -- Host: localhost
                  -- Generation Time: Dec 03, 2007 at 03:05 PM
                  -- Server version: 4.1.22
                  -- PHP Version: 5.2.3
                  SET SQL_MODE="NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO";
                  -- Database: `aftadark_dump`
                  -- --------------------------------------------------------
                  -- Table structure for table `network`
                  CREATE TABLE `network` (
                    `id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment,
                    `subone` text NOT NULL,
                    `subtwo` text NOT NULL,
                    `isp` text NOT NULL,
                    `country` text NOT NULL,
                    `flag` text NOT NULL,
                    PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)
                  ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=101;
                  -- Dumping data for table `network`
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(1, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;T-Mobile&#39;, &#39;United Kingdom&#39;, &#39;uk.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(2, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;MTN&#39;, &#39;South Africa&#39;, &#39;za.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(3, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;BSNLNET&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;in.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(4, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;BSNLNET&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;in.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(5, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Vodacom&#39;, &#39;South Africa&#39;, &#39;za.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(6, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Bharti Cellular&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;in.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(7, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Bharti Cellular&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;in.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(8, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Bharti Cellular&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;in.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(9, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Bharti Cellular&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;in.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(10, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Bharti Cellular&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;in.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(11, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Optus&#39;, &#39;Australia&#39;, &#39;au.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(12, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39; Optus&#39;, &#39;Australia&#39;, &#39;au.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(13, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Optus&#39;, &#39;Australia&#39;, &#39;au.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(14, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Optus&#39;, &#39;Australia&#39;, &#39;au.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(15, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;MTN&#39;, &#39;South Africa&#39;, &#39;za.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(16, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;MTC&#39;, &#39;South Africa&#39;, &#39;za.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(17, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Eskom&#39;, &#39;South Africa&#39;, &#39;za.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(18, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;IS&#39;, &#39;South Africa&#39;, &#39;za.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(19, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Digicel&#39;, &#39;Jamaica&#39;, &#39;jm.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(20, &#39; &#39;, &#39;;, &#39;PALTEL&#39;, &#39;Palestine&#39;, &#39;pl.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(21, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;NTL&#39;, &#39;United Kingdom&#39;, &#39;uk.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(22, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Bharti Airtel&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;in.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(23, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;WIND Telecom&#39;, &#39;Italy&#39;, &#39;it.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(24, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;TPG&#39;, &#39;Australia&#39;, &#39;au.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(25, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Partner Communications&#39;, &#39;Israel&#39;, &#39;il.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(26, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;TelKom&#39;, &#39;South Africa&#39;, &#39;za.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(27, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;In2cable&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;in.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(28, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;MTN (Virgin Media)&#39;, &#39;Sri Lanka&#39;, &#39;ce.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(29, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Idea Celular&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;in.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(30, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Alliance Braodband&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;in.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(31, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Maxis Communications&#39;, &#39;Maylaysia&#39;, &#39;my.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(32, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;SoftLayer&#39;, &#39;United States&#39;, &#39;us.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(33, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Host Dime&#39;, &#39;United States&#39;, &#39;us.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(34, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;CelTel&#39;, &#39;Belgium&#39;, &#39;be.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(35, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Orange&#39;, &#39;United Kingdom&#39;, &#39;uk.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(36, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Nicnet&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;in.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(37, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Telecomitalia&#39;, &#39;Italy&#39;, &#39;it.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(38, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Telkom&#39;, &#39;South Africa&#39;, &#39;za.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(39, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Telkom&#39;, &#39;South Africa&#39;, &#39;za.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(40, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;TelKom&#39;, &#39;South Africa&#39;, &#39;za.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(41, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;TelKom&#39;, &#39;South Africa&#39;, &#39;za.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(42, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Vodafone&#39;, &#39;New Zeland&#39;, &#39;nz.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(43, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Verzion&#39;, &#39;South Africa&#39;, &#39;za.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(44, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Vee Mobile&#39;, &#39;Nigeria&#39;, &#39;ng.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(45, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Digicel&#39;, &#39;Jamaica&#39;, &#39;jm.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(46, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Sprint Wireless&#39;, &#39;United States&#39;, &#39;us.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(47, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;BT Braodband&#39;, &#39;United Kingdom&#39;, &#39;uk.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(48, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;BT Braodband&#39;, &#39;United Kingdom&#39;, &#39;uk.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(49, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;O2 Online&#39;, &#39;United Kingdom&#39;, &#39;uk.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(50, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Ambra&#39;, &#39;Romania&#39;, &#39;ro.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(51, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Etihadetisalat&#39;, &#39;South Africa&#39;, &#39;za.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(52, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;T Mobile&#39;, &#39;United States&#39;, &#39;us.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(53, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Orange&#39;, &#39;Romania&#39;, &#39;ro.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(54, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Videsh Sanchar Nigam&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;in.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(55, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Vodaphone&#39;, &#39;United Kingdom&#39;, &#39;uk.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(56, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Telecsa&#39;, &#39;South Africa&#39;, &#39;za.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(57, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;PalTel&#39;, &#39;Palestine&#39;, &#39;jo.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(58, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;NedNet2&#39;, &#39;South Africa&#39;, &#39;za.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(59, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Max Telecom&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;in.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(60, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;La Telecom&#39;, &#39;Sri Lanka&#39;, &#39;ce.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(61, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Idea Celular&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;in.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(62, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Iqara Telecom&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;in.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(63, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Exetel&#39;, &#39;Australia&#39;, &#39;au.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(64, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Telstra Bigpond&#39;, &#39;Australia&#39;, &#39;au.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(65, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Unwired&#39;, &#39;Australia&#39;, &#39;au.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(66, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Community Telco&#39;, &#39;Australia&#39;, &#39;au.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(67, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Telstra Bigpond&#39;, &#39;Australia&#39;, &#39;au.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(68, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Telstra Bigpond&#39;, &#39;Australia&#39;, &#39;au.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(69, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;COMindico&#39;, &#39;Australia&#39;, &#39;au.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(70, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Telstra Bigpond&#39;, &#39;Australia&#39;, &#39;au.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(71, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Comindico&#39;, &#39;Australia&#39;, &#39;au.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(72, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Dodo&#39;, &#39;Australia&#39;, &#39;au.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(73, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Orange&#39;, &#39;United Kingdom&#39;, &#39;uk.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(74, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;BT-Central Plus&#39;, &#39;United Kingdom&#39;, &#39;uk.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(75, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;EDS&#39;, &#39;United States&#39;, &#39;us.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(76, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;o2&#39;, &#39;United Kingdom&#39;, &#39;uk.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(77, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;PUB-NET&#39;, &#39;Romania&#39;, &#39;ro.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(78, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Cricket Communications&#39;, &#39;United States&#39;, &#39;us.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(79, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Telecom&#39;, &#39;Sri Lanka&#39;, &#39;ce.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(80, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Lanka Communications&#39;, &#39;Sri Lanka&#39;, &#39;ce.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(81, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;COMindico&#39;, &#39;Australia&#39;, &#39;au.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(82, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Opera Software Norway&#39;, &#39;Proxy&#39;, &#39;-.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(83, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Level 3 Communications&#39;, &#39;United States&#39;, &#39;us.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(84, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Online-Malawi&#39;, &#39;South Africa&#39;, &#39;za.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(85, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Sprint&#39;, &#39;United States&#39;, &#39;us.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(86, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Optus&#39;, &#39;Australia&#39;, &#39;au.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(87, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Columbus Communication&#39;, &#39;Jamaica&#39;, &#39;jm.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(88, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Hutchison 3G&#39;, &#39;United Kingdom&#39;, &#39;uk.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(89, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Netspace&#39;, &#39;Australia&#39;, &#39;au.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(90, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Vodafone&#39;, &#39;Italy&#39;, &#39;it.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(91, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;anonymouse.org&#39;, &#39;(proxy)&#39;, &#39;-.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(92, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Telewest&#39;, &#39;United Kingdom&#39;, &#39;uk.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(93, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;NTL&#39;, &#39;United Kingdom&#39;, &#39;uk.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(94, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Vodafone&#39;, &#39;Australia&#39;, &#39;au.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(95, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Telekom&#39;, &#39;Malaysia&#39;, &#39;my.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(96, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;MUSIWAVE(proxy)&#39;, &#39;France&#39;, &#39;fr.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(97, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;NTL&#39;, &#39;United Kingdom&#39;, &#39;uk.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(98, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;Telewest&#39;, &#39;United Kingdom&#39;, &#39;uk.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(99, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;VSNL&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;in.gif&#39;);
                  INSERT INTO `network` VALUES(100, &#39;;, &#39;;, &#39;BHARTI&#39;, &#39;India&#39;, &#39;in.gif&#39;);
                  oh and gumslone this sql is more up to date version of the networks i hav collected


                    its in that script as im using the functions from it to get country and network from ip lol[/b]
                    no it isnt where i dont see it and remember the version released here didnt have a sql so i couldnt have had it


                      thanx, this is great. been creatin my own code but the help was here lol


                        its shows everytime the same country and the weong country


                          its shows everytime the same country and the weong country[/b]
                          works fine 4 me and brandon the version of wapside i have is not on this site lol check amylee profile she has a link to a version of wapside wif the functions


                            the code i gave u will show ur country to show ur users jus change ip() to a sql to get the ip from the user table


                              the code i gave u will show ur country to show ur users jus change ip() to a sql to get the ip from the user table[/b]
                              how do i that i use wapdesire

