When offering an Internet service, you must always keep security in mind as you develop your code. It may appear that most PHP scripts aren't sensitive to security concerns; this is mainly due to the large number of inexperienced programmers working in the language. However, there is no reason for you to have an inconsistent security policy based on a rough guess at your code's significance. The moment you put anything financially interesting on your server, it becomes likely that someone will try to casually hack it. Create a forum program or any sort of shopping cart, and the probability of attack rises to a dead certainty.
Here are a few general security guidelines, I've found from internet for my next .mobi product.
Don't trust forms.
Hacking forms is trivial. Yes, by using a silly JavaScript trick, you may be able to limit your form to allow only the numbers 1 through 5 in a rating field. The moment someone turns JavaScript off in their browser or posts custom form data, your client-side validation flies out the window.
Users interact with your scripts primarily through form parameters, and therefore they're the biggest security risk. What's the lesson? Always validate the data that gets passed to any PHP script in the PHP script.
Don't trust users.
Assume that every piece of data your website gathers is laden with harmful code. Sanitize every piece, even if you're positive that nobody would ever try to attack your site. Paranoia pays off.
Turn off global variables.
The biggest security hole you can have is having the register_globals configuration parameter enabled. Mercifully, it's turned off by default in PHP 4.2 and later.
Novice programmers view registered globals as a convenience, but they don't realize how dangerous this setting is. A server with global variables enabled automatically assigns global variables to any form parameters. For an idea of how this works and why this is dangerous, let's look at an example.
Let's say that you have a script named process.php that enters form data into your user database. The original form looked like this:
Recommended Security Configuration Options 
There are several PHP configuration settings that affect security features. Here are the ones that I use for production servers:In general, if you find code that wants to use these features, you shouldn't trust it. Be especially careful of anything that wants to use a function such as system,it's almost certainly flawed.
With these settings now behind us, let's look at some specific attacks and the methods that will help you protect your server.
Here are a few general security guidelines, I've found from internet for my next .mobi product.
Don't trust forms.

Hacking forms is trivial. Yes, by using a silly JavaScript trick, you may be able to limit your form to allow only the numbers 1 through 5 in a rating field. The moment someone turns JavaScript off in their browser or posts custom form data, your client-side validation flies out the window.
Users interact with your scripts primarily through form parameters, and therefore they're the biggest security risk. What's the lesson? Always validate the data that gets passed to any PHP script in the PHP script.
Don't trust users.

Assume that every piece of data your website gathers is laden with harmful code. Sanitize every piece, even if you're positive that nobody would ever try to attack your site. Paranoia pays off.
Turn off global variables.

The biggest security hole you can have is having the register_globals configuration parameter enabled. Mercifully, it's turned off by default in PHP 4.2 and later.
Novice programmers view registered globals as a convenience, but they don't realize how dangerous this setting is. A server with global variables enabled automatically assigns global variables to any form parameters. For an idea of how this works and why this is dangerous, let's look at an example.
Let's say that you have a script named process.php that enters form data into your user database. The original form looked like this:
PHP Code:
<input name="username" type="text" size="15" maxlength="64">
PHP Code:
// Define $authorized = true only if user is authenticated
if (authenticated_user()) {
$authorized = true;

There are several PHP configuration settings that affect security features. Here are the ones that I use for production servers:In general, if you find code that wants to use these features, you shouldn't trust it. Be especially careful of anything that wants to use a function such as system,it's almost certainly flawed.
With these settings now behind us, let's look at some specific attacks and the methods that will help you protect your server.