Hi! Anybody know how to report a spam website and shut it down. I want to report about ***We dont need extra spam from your side... therefore link removed*** This guy is sending spam messages with my number. He has put my number on his sender id. I cantacted him but got no reply. Please help!!
Website Complain
Originally posted by amitdas333 View PostHi! Anybody know how to report a spam website and shut it down. I want to report about ***We dont need extra spam from your side... therefore link removed*** This guy is sending spam messages with my number. He has put my number on his sender id. I cantacted him but got no reply. Please help!!Last edited by metulj; 26.06.12, 15:20.They Make Rules & I Break Them
I think there are govt sites to which you can complain.
Much better will be to complain to your network provider as well as lodge a legal complaint.Last edited by EpIcInCoGnItO; 26.06.12, 14:01.