2 days max - php/mysql - easy

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    2 days max - php/mysql - easy

    i need a coder for some easy task (i would do it myself but i'm too busy atm)

    my friend works for some company in france and they need inventory-like script for computers (home pc's, laptops, etc..),
    most important part is the search functionality, i have table structure done and will try to explain/draw how it should look..

    there are 9 pages: index (list inventory, with pager, [delete record]), search (search by ram size, hard disk size, graphic card, monitor size, model, processor, etc..), add new, edit, client list page, client edit page, add client page, bill printing (html page, a4 format ready), and specification printing (product overview, html page, a4 format ready)

    i already did script similar to this for some isp company and can share it..

    this is table structure
    table "products":
    product id, date of entry, product name, manufacturer, model, barcode, monitor, processor, hard drive, ram, graphics, operating system, other, buying price, selling price, market price, repair price, active, product count

    table "bills":
    bill id, bill number, bill date, client id, product id, vat

    table "clients":
    client id, full name, address, postal code, city, phone, email
    here's a drawing how should index page look like (i forgot to add [print] / [bill])
    Click image for larger version

Name:	lRyj8.png
Views:	1
Size:	5.9 KB
ID:	112472

    more info on msn/skype/etc.. if you're interested pm me

    nevermind guys, i've started the project and its going well..
    this is what i've got so far:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Os1h7.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	53.6 KB
ID:	110051

    thread can be closed/deleted


      Originally posted by milomir View Post
      nevermind guys, i've started the project and its going well..
      this is what i've got so far:

      thread can be closed/deleted
      looks great
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        yeah, too bad owner didn't like it, i started from scratch..
        this is how it looks now:
        Click image for larger version

Name:	L3ymW.png
Views:	1
Size:	96.0 KB
ID:	110052
        Click image for larger version

Name:	5EFKG.png
Views:	1
Size:	94.4 KB
ID:	110053

        this is requiring much more time then i expected lol

