Paypal Mobile!

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    Paypal Mobile!

    have fun
    Attached Files

    The above code was taken from and - do not download the version above download the original

    My work, mine, not yours. You have no right at all to replace the sign up and upgrade links with a donation feature.

    Cheeky, very cheeky.


      if u do not wish for that to happen then do not post your work for free, most ppl wont give credit to the ppl who do the work, so if its credit you're helping for, then might as well not help at all


        if u do not wish for that to happen then do not post your work for free, most ppl wont give credit to the ppl who do the work, so if its credit you're helping for, then might as well not help at all[/b]
        the thing that pisses me off is that the idiot replaced the sign up links with stupid donate now links.

        that's my work, i worked with paypal and the folks over at to get it live so as you'd expect i'm a little angry to see some idiot has butchered it for their own capital gain.


          I have replaced the zip file with the original one, stop fighting guys

          By the way it happens very often that someone has downloaded your script and than claims its his/her work.
          Advertise your mobile site for FREE with AdTwirl


            how do u get it running?


              I thought all the instructions were in the code sample and on the article.....


                I thought all the instructions were in the code sample and on the article.....[/b]


                  just 3files in a zip file- instructions? didnt see any- maybe i missed something.


                    Well nice work Andy Moore, i shall be looking into this and probably using it. Thanks.


                      just 3files in a zip file- instructions? didnt see any- maybe i missed something.[/b]
                      Read the comments in mobile-checkout.php - that tells you how to get sorted and there's all the info on the paypal site, again links inside that script.

                      Well nice work Andy Moore, i shall be looking into this and probably using it. Thanks.[/b]
                      No problem.


                        Hi Im not sure how this works...but I thought I would make a post for this forum.

                        I just finished my mobile site a few weeks ago and it works fine. I kind-of specialized it for the iphone... you guys can check it out.... m.ragtube (iphone link)

                        Maybe within the coming days or weeks... I will make it so it works on the blackberry... matter-fact I will do this. So check it out and tell me what you think

                        Remember it is specialized...

               is my email addy if you have questions or simply pm me.


                          thanks for your share

