Common Question in Google adsense.

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    Common Question in Google adsense.

    Common Question in google adsense.
    if i am on a shared ip & create a adsense account.then someone else visit my site & ad from same Ip,will adsense Banned me?
    Suppose I Registration a adsense account from a wimax connection,which connection is shared IP.Then Google will trace my Ip.Some more people like me are try to create account on adsense.then google will find that 1 people try to create a lot of account.[Because same ip]Then google going to ban all account from this IP.Or Some one else visit my site from same IP.then google will find that i click on my own ad.then google will ban my account.
    Is anyone have proper & right idea about this conclusion???
    I want to know that what i think is right or wrong? because once i create a adsense account for a domain,i got 30$ in 7-8day with 100+ visitor.Most of them are me from Cyber cafe & same Internet provider.then i got Banned.
    Mod,Please Move this to correct board,if placed wrong.

    I am sure over the years Google have put in place algorithm that separates each user even though they share the same IP. Adsense uses cookies, and these cookies tell Google almost all they need to know. So if you are getting clicks from the same IP that already has their cookies flagged within the last x hours, then u might be in trouble.

    Have you even considered the possibility that maybe you violated some other TOS term?

