Create Free Java Bookmark Louncher For Your Site

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    Create Free Java Bookmark Louncher For Your Site

    You Can Create Java Bookmark Direct From Your Nokia S40 and Java Enable Phones For Your Site
    First Download This Files
    + Moby Explorer.jar [122.378KB]
    + LiteFTP.jar [358.424KB]
    + Class Translator En.jar [8.099KB]
    + [21.566KB]

    Now Follow The Introduction

    1. Unzip the '' in a new folder and name it 'mybookmark'. You can use 'LiteFTP'. (steps for unzip: Create a folder name it 'mybookmark' > Open liteftp > Enter in file > Select All Files and Folders by pressing * or # key > press 1 Key For Exract > you will get a menu > then go to mybookmark folder and press 3 key for extract all files there. ) Or use Any File Managar (ftp) Application for unzip. (Download More Applications From
    2. Open the 'Class Translator en' software then open the folder 'mybookmark' , Now open the 'free.class' file and after it get opened u will see a place where u have to add your site url (address), (http://(write your site name here. Exp: change the url with your site (like= Now save the changes which u made by pressing the key above the call button or Left key , and click on 'Save' then save it and there after again press the Left key and this time click on 'Close'. It will prompt for 'Leave spare file ?' click on 'NO'. And close the application.
    3. Open 'MobyExplorer' and open the folder 'mybookmark' (created in above 1st step) and then open the folder 'META-INF' inside it (only one folder is their open it) and open the 'MANIFEST.MF' file inside it (only one file is their inside the folder). Do the changes where ever you want.
    Save the file after editing and delete the backup file 'MANIFEST.MF.BAK' which gets created automatic (it will have extension .bak).
    4. After all you have finished just open 'LiteFTP' open the folder 'mybookmark' and then select all the files by pressing the '*' or '#' key and then press the Left key and select 'Compress items (jar)' and then compress it.
    The bookmark will be saved with the name 'File_jar' (it is the default name which comes when compressin the files).
    5. To test the bookmark just rename the file 'File_jar' to 'File.jar' (rename it direct from your phone, without using any software.)
    If You Face Any Kind Problem So Write In Guestbook. Hope This Will Help You To Make Your Bookmark.

    thnx but any suggetion for sis and sisx or wrt bookmark


      Originally posted by mayurss786 View Post
      thnx but any suggetion for sis and sisx or wrt bookmark
      Most of wapsite now using jar(java) bookmark.try it for your site.Thanks.



