CHANGES IN 2.0.3 (Final Release) Inspired By Mobidev.
(some of this was requested/suggested by him)
1. Created Guestbook
(has full use of the smileys pack)
2. Created Staffroom (Only Visable To Staff Members)
* Requested by Mobidev.
3. Created 2 More New Rooms. (Total now 5)
(6 if include hidden staffroom, has all same functions as normal rooms)
4. Created Shoutbox For Members Only (Inside Rooms.php file)
(has full use of the smileys pack and bbcodes, pm user from shoubox.)
*** no longer need the shoutbox addon that came with 2.0.2 as a seperate script ***
5. Created Avatar Selection For Register/updating profile
(32 avatars total, or can add your own from url)
* Requested by Mobidev.
6. Created Avatar View Pages (like chat smileys)
* Requested by Mobidev.
7. Coded index.php, rooms.php, stats.php to count/display/remove
online users from new rooms that was created.
8. fixed error on profiles/registered users that shows error when clicking
on a * that has no user signed to it by using a nameless .txt file
in members folder (DO NOT DELETE THIS NAMELESS .txt FILE)
9. added chatroom names into titles of every chatroom/staffroom
10. fixed validator in config to have seperate variable for site url for easier modding.
11. Removed all traces of the names ghost/deviance from staff protection tools,
(seems 1 or 2 manged to find their way back into script after i initially took them out)
12 Updated All Headers Throughout Script To New Versions etc.
13. Put Avatar Variables Into Config.php for (kinda) easy editing.
(read comment that comes with the avatar section)
quick note: REMEMBER to upload the .htacces file that comes with the script.
(it creates protection for your .txt files and helps the script run)
ok think thats it, if there was anything else. youll come across it in the script
if you decide to use/test it out.
known servers/hosts to work on
Getting Script to work on these servers:
Running it on - 000webhost.com
once you have registered up and got details.
goto: 000webhost.com Members Area
enter your details and turn off analytics tracking code.
and make sure you upload the .htaccess file included with script.
Running it on - 6te.net
once you have registered up and got details.
log into 6te members area
choose option "configure php"
then tick "register globals on" and submit.
you will then have to open the .htaccess file and comment out
to look like:
or you can completely remove that piece of code. but if ever change server you may need to re-add it. so commenting out would be best bet.
you'll prob have to wait for the servers to reconfigure this is normally done on the weekends but im not saying thats now long you'll have to wait. it may depend.
the reason for doing this with 6te.net is they do not allow php configuration through the .htaccess file.
Demo: http://mobile-chat.uk.to/demos/v203/
CHANGES IN 2.0.3 (Final Release) Inspired By Mobidev.
(some of this was requested/suggested by him)
1. Created Guestbook
(has full use of the smileys pack)
2. Created Staffroom (Only Visable To Staff Members)
* Requested by Mobidev.
3. Created 2 More New Rooms. (Total now 5)
(6 if include hidden staffroom, has all same functions as normal rooms)
4. Created Shoutbox For Members Only (Inside Rooms.php file)
(has full use of the smileys pack and bbcodes, pm user from shoubox.)
*** no longer need the shoutbox addon that came with 2.0.2 as a seperate script ***
5. Created Avatar Selection For Register/updating profile
(32 avatars total, or can add your own from url)
* Requested by Mobidev.
6. Created Avatar View Pages (like chat smileys)
* Requested by Mobidev.
7. Coded index.php, rooms.php, stats.php to count/display/remove
online users from new rooms that was created.
8. fixed error on profiles/registered users that shows error when clicking
on a * that has no user signed to it by using a nameless .txt file
in members folder (DO NOT DELETE THIS NAMELESS .txt FILE)
9. added chatroom names into titles of every chatroom/staffroom
10. fixed validator in config to have seperate variable for site url for easier modding.
11. Removed all traces of the names ghost/deviance from staff protection tools,
(seems 1 or 2 manged to find their way back into script after i initially took them out)
12 Updated All Headers Throughout Script To New Versions etc.
13. Put Avatar Variables Into Config.php for (kinda) easy editing.
(read comment that comes with the avatar section)
quick note: REMEMBER to upload the .htacces file that comes with the script.
(it creates protection for your .txt files and helps the script run)
ok think thats it, if there was anything else. youll come across it in the script
if you decide to use/test it out.
known servers/hosts to work on
Getting Script to work on these servers:
Running it on - 000webhost.com
once you have registered up and got details.
goto: 000webhost.com Members Area
enter your details and turn off analytics tracking code.
and make sure you upload the .htaccess file included with script.
Running it on - 6te.net
once you have registered up and got details.
log into 6te members area
choose option "configure php"
then tick "register globals on" and submit.
you will then have to open the .htaccess file and comment out
PHP Code:
php_value register_globals 1
PHP Code:
# php_value register_globals 1
you'll prob have to wait for the servers to reconfigure this is normally done on the weekends but im not saying thats now long you'll have to wait. it may depend.
the reason for doing this with 6te.net is they do not allow php configuration through the .htaccess file.
Demo: http://mobile-chat.uk.to/demos/v203/