Problem in mysql statement and if condition

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    Problem in mysql statement and if condition

    Good day!

    I have code to check if the cloth type is NW or W for the operation name Operation3, Operation4, and Operation5.

    NW = AAA, BBB, CCC
    W = all cloth that was not belong to NW

    Here is the code I want to ask for you if correct and if I have missing code, because I’m not good in if condition and mysql statement.

      include 'config.php';
      $cloth_type  = $_POST['clt_type'];
      $input_qty = $_POST['input_qty'];
      $output_qty = $_POST['output_qty'];
      if ($_POST["clt_no"]){
      $query = "SELECT t.operation_name FROM clt_traceability t, clt_transact c WHERE c.cloth_type = '" .  $cloth_type . "' AND t.operation_name = 'Operation3, Operation4, Operation5 ' AND t.clt_no = c.clt_no";
      $result = mysql_query($query);
      if($cloth_type = 'AAA, BBB ,CCC')  {
        $input_qty = $input_qty * 14.15;
        $output_qty = $output_qty * 14.15;
        $input_qty = $input_qty * 15.85;
        $output_qty = $output_qty * 15.85;

    And I attached the code where I want to put the code for checking the cloth type and for the automatic multiply the input qty and output qty depend on the cloth type because the user input numbers by frame so I need to multiply it to become dozen which I put in the test code above.

    Thank you.

    I also try this code:
    PHP Code:
    include 'config.php';
    $rexist 0;
    $query sprintf("INSERT INTO clt_transact(cloth_type)VALUES ('%s')",   
    $result mysql_query($query); 
    $clt_transact_id mysql_insert_id();
    $opname $_POST["opname"];
    $inqty $_POST["inqty"];
    $outqty $_POST["outqty"];
    $varqty $_POST["varqty"];
    $totalarr count($opname) - 1;
    $ctr=0$ctr $totalarr$ctr++)
    $inqty[$ctr] = (float) $inqty[$ctr];
    $varqty[$ctr] = (float) $varqty[$ctr];
    $outqty[$ctr] = (float) $outqty[$ctr];
    $query "INSERT INTO clt_traceability (operation_name, input_qty, output_qty, variance_qty, clt_transact_id) VALUES ('" $opname[$ctr] . "', '" $inqty[$ctr] . "','" $outqty[$ctr] . "', '" $varqty[$ctr] . "', '" $clt_transact_id "')";
    $result mysql_query($query);
    $query "SELECT t.operation_name FROM clt_traceability t, clt_transact c WHERE c.cloth_type = '" .  $cloth_type "' AND t.operation_name IN ('Operation3, Operation4, Operation5 ') AND t.clt_no = c.clt_no";
    $result mysql_query($query);

    $cloth_type == 'AAA' or $cloth_type == 'BBB' or $cloth_type == 'CCC') {
    $input_qty $input_qty 14.15;
    $output_qty $output_qty 14.15;
    $input_qty $input_qty 15.85;
    $output_qty $output_qty 15.85;
    $rexist 0;
        <style type="text/css">
        .myclass {
         font-size: 10pt; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        <script type="text/javascript">
    document.onkeypress = function(e){
        e = e || event; e.returnValue = true;
        var t = || e.srcElement, re = /^(inqty|outqty)(\d+)$/, f = arguments.callee, m, i;
        function next(){
            if(!f.els && (m = t.form) === document.forms.clttype){
                var ipts = m.getElementsByTagName('input'), els = []; i = ipts.length - 1;
                for (i; i > -1; --i){
                    if(ipts[i].type && ipts[i].type.toLowerCase() === 'text'){
                f.els = els;
                i = f.els.length - 1;
                for (i; i > -1; --i){
                    if(f.els[i] === t && (m = f.els[i - 1])){
        if((m = re.exec( && e.keyCode === 13){
            e.returnValue = false;
            t.form.elements['varqty' + m[2]].value = t.form.elements['inqty' + m[2]].value - t.form.elements['outqty' + m[2]].value;
        } else if (t.type && e.keyCode === 13 && t.type.toLowerCase() !== 'submit') {
            e.returnValue = false;
        return e.returnValue;
    PHP Code:
    <form action='frame.php' method="post" name="clttype">

    "<tr><td>Cloth Type</td><td><input type='text' name='cloth_type' id='cloth_type' /></td></tr>";
    $query "SELECT * FROM clt_trace_operations ORDER BY operation_name";
    $last_operation_name "";
    $result mysql_query($query);
    $rexist 1;
    "<tr><th class='myclass'>OPERATIONS</th><th class='myclass'>INPUT <br/> QTY</th><th class='myclass'>OUTPUT <br/> QTY</th><th class='myclass'>VARIANCE Qty</th></tr>";
    $totalrows mysql_num_rows($result);
    $trows $totalrows 1;
    $ctr 0$ctr $trows$ctr++)
    $row mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $tctr $ctr 1;
                if (
    $last_operation_name != $row["operation_name"]) echo $row["operation_name"];
    $last_operation_name $row["operation_name"];
    "<input type='hidden' width='400' name='opname[]' value='" $row["operation_name"] . "' /></td>";  
    "\n\t\t<td><input size='6' type='text' name='inqty[]' id='inqty" $ctr "' /></td>";
    "\n\t\t<td><input size='6' type='text' name='outqty[]' id='outqty" $ctr "' ></td>";
    "\n\t\t<td><input size='6' type='text' name='varqty[]' id='varqty" $ctr "' /></td>";
    $totalrows 1);
    $row mysql_fetch_array($result);
                if (
    $last_operation_name != $row["operation_name"]) echo $row["operation_name"];
    $last_operation_name $row["operation_name"];
    "<input type='hidden' width='400' name='opname[]' value='" $row["operation_name"] . "' /></td>";   
    "<input type='hidden' name='opname[]' value='" $row["operation_name"] . "' /></td>";
    "\n\t\t<td><input size='6' type='text' name='inqty[]' id='inqty"  $ctr "' /></td>";
    "\n\t\t<td><input size='6' type='text' name='outqty[]'  id='outqty" $ctr "'  /></td>";
    "\n\t\t<td><input size='6' type='text' name='varqty[]' value=''  id='varqty" $ctr "' /></td>";
    "<p><input type='submit' value='  Save  ' id='saveform' /></p>";
    "<input type='hidden' name='clt_typeno' value='" $_POST["clt_typeno"] . "' />";
    When I run this code I input BBB in cloth type and I insert numbers in input qty and it did not automatically multiply in 14.15 but no errors encountered. The reason why I need to automatically multiply it because the user input numbers where is the unit of measure is Frame I need to convert it to Dozen so I will multiply to 14.15 if NW and 15.85 if W.
    Attached Files

    I didn't look at the second code, cos I'm in mobile and its kinda difficult to read as there is no wrap in it.

    For the first code,

    If ($cloth_type == 'AAA' || $cloth_type == 'BBB' || $cloth_type == 'CCC') {
    ....Some code here....
    Else ...some more code...

    Btw, using input variables directly in your sql statements is just asking for trouble. Use some sort of filter first.
    Perfection comes at a cost

    I accept liberty!


      I attached the second code that you don't understand.

      Thank you
      Attached Files


        So did the first one work? And what do you need done with the second one?

        Added after 10 minutes:

        I just did a quick read and correct me if in wrong

        Your compared $cloth_type, but for the love of me I couldn't find the statement where you assigned $_POST['cloth_type'] to $cloth_type. Please check and let me know.

        Thanks for the txt file. Made it easy for me to read. :D
        Last edited by frostymarvelous; 22.12.10, 11:50.
        Perfection comes at a cost

        I accept liberty!


          Originally posted by frostymarvelous View Post
          So did the first one work? And what do you need done with the second one?

          Added after 10 minutes:

          I just did a quick read and correct me if in wrong

          Your compared $cloth_type, but for the love of me I couldn't find the statement where you assigned $_POST['cloth_type'] to $cloth_type. Please check and let me know.

          Thanks for the txt file. Made it easy for me to read. :D
          I'm sorry I did not declare variable cloth type:
          PHP Code:
          $cloth_type $_POST["cloth_type"];
          $query "SELECT t.operation_name FROM clt_traceability t, clt_transact c WHERE c.cloth_type = '" .  $cloth_type "' AND t.operation_name IN ('03 Pack Setting, 04 Brush Coating, 05 Dipping ') AND t.clt_no = c.clt_no";
          $result mysql_query($query); 
          Now I declare variable cloth_type but still it did not work...both my tested code did not work.

          Thank you


            I can't find any problem. Unless someone else does, I doubt if I can help. Sorry.
            Perfection comes at a cost

            I accept liberty!

