here is the live example : COOL PICTURE | | DESKTOP WALLPAPER
Adsense Compatibity
if you want to know how ..
then reply ...
i will post ........
step by step.
first you need your own domain or free host... mysql,php support
you can join
just create a domain .. and create database account..
download wallpaperscript for free if you want to premium as you wish
here you can download
instruction include
ask me if any problem
go into admin panel of your website then go into Site Configuration set your adsense id and ads will be shown in yur website
your website showing ads like
[b]example ads

Added after 4 minutes:
hey metulj please remove attachment
i m earning with fileserve and donating money.... to Muskan Charity World!
Adsense Compatibity
if you want to know how ..
then reply ...
i will post ........
step by step.
first you need your own domain or free host... mysql,php support
you can join
just create a domain .. and create database account..
download wallpaperscript for free if you want to premium as you wish
here you can download
instruction include
ask me if any problem
go into admin panel of your website then go into Site Configuration set your adsense id and ads will be shown in yur website
your website showing ads like
[b]example ads

Added after 4 minutes:
hey metulj please remove attachment
i m earning with fileserve and donating money.... to Muskan Charity World!