adtwirl not give Earring on Click. Gumslone

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    adtwirl not give Earring on Click. Gumslone

    i think, it is not good for publisher. GumSlone Please tell me, why zero earning on 12 click.

    Publisher Stats
    Earning today: 0 USD
    Clicks today: 18
    Impressions today: 1035
    CTR: 1.74%

    Earning this month: 0.3 USD
    Clicks this month: 122
    Impressions this month: 6551
    CTR: 1.86%

    Why should I publish with AdTwirl?

    monetize your mobile site and earn money from it.

    show free (earn points) or paid ads (earn money).

    chose between text or banner ads.

    use AdTwirl as a link/banner exchange network in 1:1 exchange ration for free.

    Define single or multiple campaigns, with graphical and text banners.

    Publishers who show free ads on their sites will get ad-points for every click on a free ad.

    Earned points can be used as advertising balance.

    Our fill rate is over 90%.



      friend, adtwirl is more a traffic exchange system and less and advertisement network. so i think you should have points more and earnings less. the points that are not available for you are because they have already been spent on your campaigns ( i think so) .

      and yes, there are bugs in adtwirl sure. my code does not even work. so i don't use it.
      Dr. Ahmad
      Cheapest Mobile Advertising on the planet earth
      Growing Madly Now


        Originally posted by drahmad View Post

        friend, adtwirl is more a traffic exchange system and less and advertisement network. so i think you should have points more and earnings less. the points that are not available for you are because they have already been spent on your campaigns ( i think so) .

        and yes, there are bugs in adtwirl sure. my code does not even work. so i don't use it.
        if your code does not work it doesnt mean that the the system isnt working, its just because you are probably unable to install a simple code with multiple install examples,
        and adtwirl is also a advertising network, we have some publushers who earn 700 usd a month, and this publisher is not me,
        but yes at the moment there are not many advertisers, so the network is good for exchange.

        Originally posted by videodesihot View Post
        i think, it is not good for publisher. GumSlone Please tell me, why zero earning on 12 click.

        Publisher Stats
        Earning today: 0 USD
        Clicks today: 18
        Impressions today: 1035
        CTR: 1.74%

        Earning this month: 0.3 USD
        Clicks this month: 122
        Impressions this month: 6551
        CTR: 1.86%
        have you disabled free ads in the php install code?
        Advertise your mobile site for FREE with AdTwirl


          Your Code are Display on this site Best Traffic Site | Add your site here| The Best traffic sender toplist and code is this
            function adtwirl_request($ads_number = 1, $use_array = true)
                // PHP Install Code Version: 21.05.2010 v 1.05.00 BETA
                // Unique id code of your site
                $site_code = '8b28e0f3-54c6-487e-878a-9e616bf8f809';
                // Enable image ads (true = enable ; false = disable )
                $image_ads = true;
                // Enable adult ads (true = enable ; false = disable )
                $adult_ads = true;
                /* Enable free ads (true = enable ; false = disable ) you will get points instead of Money for this ads which you can use to advertise your site, if this ads are disabled your site will show only cash ads */
                $free_ads = true;
                $request_method = 1; /* You can chose here the request method for ads, but the best value is 1 which stands for curl request method. Any other value will be readfile which is not recomended. */
                // Do not edit from this line
                $IP = ""; if (isset($_SERVER)) { if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) { $IP = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]; $proxy = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } elseif (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"])) { $IP = $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]; } elseif (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_REAL_IP"])) { $IP = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_REAL_IP"]; } else { $IP = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } } else { if (getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')) { $IP = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'); $proxy = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); } elseif (getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP')) { $IP = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP'); } else { $IP = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); } } if (strstr($IP, ',')) { $ips = explode(',', $IP); $IP = $ips[0]; } if (empty($IP)) $IP = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; elseif (strtolower(trim($IP)) == 'unknown') $IP = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $keyname_ua_arr = array('HTTP_X_DEVICE_USER_AGENT', 'HTTP_X_OPERAMINI_PHONE_UA', 'HTTP_USER_AGENT'); foreach ($keyname_ua_arr as $keyname_ua) { if (!empty($_SERVER[$keyname_ua])) { $ua = urlencode($_SERVER[$keyname_ua]); break; } } $url = ''.$site_code.'&ip='.urlencode($IP).'&ua='.$ua.'&uri='.urlencode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]).'&host='.urlencode($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]).'&lang='.urlencode($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]).'&adult='.$adult_ads.'&free='.$free_ads.'&image='.$image_ads.'&ads='.$ads_number.'&code=28-3-10'; if($request_method == 1) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } else { ini_set('default_socket_timeout',1); if (@$file = fopen($url, "r")) { while(!feof($file)) { $result .= fgets($file, 1024); } fclose ($file); } }
                if ($use_array == true && $ads_number > 1)
                    $arr = explode("\n", $result);
                    $ads = array();
                        if(preg_match('/^\<.*\>$/', $arr[$i])) $ads[] = $arr[$i];
                    if(count($ads)>0)return $ads;
                elseif(preg_match('/^\<.*\>$/', $result)) 
                    return $result;
            // USAGE EXAMPLE
            echo adtwirl_request();
             /* Or if you want to use 2 ads request and place ads separate on your site use this example: 
             $_ads = adtwirl_request(2);
             $first_ad = $_ads[0];
             $second_ad = $_ads[1];
             And now to place the first and second ad eg. at the top and at the bottom of your site put. 
             top of the site
             echo $first_ad;
             Here is your site content
             bottom of your site
             echo $second_ad;
             this example will save your server ressources because you will get 2 ads at 1 request and also you can put them at different places on your site */


            You see this:

            PHP Code:
            /* Enable free ads (true = enable ; false = disable ) you will get points instead of Money for this ads which you can use to advertise your site, if this ads are disabled your site will show only cash ads */
            $free_ads true
            if you set it to "false" your site will show only paid ads and you will earn only cash and not the advertising points.
            Advertise your mobile site for FREE with AdTwirl


              Originally posted by GumSlone View Post
              You see this:

              PHP Code:
              /* Enable free ads (true = enable ; false = disable ) you will get points instead of Money for this ads which you can use to advertise your site, if this ads are disabled your site will show only cash ads */
              $free_ads true
              if you set it to "false" your site will show only paid ads and you will earn only cash and not the advertising points.
              thanks for help


                I appreciate ur network. But i've probs with it so thats why i dont use it. Since i use the link code, their is neglĂ­gibe posibility of mistake..still my adpage is empty. Hm, wht i said abt adtwirl ?(its more a t.exchane and less...) you concluded the sam lol.
                I nevr meant to depriciate it anyways.
                Dr. Ahmad
                Cheapest Mobile Advertising on the planet earth
                Growing Madly Now

