Download Script from here: DownLoads - Always FREE
Extract ZIP archive and put all files into Your server directory, where You want to online script appear.
By editing file useronline.php You can customise Your online script desing e.c.t
To include it to Your site, just make new PHP line:
include_once "useronline.php";
(there is many variations, how to include, this is only one example)
That's it, dont forgot to chmod online.txt file to 666!
Extract ZIP archive and put all files into Your server directory, where You want to online script appear.
By editing file useronline.php You can customise Your online script desing e.c.t
To include it to Your site, just make new PHP line:
include_once "useronline.php";
(there is many variations, how to include, this is only one example)
That's it, dont forgot to chmod online.txt file to 666!