Anybody Can Tel How To Create, Mobile Bookmark In Jar File ?
How To Create Mobile Jar BookMark?
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To create your own jar Bookmark you need some tools like BlueFTP and Class editor or Class Translator and already jarBookmark file in a zip format, you can use Ucweb browser to download the jar file but make sure you save it only not install it, when you have save it you have the file in zip format.
Are you getting me?
To download BlueFTP goto address below.
This for Class Translator.
I need to change my battery.
I'll be right back.
Added after 13 minutes:
The successful wapmaster tool
is java bookmark launcher. It
really helps to the people to
access their site just in a single
click. So every wapmaster should
aware of this tool.
In this tutorial i just want to help
new wapmasters to create their
own java bookmark launcher.
Lets begin with a bit of facts.
Jar file is nothing but a zip file
which consist of one META-INF
folder. Inside this folder there
will be only one file called
MANIFEST.MF. And .class files.
MANIFEST.MF file can be edit
with ordinary notepad. It consist
the details of who is the owner,
name of the application and
Most important file is .class
files. It carries the functions of
application. And it will present in
more numbers. Class files can't be
edited with Text Editors. These
files can be able to edit only with
Class Editors, Class Translator and HEX Editors
Now we going to edit an
existing bookmark launcher just
replacing with your own logo,
icon and site address using
mobile phone.
Class Translator.jar,
Step one:
Generally a bookmark launcher
consist of six files.One META-INF
folder(Inside this folder One
MANIFEST.MF File), one icon file,
one logo file, Three .class files.
First download jar
bookmark to your phone. If you
are using uc browser just save
(dont install!) in your mobile as said befor..
Step two:
Open that zip file and extract it in a new folder created in your phone by
using BlueFTP.
Step three:
Inside this file you will find
MANIFEST folder. Inside this edit file with your name
and details using any Text Editor.
Now use Class Translator to edit class
files. You will see 3 class files
named a.class, b.class and
prem.class. dont edit first two
classes. Leave them as it is. Just
open prem.class with the editor
and it will show just edit and use
your url.
Step four:
Then there will be two .png files.
One is ico.png which is your
application's icon. Create an icon
with size 46x46 size. And
logo.png is your Logo. Use small
size about 150x100.
Step five:
Now you have edited manifest
file, prem.class file. And replaced
icon and logo file. But be careful
in editing as a small changes May
cause invalid file. When you are
done, by using blueftp again
compress all files to _jar format and rename it with your phone from (_jar) to (.jar)
Thats all. You have done your
own bookmark launcher.!Last edited by Rappsintl; 20.05.12, 07:39.