X7 Chat (Pc based) Script

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    X7 Chat (Pc based) Script

    Don't know if already shared . Moderator please delete this thread if the script already shared.

    To install X7 Chat you must have PHP Version 4+ and MySql Version 3+.
    After making sure that you have the correct versions of PHP and MySql
    please follow the following steps.

    1) Open the file config.php in a text editor. Scroll down past the
    copyright. There you will see 10 variables that need edited. The
    variables are in the form $VARIABLENAME[SUBNAME] = "VALUE"; You
    will need to replace the current value of a variable with the
    correct value for your server. At the end of this file is a long
    explanation for each of theses variables.

    2) After editing the file config.php with the correct variables
    upload all of the included files except the Docs directory to
    you do not upload all files in binary mode then X7 Chat will not
    work correctly. After you upload all files CHMOD 777 the directory

    3) After uploading all the files to the server go to
    Online commerce from Yoursite.Com.. Make sure you
    replace yoursite.com with the correct domain name and
    x7chatdirectory with the directory that you uploaded X7 Chat to.
    After going to the install.php page you will be guided through

    4) After finishing the online setup delete the file install.php. If
    you do not it will be possible for anyone to create an administrator
    account on your chat server.

    5) Have fun chatting! Installation is all done!

    -- Explanation of Variables --

    Note: All variables ARE case sensitive.

    $DATABASE['HOST'] : This is the domain name or IP address of the
    MySql server. 99.9% of the time this is left
    as localhost. Only change it if you know that
    you are using a remote MySql server.

    $DATABASE['USER'] : This is the username that you use to connect
    to the MySql server. Make sure that the user
    has permissions to access the database you
    will be using.

    $DATABASE['PASS'] : This is the password that you use to connect
    to the MySql server. Make sure you are
    using the correct password, or else X7 Chat
    will not work (duh!)

    $DATABASE['DATABASE'] : This is the name of the database that you
    will be using for X7 Chat.

    $DATABASE['TYPE'] : You must leave this as MySql. The only
    reason that it is even in the config file is
    that in future versions different types of
    databases may be supported. However, as of
    Jan. 5, 2004 only MySql is supported.

    $SERVER['NAME'] : This may be equal to whatever you would like
    it to equal. It serves no real function in the
    script except that it is displayed to users when
    they are chatting.

    $SERVER['TBL_PREFIX'] : This allows you to run several copys of
    X7 Chat on one database. This variable is
    used as a prefix for the table names. This one
    may be left as default if you are only running
    one copy of X7 Chat.

    $SERVER['PATH'] : Set this to "/" unless you are having problems with your cookies

    $SERVER['LANGUAGE'] : This is the language your chat is run in. As
    of release only "english" is supported. Hopefully
    some people will be kind enough to translate it
    for us.

    $SERVER['AUTH'] : This is the Authentication file that is used when
    a user logs in. It controls encrypting of passwords
    and getting the password from the database. You may
    choose between plain (plain text) and md5 (encrypted).
    If you are upgrading from 1.2.0 you MUST choose plain.

    Attached Files
    Last edited by Mr-59; 26.09.11, 09:12.

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