need code to target browser and country

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    need code to target browser and country

    Let me try to explain:

    I want a code I can put in my header and footer where I can show text and image links.

    If a user from india with a nokia browses, it shows a specific ad.
    If a user from usa with iphone browses, it shows something else.

    So I want to be able to pick what text/image link someone from usa with iphone sees, what someone from usa with android sees etc.

    Also, must be able to pick up to 10 different links per browser/country combination.

    Post your price and let me know if you need more clarification.


    Ok I found an example of what I am looking for. Check
    But don't need such an advanced script
    Last edited by laro696; 15.05.13, 14:22.

    You need country based targeting code.I can do ur job in cheap. pm me
    Last edited by z0n3; 15.05.13, 16:00.


      I found a really cool service for this...

      JSON Response
      PHP Code:
      "geoplugin_credit":"Some of the returned data includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from <a href=\\'http:\/\/\\'>http:\/\/<\/a>.",

      Mobile chat, iphone chat, android chat, chat, rooms


        Staff please close the topic, got what I want

