the script needs to wapdesire 2 so that I can upload an avatar, and automatically sets the profile kobinowalem in the gallery but do not go ask for help and sorry for my english
upload avatar in wapdesire v2 please help
Code:echo "<a href=\"lists.php?action=upavat&sid=$sid\">»Upload Avatar</a><br/>";
Code://///////////////Upload avatar//////////////////////// else if($action=="upavat"){ addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Uploading avatar image",""); $size = $_FILES['attach']['size']/1024; $origname = $_FILES['attach']['name']; $res = false; $ext = explode(".", strrev($origname)); switch(strtolower($ext[0])){ case "gpj": $res = true; break; case "gepj": $res = true; break; } $tm = time(); $uploaddir = "./avatars"; if($size>512){ echo "File is larger than 512KB"; } else if ($res!=true){ echo "File type not supported! Please attach only a JPG/JPEG."; } else{ $name = getuid_sid($sid); $uploadfile = $name.".".$ext; $uppath=$uploaddir."/".$uploadfile; move_uploaded_file($_FILES['attach']['tmp_name'], $uppath); $filewa=$uppath; list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($filewa); $newname=$uploaddir."/".$name."u.jpg"; $newheight = ($height*128)/$width; $newimg=imagecreatetruecolor(128, $newheight); $largeimg=imagecreatefromjpeg($filewa); imagecopyresampled($newimg, $largeimg, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, $newheight, $width, $height); imagejpeg($newimg, $newname); imagedestroy($newimg); imagedestroy($largeimg); $file1=$name."u.jpg"; unlink($filewa); $res1 = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET avatar='./avatars/$file1' WHERE id='".$name."'"); } if($res1){ echo "Your file $origname was successfully uploaded and set to your profile!"; } else { echo "File couldn't be processed! Check error messages and report to a moderator or admin if applicable."; } }
Code:///////////////Upload avatar/////////////// else if($action=="upavat"){ addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Uploading avatar image","lists.php?action=$action"); $whonick = getnick_uid($who); boxstart("Upload Avatar"); echo "<p><u>Choose the pic:</u><br/> <form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"genproc.php?action=upavat&sid=$sid\" method=\"post\"> Image(JPG/JPEG image only):<br/>Size limit: 512KB<br/>Image will be resized to fit its width to 128 pixels. <input type=\"file\" name=\"attach\"/><br/> <input id=\"inputButton\" type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Send\"/></form></p> "; }
you dont upload the avatar you add the avatar you want on the site to the avatar folder and it does automatically
and before you say it yes thats on wapdesire v2 script as for the auto add to profile aint a clue i got the coding to auto add a persons pic to profiles but not avatarLast edited by floyd; 20.12.10, 02:01.