Php Social Networking Script For Sell

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    Php Social Networking Script For Sell

    Social Network Script (PHP Social Network Script) Feature Details.....

    Install your own unique social network!
    Why Infocus Social Network Script ?
    100% unencoded PHP code
    Instant download
    Hosted on your server
    Actively developed
    No "powered by" branding
    Custom profiles
    Subnetworks & privacy

    We're pleased to announce the release of SocialEngine v3.16. This release includes several important bug fixes. We've been hard at work diagnosing an elusive login issue that affected a small minority of clients and we believe the issue has been addressed. Thank you to all those that provided us with helpful information.

    Social Network is a feature-rich white label social networking application built to support almost any concept. The stable platform is designed to give you the flexibility to implement your own unique features and layout. We've included all of the staples that users have come to expect: Blogs, albums, groups, messages, and everything else you see listed below. We believe in keeping things simple; you'll find that philosophy demonstrated in the layout of Social Network as well as the well-designed backend code.

    User Profiles :-

    1. Multi-part profiles
    2. Customizable profile fields
    3. Dependent profile fields
    4. Regex field validation
    5. Keyword links
    6. Birthday fields
    7. Personal photos (avatars)
    8. Profile privacy
    10. Custom CSS styles

    Network Structure & Customizability :-

    1. Subnetworks
    2. Several friendship structures
    3. One-way or two-way friendships
    4. Verified or unverified friendships
    5. Friendship types (titles)
    6. Friendship explanations
    7. Public/private sections
    8. Custom privacy levels
    9. Signup by admin invitation
    10. Signup by user invitation
    11. Customizable signup process
    12. Email messages

    Frontend, Look & Feel :-

    1. Template engine
    2. Global CSS styles
    3. No copyright notice
    4. Portal page example included
    5. Multi-language support
    6. Search engine friendly URLs

    Anti-spam Features :-

    1. Email address verification
    2. Random password generation
    3. Automatic "CAPTCHA" images
    4. Inappropriate content reports
    5. Simple user management
    6. User banning
    7. Word censors
    8. Blocklist

    Photo Albums (Plugin) :-

    1. All file types accepted
    2. Automatic thumbnails
    3. Multiple albums per user
    4. Storage space limit per user
    5. File size and dimensions limit
    6. Automatic image resizing
    7. Custom CSS styles
    8. Browse friends' albums
    10. Multiple simultaneous uploads
    11. Album privacy

    Blogs (Plugin) :-

    1. WYSIWYG entry composer
    2. Seamless image upload
    3. Custom CSS styles
    4. Blog entry categories
    5. Blog entry privacy

    Groups (Plugin) :-

    1. Customizable group fields
    2. Group categories
    3. Browse groups
    4. Group photo album
    5. Membership rankings
    6. Membership approval/rejection
    7. Membership invitations
    8. Custom CSS styles
    10. Group Discussion Board

    Classifieds (Plugin) :-

    1. Privacy Settings
    2. Customizable Categories and Fields
    3. New Classifieds Email Notification
    4. Classifieds Listings
    5. Listing Settings
    7. Classified Listing Photos

    Events (Plugin) :-

    1. Event Calendar
    2. Invitations and RSVPs
    3. Event Photos
    4. Privacy Settings
    5. Customizable Event Categories
    6. Event Email Notifications
    7. Event Listings
    8. Event Browser

    Chat (Plugin) :-

    1. Efficient AJAX Chat System
    2. Smilies, Sounds, and Timestamps
    3. Privacy Settings
    4. Update Frequency
    5. Who's Online

    Video (Plugin):-

    1. Upload Video Content
    2. Embed YouTube vidoes
    3. Browse Videos
    4. Video Rating

    Private Messages :-

    1. Message inbox/outbox
    2. Message limits
    3. Conversation history
    4. New message notifications

    Browse / Search :-

    1. Separate MySQL database
    2. Immediate indexing

    Other Tools :-

    1. Email announcements
    2. News announcements
    3. Comprehensive statistics
    4. Access log
    5. Bundled "PHP/Flash charts" class

    Demo Available....

    You can chat with me:-

    For More Informations:- CLICK HERE

    Warm Regards,
    Sahil Sinha
    Infocus Web Solutions Pvt. Ltd.