Selling Rapidshare account valid till 7 jan 2010

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    Selling Rapidshare account valid till 7 jan 2010

    Hi all,

    i am selling a rapidshare account with is valid till 7 jan 2010 (plus you can exstend for a month with points)

    reason why is i alredy have a rapidshare account valid till jan 2010
    this was my bf acount but he passed away last month so now im noting with it
    tryd to mail to rapidshare to merge that one with mine but they dont do that so im trying to sell it now, counted has 140days left so i wil sell it for 25USD$
    counting that a 180day rapidshare is around 40USD$ this is cheap lol (as with the exstend month is 170days left)

    you can send me an email to if you are intrested (i accept only paypal to)


    Originally posted by Babyboy View Post
    this was my bf acount but he passed away last month
    R u gay? lmao ur username is babyboy??
    Visit my site

