rude visitors

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    rude visitors

    don't you hate it when people login to your site n seem to be nosing about to see what you coded, but never seem to reply to your messages, even when you asking for comments...

    and i find it funny how people come on here asking me for my script all the time just cause it looks different... when if they'd just say hi on the site, most likely i'd offer to set them up a site with my script, lmao... protocol peoples, n manners will take you far in life...

    now for your information... if you want my script... do what i did n get funmobile n edit it... lol, i find it funny how guys asking for my script when i know i got nothing on mg4 n mobizones n some of the other edits here. the only difference with my edit is i tried not to copy features from other edits cause everyone got the same features...

    It's simpley an edited version of funmobile! like the script that came before most of the ones on here... n if you want a copy, wait till i release it... not having other people claim my coding n updates like happened previously...
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    get used to it, that's what i did


      lol... i guess, or i'll just tell peoples no when they ask for my script... i'll host them if they want, but the3y gotta talk to me... so if you ain't talking to me, i guess you don't want a site with my script, lol...
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        I dont give a hoot thats how to manage it


          pmb you see my site every day i acept 20-30 mails from some wapmasters to give my script and they get angry when i tell them to search on coding talk,they tell me that script does not exist...not exist?therte are thousands of lava edit,every have his own version,i have mine and doing it well.


            yeah man, i hear you on that one...
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