i didnt kn0w h0w s0me0ne kn0w my database name, passw0rd 0r table name in phpmydadmin.. If sql injecti0n.. I already put the bl0ck c0de via p0st n url.. Is it s0me0ne can view my c0nfig 0r hack phpmyadmin?? I really c0nfuse with that.. Can s0me0ne give me the answer h0w t0 s0lve that? If i encrypt the database.. Is it the s0luti0n..
Added after 3 minutes:
h0w ab0ut the sql all privelledges run that i set.. S0 c0nfuse n0w.. H0w can the run sql c0mmand and injecting...
Added after 3 minutes:
h0w ab0ut the sql all privelledges run that i set.. S0 c0nfuse n0w.. H0w can the run sql c0mmand and injecting...