Guys. .i need your help. .i want code which informing users when the sh0ut is shouted. .i am talking about the time. .like 2 mins. ago, 4 days ago, 51 secs. ago like in fb. .my script is lavalair. .please help me. .i am a new php learner. .
Help with shout time posted
in my old script i used this
PHP Code:function ponick_time ( $start, $end = false)
if ($end == false) //if you don't pass a second parameter,
$end = time(); //we assume you're comparing to now.
$dati=date("d/m/y", $start);
$diff = $end - $start;
$days = floor ( $diff/86400 ); //calculate the days
$diff = $diff - ($days*86400); // subtract the days
$hours = floor ( $diff/3600 ); // calculate the hours
$diff = $diff - ($hours*3600); // subtract the hours
$mins = floor ( $diff/60 ); // calculate the minutes
$diff = $diff - ($mins*60); // subtract the mins
$secs = $diff; // what's left is the seconds;
if ($secs < 30) {
$returnval = "just now";
if ($secs > 30) {
$returnval = "about $secs second".(($secs>1) ? "s":"")." ago";
if ($mins > 0) {
$returnval = "$mins minute".(($mins>1) ? "s":"")." ago";
if ($hours > 0) {
$returnval = "$hours hour".(($hours>1) ? "s":"")." ago";
if ($days > 0) {
$returnval = "$days day".(($days>1) ? "s":"")." ago";
if ($days == 2) {
$returnval = "Yesterday at $tme";
if ($days > 2) {
$returnval = "$days day".(($days>1) ? "s":"")." ago";
if ($days ==7) {
$returnval = "a week ago";
if ($days ==30) {
$returnval = "a month ago";
if ($days > 30) {
$returnval = "$dati";
return $return . $returnval;
PHP Code:ponick_time($shouttime);
Last edited by Ponick; 01.05.11, 13:43.PHP Code:/* I don't know everything hehe */