maths problems

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    maths problems

    ok, this isn't specifically coding related as such, even though it is about coding and its not really general, and it is at the same time...

    basically i started coding a little game where you train up characters to fight (ok that bit is still to come) but i got the training bit done kinda... With three variables, namely muscle, stamina n brains...
    Now i'm trying to work out what formula i can use to calculate, mass, speed and agility...
    Mass i got, but speed n agility i'm stuck... Please assist anyone who good with numbers...
    So far the only effective working variable i got is mass which goes mass = 65 (base weight without muscles) + ($muscles * 10.02); basic but working, lol... I will make a more technical formula at a later stage, but first need to work out how to calculate agility n speed so they actually go upwards from zero as opposed to what they do now... I will try fiddle with the formulas in my demo though...
    N yeah i'm keen to team up on coding this if anyone keen, inbox me... Demo for how progress going on
    Last edited by pmbguy; 15.11.12, 14:02.
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    your sites are very unsecure
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      its just a demo site, just to demonstrate the game or what i coded thus far... i will add security at a later stage...
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