hey there i would like someone to make me a style sheet with the sort of colours that i want or if you suggest. i'd be gratefull for the help, i can make style sheets but theyre rubish. thanks you lot !
Style Sheets
Code:<html> <head> <title>Practice CSS outline Property</title> <style type="text/css"> h1 {background-color: #000000; color: #FFFFFF} h5 {background-color: #0000CC; color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Century Gothic} td { border: 1px outset blue; } .b:link {color: #000000; font-family: Tahoma} .b:visited {color: #006600; font-family: Comic Sans MS; font: bold} .b:hover {color: #FFCC00; font-size:150%; font-family: Comic Sans MS} .b:active {color: #FF00CC} </style> </head> <body text="silver"; bgcolor="red"> <p style="outline:thin solid lime;"> This text is having thin solid lime outline. </p> <h5>h5 tag</h5> <h1>h1 tag</h1> <p style="outline:inset #004400;"> This text is having inset green outline. </p> <hr /> <p style="outline:5px groove rgb(13,33,232);"> This text is having 5x groove blue outline. </p> <td> [url="/html/index.php"]Click this link[/url] <td> </body> </html>
cheers m8,
the sort of site style sheet am looking for is a professional one with colours of blue black white red, cream. or if anyone has any better idea i'm open to suggestions, but would be very greatful if some who is creative unlike myslf could create a better looking one then myself