Auto Classified script that change the way ! AutoFInd V1.1

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    Auto Classified script that change the way ! AutoFInd V1.1

    Mates !
    As you know the online classified web sites are a one of huge section in internet who makes huge money online and get lots of traffic for sure.In that case Auto Classified sites are main.
    But problem is most of the classified scripts are well over aged designed and not matching to recent world at all.
    so here comes the solution.....
    AutoFind Auto Classified script

    Click image for larger version

Name:	img2.png
Views:	1
Size:	244.2 KB
ID:	112812Click image for larger version

Name:	img1.png
Views:	2
Size:	117.8 KB
ID:	112813
    AutoFind is a small social network of Auto Classified site.You know that every thing is now social on Internet.So by using AutoFind script you can make a Auto Classified site that make a social network between buyers and sellers.Its easy to connect each other and do the business.

    Main thing is we believe that every buyer one day became a seller.Why? yes one day he wants to sell the car that he bought from the site.Its a circle between sell and buy.AutoFind makes it much easier to do that.
    Other thing is buying a Used or brand new car is cannot done in one day just like buying a toy.Most of the people search ,research talk before by anything ,May be its take several months.So we understand that fact.
    Then we developed AutoFind much easier to communicate with sellers and buyers as well.

    Users can send private messages for each other ,submit reviews to each other ,like each other profiles and posted ads with site integrated like system any more social tools.

    For just more details just visit our official web site and go to "features" page.
    Want to view a working demo?

    check it out here
    AutoFind V 1.1 Demo

    Basic user - username- user1
    password- user1

    pm me for admin logging details .

    so here comes the best part .......

    THE PRICE !!!
    We think most of the Auto Classified scripts are usually over priced .AutoFind make changed that thing too.

    AutoFind single licence - $129
    Hosted version - $29 (monthly)

    Thats it? No !

    As we entering to market we offer something special.

    Buy AutoFind bulk licence and make money...

    yeh buy some bulk licence with resell rights.You can sell AutoFind script for any price you want ,We give the all the support and free updates for 3 months given by us .....! (FREE)
    this is the chance to make some money with a grate product ....

    Bulk pricing ...
    3 resell rights licences - $ 220
    5 resell rights licences - $ 360
    7 resell rights licences - $ 500
    10 resell rights licences - $ 680

    Pm me if you interested .I will send you the payment details.
    All the script installtion will be done by for FREE !(if you want )

    Ask anything here i you have anything to clear.
    Thanks for your time.Have a grate day.

    hmm my bitdefender anti-virus/anti-maleware forbids me to enter the demo site.

    Bitdefender Internet Security 2013
    Page not safe
    Bitdefender blocked this page
    This page is blocked by Bitdefender Cloud protection.

    Take me back to safety
    Disable Antimalware filter

    with that said. im unable to trust this source.
    include ('Ghost');
    if ($Post == true) {
    echo '

    alt='!!' />';
    echo 'Sharing Is Caring!';
    } else {
    echo '

    alt='the username GHOST has been comprimised!' />';
    echo 'OMG SOMEBODY HELP ME!!';


      Thank you for reporing

      Thank you for your kind reply gost.
      The matter is a few months back that domain used to host a Social networking web site that make online connections with buyers and sellers around the world.
      And all so in last in April 2012 that site was hacked due to server security error and the hacker uploaded some phishing scripts to the host.
      earlier every virus guard blocked my site.But i contact every single AntiVirus sections and ask them to recheck the site and remove my block.All of them has removed my web site form their black list.
      But i missed to report bitdifender.So thank you for reporting for that.
      I have reported to bitdifender forum and they will remove that block.Thank You.

      All the my payments are handled by 2co checkout system.So there is nothing to worry.
      And sorry for inconvenience

