what do you think uses something) wait to see Wapmaster who know
Why is this
Originally posted by valentin2br View Postwhat do you think uses something) wait to see Wapmaster who knowwhatmp3.name - search mp3 on mobile
// Include files and connect to the database.
Code:include("config.php"); include("core.php"); $bcon = connectdb(); if (!$bcon){
Code:function crk($l){ global $CURUSER; write_log("Hacking Attempt! User:" . $CURUSER['username'] . " IP:".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']." - Attempt: ".$l, "delete"); header("Location: /index.php"); exit(); }
This is another bad words list. Theses are common words used in Cross-site scripting (XSS), RFI (Remote File Inclusion) and LFI (Local File Inclusion) Exploits in web applications which enable malicious attackers to inject malicious data into a site sometimes gaining full control using a Shell injection script (c99,r57).
Code:$ban2 = array( "delete from", "ibwf_users", "<script", "<object", ".write", ".location", ".cookie", ".open", "vbscript:", "<iframe", "<layer", "<style", ":expression", "<base", "id_level", "users_level", "xbt_", "c99.txt", "c99shell", "r57.txt", "r57shell.txt", "/home/", "/var/", "/www/", "/etc/", "/bin", "/sbin/", "\$_GET", "\$_POST", "\$_REQUEST", "window.open", "javascript:", "xp_cmdshell", ".htpasswd", ".htaccess", "<?php", "<?", "?>", "</script>" );
Code:$cepl = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
Code:if (!empty($cepl)) $cepl = strtolower(urldecode(preg_replace('/([\x00-\x08][\x0b-\x0c][\x0e-\x20])/', '', $cepl)));
Code:$ban = array(); $ban["union"] = "select"; $ban["update"] = "set"; $ban["drop"] = "table"; $ban["alter"] = "table"; $ban["truncate"] = "table"; $ban["drop"] = "database"; $ban["create"] = "table"; $ban["set password for"] = "@";
Code:foreach ($ban as $k => $l) if (str_replace($k, '', $cepl) != $cepl && str_replace($l,'',cepl) != $cepl) crk($cepl); if (str_replace($ban2, '', $cepl) != $cepl) crk($cepl);
Code:$cepl = implode(" ", $_REQUEST); if (!empty($cepl)) $cepl = strtolower(urldecode(preg_replace('/([\x00-\x08][\x0b-\x0c][\x0e-\x20])/', '', $cepl)));
Code:foreach ($ban as $k => $l) if (str_replace($k, '', $cepl) != $cepl && str_replace($l, '', $cepl) != $cepl) crk($cepl);
Code:if (str_replace($ban2, '', $cepl) != $cepl) crk($cepl);
Code:$cepl = implode(" ", $_COOKIE);
Code:if (!empty($cepl)) $cepl = strtolower(urldecode(preg_replace('/([\x00-\x08][\x0b-\x0c][\x0e-\x20])/', '', $cepl)));
Code:foreach ($ban as $k => $l) if(str_replace($k, '', $cepl) != $cepl && str_replace($l, '',$cepl) != $cepl) crk($cepl);
Code:if(str_replace($ban2, '', $cepl) !=$cepl) crk($cepl);
Last edited by wap2k; 25.12.09, 03:05.