i would really like the codeing so bbcodes and smiles can be used in the shoutbox and annoncement on the main page thank you
bbcodes help
use this for the shoutbox
search for this function in core.php
Code:function getshoutbox($sid) { $shbox = ""; $shbox .= "<b><u>ShoutBox</u></b><br/>"; $lshout = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT shout, shouter, id FROM ibwf_shouts ORDER BY shtime DESC LIMIT 1")); $shnick = getnick_uid($lshout[1]); $shbox .= "<i><a href=\"index.php?action=viewuser&sid=$sid&who=$lshout[1]\">".$shnick."</a></i>: "; $shbox .= parsepm($lshout[0], $sid); $shbox .= "<br/>"; $shbox .= "<a href=\"lists.php?action=shouts&sid=$sid\">history</a>, "; $shbox .= "<a href=\"index.php?action=shout&sid=$sid\">shout</a>"; if (ismod(getuid_sid($sid))) { $shbox .= ", <a href=\"modproc.php?action=delsh&sid=$sid&shid=$lshout[2]\">delete</a>"; } //$shbox .= "<br/>"; $shbox .= ""; return $shbox; }