Free SMS For Bangladeshi Coders

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    Free SMS For Bangladeshi Coders

    I Found this while surfing the net which has no work for me... But may b useful for my friends here,
    Here I am going to share you a PHP Code snippet by which you’ll be able to send free SMS to any Grameen Phone number.

    PHP Code:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>FREE SMS Sender</title>
    $soap = new SoapClient("");
    $a['registrationID'] = ''//AloAshbei Username
    $a['password'] = ''//AloAshbei Password
    $a['sourceMsisdn'] = ''//AloAshbei Developer Test Phone Number
    $a['smsPort'] = 5001;
    $a['msgType'] = 4;
    $a['charge'] = 0.00 ;
    $a['contentArea'] = 'gpgp_psms';
    $a['destinationMsisdn'] = $_POST['sendto'];
    $a['msgContent'] = $_POST['msg'];
    $result $soap->sendSMS(array("SendSMSRequest" => $a));
    if (
    $result->SendSMSResponse->status == 'OK')
    '<h2>Message Sent!</h2>';
    "<h2>" $result->SendSMSResponse->status "</h2>";
    <p align="center">SEND FREE SMS (ONLY TO GP)</p>
    <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
    <small>Send To: (Ex. 88017XXXXXXXX)<br/></small>
    <input name="sendto" type="*N" maxlength="13" /><br/>
    <small>Message: (Max. 160 Chars.)<br/></small>
    <input name="msg" type="text" maxlength="160" /><br/>
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send" /><br/>
    USAGE :

    1. Create an AloAshbei Account:

    2. Login to your account and then select ‘Edit Profile‘.

    3. There you’ll find an option named ‘Developer Test Phone‘.

    4. Add your Grameen Phone number there and a verification code will be sent to your number.

    5. Verify the number using the verification code and you’re done! Then your number will be added to the account.

    6. Now you have to edit the above code and put your AloAshbei Account Information here:

    $a['registrationID'] = ''; //Your AloAshbei Username
    $a['password'] = ''; //Your AloAshbei Password
    $a['sourceMsisdn'] = ''; //Your AloAshbei Developer Test Phone

    7. Save the code in a .php file and upload it to your server.

    8. You have to enable the following PHP Extensions on your server to make this script work: php_soap, php_openssl

    9. You also need the wsdl.wsdl file. It is called from my server in the sample code. If you want you can download it and host it on your own server.

    You can only send SMS to Grameen Phone number using this script as it uses the Grameen Phone AloAshbei API.

    If you face any problem to run this script; let me know in the comment.

    Hit Thnx if it helps u
    Last edited by wap-ruler; 12.10.11, 10:02.
    ImPoSsIbLe iS nOthInG aS ImPoSsible ItSelF SaYs "I M POSSIBLE"

    LoL ! Alo Ashbei SMS feature is currently closed ! :p


      The site name is so emotional,aloasbei :'-(
      I need some facebook likes, can you please help me
      I noticed social media is really powerful
      Well DONE is better than well SAID


        Their service bk again chk FrOsT-BiTe Brother :x:x me alredy chk its working now :x


          @jas_in_the_end, Of course it had to happen..
          see the Site name dude...
          Alo Ashbei... :D (Light Will Come)
          No matter what... haha

