Fetching a Web Page From Your PHP Code

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    Fetching a Web Page From Your PHP Code

    To fetch a web page from your PHP application, you could use curl functions or simply open the page with fopen(). But these have some limitations. Your server needs to have PHP with curl enabled, or the PHP configuration should allow scripts to open URLs with fopen().
    If that is not the case, you can still fetch a web page by opening a socket connection to the remote host and make HTTP request.

    EasyWebFetch - Fetch a web page from PHP code

    EasyWebFetch is a class you use to fetch a web page from your application. This class
    is an alternative if your server doesn't have PHP with curl enabled, or the PHP configuration
    doesn't allow opening URL with fopen(). This class fetch a web page by opening socket
    connection to remote host, so it has no dependencies and should work on any server

    * No Dependencies
    * Support for chunked transfer-encoding used in HTTP 1.1
    * Support redirects
    * Support Proxies
    * Return headers and body or only headers. This might be useful
    for link checker applications.

    * PHP 5
    * A working web server

    Place EasyWebFetch.php in the directory containing your classes and include it
    in your code.

    Common Usage
    1. Fetch a page

    $wf = new EasyWebFetch;

    if (!$wf->get("http://www.google.com")) {
    print $wf->getErrorMessage();
    $page = $wf->getContents();

    2. Check if a page exists

    $wf = new EasyWebFetch;
    $wf->get("http://www.nashruddin.com/index.html", true); /* return headers only */

    if ($wf->getStatus() == 200) {
    print "page exists.";
    } else {
    print "page missing.";

    3. Set maximum redirects. Default is 5.

    $wf = new EasyWebFetch;

    4. Examining the HTTP response headers

    $wf = new EasyWebFetch;

    $headers = $wf->getHeaders();

    print $headers['content_type'];
    print $headers['date'];
    /* print all */

    5. Connect through a proxy

    $wf = new EasyWebFetch;

    $page = $wf->getContents();

    Please send comments and bug reports to jashanraju@gmail.com
    Attached Files

    Good. Thanks.
    mysterio.al - programming is a functional art

