Handling Multidimensional Arrays

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    Handling Multidimensional Arrays

    Hi :-D

    After my daughter was born last year i didnt Really have time for coding anymore.

    Lately i started again and now i want to show you how to handle Multidimensional Arrays , the approach i am using here is called Nested Foreach .

    It is not always required to use a Nested foreach as you will see later on.

    Ok lets assume we have this Array:
    PHP Code:
    Array (
    fruit] =&gtapple
    [plant] =&gttree
    [healthy] =&gtyes
    Array (
    fruit] =&gtorange
    [plant] =&gttree
    [healthy] =&gtyes

    Now usually we can just echo it out using foreach like this

    PHP Code:
    foreach($array as $key =&gt$value)
    "$key \n $value \n";

    now for a multidimensional array it will be even easier.

    Look at the example below

    PHP Code:
    foreach($value as $fruit)
    printf("Fruit: %s Plant: %s Healthy: %s,

    As you can see we only used the "as" we got rid of the "=>" .
    Well i cant really tell you, as in my expierience it returns a empty string.
    Anyways, back on Topic.

    Now Sometimes it might become even more confusing when we have a array like this:

    PHP Code:
    Array (
    fruit] =&gtapple
    [plant] =&gttree
    [healthy] =&gtyes
    Array (
    fruit] =&gtorange
    [plant] =&gttree
    [healthy] =&gtyes

    Here we will use what is called Nested Foreach .

    What is a Nested Foreach?

    To make it Simple:
    A nested foreach is a foreach inside a foreach.

    Click image for larger version

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    Little Joke on the Side ;-)

    Anyways lets build a nested foreach.

    PHP Code:
    foreach($value as $fruit)
    $fruit as $fruits)
    ///now i use printf you can also use echo to echo it out as mentioned upstairs
    echo "$fruits[plant]"//Example

    Now this we can repeat as many times as needed depending on how nested the Array is.

    Thats all i wanted to show for the moment.

    I am sure there are better ways on to do this. But this is my personal Experience :-) hope it helped someone.

    PHP Code:
    foreach ($_SERVER as $server => $value)
    "$server is $value<br />";
