Hi dudez !
Here is da Registation page of my Lava Site!
i 've tried many ways to make this page html, but i cant ! .. coz, i m a n00b ..
Can anyone make this page html plz ??
Here is my page >>>
Thanks In Advance
Here is da Registation page of my Lava Site!
i 've tried many ways to make this page html, but i cant ! .. coz, i m a n00b ..
Can anyone make this page html plz ??
Here is my page >>>
<?php header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"; echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\"". " \"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml\">\n"; ?> <wml> <card id="Mobile Forum" title="Register Form"> <p align="left"> <?php include ("config.php"); include ("core.php"); connectdb(); $sitename = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT value FROM ibwf_settings WHERE name='sitename'")); $sitename = $sitename[0]; $brws = explode("/",$HTTP_USER_AGENT); $ubr = $brws[0]; $ipr = getip(); $uip = explode(".",$ipr); $isipbanned = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ibwf_users ORDER BY regdate DESC LIMIT 0,1")); $bantime = $isipbanned['regdate'] + 300; $time = time(); if((!canreg())||(isipbanned($ipr,$ubr))) { echo "Registration is disabled at the moment, please check later"; } elseif($bantime > $time) { echo "<p>"; echo "<img src=\"../images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Registration limit for this IP is exceeded. Please try again after sometime."; echo "</p>"; } else { if (!empty($_REQUEST['act']) && $_REQUEST['act'] == $_REQUEST['code'] && $_REQUEST['uid'] !== '' ) { $uid = $_REQUEST['uid']; $pwd = $_REQUEST['pwd']; $cpw = $_REQUEST['cpw']; $email = $_REQUEST['email']; if(trim($uid)=="") { echo "Username Empty. Please Type Your Name.<br/><a href=\"register.php\">Back</a>"; }else if(trim($pwd)=="") { echo "Please Type Your Password.<br/><a href=\"register.php\">Back</a>"; }else if(trim($cpw)=="") { echo "Please Type Your Password Again.<br/><a href=\"register.php\">Back</a>"; }else if(spacesin($uid)||scharin($uid)) { echo "Username is not valid!<br/><a href=\"register.php\">Back</a>"; }else if(spacesin($pwd)||scharin($pwd)) { echo "Password is not valid!<br/><a href=\"register.php\">Back</a>"; }else if($pwd!=$cpw) { echo "Passwords doesn't match.<br/><a href=\"register.php\">Back</a>"; }else if(strlen($uid)<4) { echo "Username must be 4 characters or more.<br/><a href=\"register.php\">Back</a>"; }else if(strlen($pwd)<4) { echo "Password must be 4 characters or more.<br/><a href=\"register.php\">Back</a>"; }else if(isdigitf($uid)) { echo "Username must start with a letter from a-z.<br/><a href=\"register.php\">Back</a>"; }else if(checknick($uid)==1) { echo "Username is reserved for Admins of the site.<br/><a href=\"register.php\">Back</a>"; }else if(checknick($uid)==2) { echo "Please choose an appropriate username.<br/><a href=\"register.php\">Back</a>"; }else if(trim($email)=="") { echo "You must enter a valid email address.<br/><a href=\"register.php\">Back</a>"; }else if(register($uid,$pwd,$usx,$day,$month,$year,$ulc,$email,$info, $ubr)==1) { echo "Username already in use, choose a different one.<br/><a href=\"register.php\">Back</a>"; }else if(register($uid,$pwd,$usx,$day,$month,$year,$ulc,$email,$info, $ubr)==2) { echo "Unknown mysql error try registering later.<br/><a href=\"register.php\">Back</a>"; }else{ echo "Registration completed successfully!<br/>"; echo "<br/><b>Username: </b>$uid<br/>"; echo "<b>Password: </b>$pwd<br/>"; if(validation()) { echo "Please give us up to an hour to validate you (normally it be done within 10 minutes) If you have not been after this period of time u can email the owner<br/>"; echo '<p align="center">'; echo '<a href="index.php">Home</a>'; echo '</p>'; }else{ echo "<a href=\"login.php?loguid=$uid&logpwd=$pwd\"><img src=\"../images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; echo "Login</a>"; } } } else{ ?> <small> [»] Allowed characters in userid and password are a-z, 0-9, and -_ only<br/> [»] No vulgar words are accepted in Username<br/> [»] Username and Password must contain at least 4 characters<br/> [»] Username must begin with a letter and cannot contain capitals<br/> [»] Password will be case sensitive<br/> [»] All The Fields Are Necessary!<br/><br/> </small> <?php $code = substr(md5(time()),0,5); echo 'Username:<br/> <input name="tfuid" format="*x" maxlength="15"/><br/>'; echo 'Password:<br/> <input type="password" name="tfpwd" format="*x" maxlength="30"/><br/>'; echo "Repeat Password:<br/> <input type=\"password\" name=\"tfcpw\" format=\"*x\" maxlength=\"30\"/><br/>"; echo "I am:<br/>"; echo "<select name=\"opsex\" value=\"M\">"; echo "<option value=\"M\">Male</option>"; echo "<option value=\"F\">Female</option>"; echo "</select><br/>"; echo "Country:<br/> <input name=\"tfloc\" maxlength=\"100\"/><br/>"; echo "Email:<br/> <input name=\"email\" maxlength=\"50\"/><br/>"; echo "More Info:<br/> <input name=\"info\" maxlength=\"100\"/><br/>"; echo "<b><u>Verification:</u></b><br/>Type the following code in the box below:<br/>"; echo "<b>Code: </b> $code<br/>"; echo "<input name=\"code\" type=\"text\" /><br/>"; echo "<anchor>Register"; echo "<go href=\"register.php\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<postfield name=\"uid\" value=\"$(tfuid)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"pwd\" value=\"$(tfpwd)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"cpw\" value=\"$(tfcpw)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"day\" value=\"$(day)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"month\" value=\"$(month)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"year\" value=\"$(year)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"usx\" value=\"$(opsex)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"ulc\" value=\"$(tfloc)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"email\" value=\"$(email)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"info\" value=\"$(info)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"code\" value=\"$(code)\"/>"; echo "<postfield name=\"act\" value=\"$code\"/>"; echo "</go></anchor><br/><br/><br/>"; echo '</p><p align="center">'; echo '<a href="index.php">Home</a>'; }} ?> </p> </card> </wml>