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    Mobile_Chat_v3.0_Xhtml1.0 comments and questions...


    I have tried the new script, it is very good but I have some comments and questions.

    My notes is that when the renitent user has been kicked, it is true the system kicks the user out, however, he can step back into the room if he uses the BACK button (it is my own experience). It would be advisable to built
    in yourbooted.php. So that the user is unable to step back from the previouses but he enters again on the front page.

    I have tried blah/username and trash/username commands besides others, and I would like to discuss with you that it has to be working in this way or it is not working only for me.

    If the renitent user uses blah/username command, he can flood with pre-written "blah blah bollox" sentence, he could do it more and more times and the system doesn’t protect against flood.

    If the renitent user uses trash/username command, he is unable to write but the content of the room is decreasing backwards, it means it clears the content of the room. As the user is writing continuously, the system doesn’t show/write anything but the room is lost.

    My question is that how I could form autologin in this case since it doesn’t work for me in the usual way.

    Thank you so much for your replies and any help.


      Originally posted by Visitors View Post

      I have tried the new script, it is very good but I have some comments and questions.
      are we talking about mobile-chat xhtml v3 now? or the new demo script i posted earlier.
      if the mobile-chat xhtml. then..

      Originally posted by Visitors View Post
      My notes is that when the renitent user has been kicked, it is true the system kicks the user out, however, he can step back into the room if he uses the BACK button (it is my own experience). It would be advisable to built
      in yourbooted.php. So that the user is unable to step back from the previouses but he enters again on the front page.
      this was a mishape. i was ment to put session_destroy in the file but just accidently missed it.
      not a problem to fix as you seem to know what your talking about here.

      Originally posted by Visitors View Post
      I have tried blah/username and trash/username commands besides others, and I would like to discuss with you that it has to be working in this way or it is not working only for me.

      If the renitent user uses blah/username command, he can flood with pre-written "blah blah bollox" sentence, he could do it more and more times and the system doesn’t protect against flood.
      there was a problem with the old wml anti-flood system that wappy put in place.
      it would not only stop 1 user from posting the same text but it would also stop all users from
      posting the same text no matter how far down in the database that text was. it didnt have to be the
      top text (if you know what i mean.)

      lets say further down the database file was a text from me with the word ok. like so,

      someone else -> ok
      ghost -> you want me to start today
      ghost -> your welcome mate
      soemone else -> cool thank you.
      ghost -> ok

      here you see a little fake convosation earlier down post i sent out the word OK
      now "someone else" tries to Post OK later on. but it would not show up in post.
      due to it already being posted by me.
      (basically it was setup to have 2 room database files. 1 for main room, 1 for flood/spam)
      if the text that was posted was found AT ALL to be seen in the flood database the room database couldnt get written to)
      this is something im still looking into. as i really didnt like the setup. i might have to reput it in but dont really want to.
      so ive been looking into new ways but still having some issues.

      on a side note, i dont very much like the blah tool. but some ppl do so it was kept in.
      i actually added it to my new project as it was requested. but now once again im rethinking about removing this tool.

      Originally posted by Visitors View Post
      If the renitent user uses trash/username command, he is unable to write but the content of the room is decreasing backwards, it means it clears the content of the room. As the user is writing continuously, the system doesn’t show/write anything but the room is lost.
      this was a oversight in the way the posts was generated.

      this can be easily fixed/rectified by replacing the code
      PHP Code:
      if($admin=="7"){$uusirivi ='
      PHP Code:
      if($admin=="7"){$uusirivi ='';} 
      in chat.php, login.php, logout.php, changerooms.php (i believe)
      which will make the post not be posted at all.
      which is what it was originally designed for/todo

      Originally posted by Visitors View Post
      My question is that how I could form autologin in this case since it doesn’t work for me in the usual way.
      not 100% sure what you mean by this. autologin would need you to be remembered constanlty
      by the script, and the script was setup to so once you had left site/logout, your session would be destroyed
      to stop session hijacking attempts. and you would obviously need to relog then.

      Originally posted by Visitors View Post
      Thank you so much for your replies and any help.
      no prob.
      include ('Ghost');
      if ($Post == true) {
      echo '

      alt='!!' />';
      echo 'Sharing Is Caring!';
      } else {
      echo '

      alt='the username GHOST has been comprimised!' />';
      echo 'OMG SOMEBODY HELP ME!!';


        If i want to change owner,admin and mod symbol how to do it.

        Added after 3 minutes:

        If i want to change a owner,admin and mod symbol. How to do that?
        Last edited by sampuyung; 19.08.12, 19:14.


          Originally posted by sampuyung View Post
          If i want to change owner,admin and mod symbol how to do it.

          Added after 3 minutes:

          If i want to change a owner,admin and mod symbol. How to do that?
          you would have to locate all the links that have these codes in them.

          PHP Code:
          PHP Code:
          PHP Code:
          in all the files listed below, in all room folders.


          and change those &#169; &#185; &#178; to whatever you want.
          so its alot of work. if you really wanna do it.

          in my new project i decided not to go and use symbols like this script and just color code the names instead.
          include ('Ghost');
          if ($Post == true) {
          echo '

          alt='!!' />';
          echo 'Sharing Is Caring!';
          } else {
          echo '

          alt='the username GHOST has been comprimised!' />';
          echo 'OMG SOMEBODY HELP ME!!';


            Thanks Ghost.. If i combine with the chatage script how to do it.


              Originally posted by sampuyung View Post
              Thanks Ghost.. If i combine with the chatage script how to do it.
              hmm. i dont really like this idea of getting users age and putting it next to their name. and ill tell you why at the end of this.

              But. if you really wanted to. you would still following my last posts explaination and then add something like this next to the links.

              add this above all the links. not each link. just above them once will be fine.
              PHP Code:
              $member "../members/$nimi.txt";
              $membersinfo fopen($member"r");
              $membersdata file_get_contents($member, @filesize($membersinfo));
              $membersinformation explode ("\n",$membersdata);
              $membersinformation[$i] = stripslashes($membersinformation[$i]);
              and then change links like this.

              PHP Code:
              if($admin=="1"){$uusirivi ='<a href="pmuser.php?kenelle='.$nimi.'&amp;rank=1&amp;phone='.$user[0].'&amp;ip='.$ip.'">('.$membersinformation[2].')'.$nimi '</a> '.$time.'» ' $viesti '<br/>
              this is only an example using the owner link. so be careful not to copy/paste this to all links or your gonna end up with all owner posts..

              now what this does is. it grabs the data from the members .txt file that holds all their profile data.
              puts all that data into an array and then you can pick what part of that array you wish to display.
              in the link it is set to '.$membersinformation[2].' this is because the AGE is number 2 in the array and that is what you want
              to be displayed.

              now my reason for not liking this is just simple. what if the user decided he doesnt want to set his age?
              then you will have alot of posts that look like this

              (Not Set)Ghost 12.34pm >> this looks crap cos i didnt set my age.

              but there you go.. anyway that should do the trick IF you do it correctly thoughout all those files.
              include ('Ghost');
              if ($Post == true) {
              echo '

              alt='!!' />';
              echo 'Sharing Is Caring!';
              } else {
              echo '

              alt='the username GHOST has been comprimised!' />';
              echo 'OMG SOMEBODY HELP ME!!';

