List Cpanel Account Infomation

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    List Cpanel Account Infomation

    I am trying to get a cleaner output and i cant seem to get the coding right.

    firstly you have your main whm.php file with all php classes:
    class Whm
    	var $controller = true;
    	var $host = localhost;
    	var $user=username;
    	var $accessHash = remote access key;
    	var $errors=array();
    	var $fp=null;
    	 * initialization
    	function startup(&$controller)
    		$this->controller =& $controller;
    	 * initialization
    	function init($host,$user,$accessHash)
    		$accessHash = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"),"",$accessHash);
    	 * connect to the xml api
    	 * Output: true on success, false on fail
    	function connect($api_path)
    		 *  Open a socket for HTTPS
    		$this->fp = fsockopen("ssl://" . $this->host, 2087, $errno, $errstr, 30);
    		 *  Uncomment to use unsecure HTTP instead
    		//$this->fp = fsockopen("ssl://" . $this->host, 2087, $errno, $errstr, 30);
    		 * Die on error initializing socket
    		if ($errno == 0 && $this->fp == false)
    			$this->errors[]="Socket Error: Could not initialize socket.";
    			return false;
    		elseif ($this->fp == false)
    			$this->errors[]="Socket Error #" . $errno . ": " . $errstr;
    			return false;
    		 *  Assemble the header to send
    		$header = "";
    		$header .= "GET " . $api_path . " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
    		$header .= "Host: " . $this->host . "\r\n";
    		$header .= "Connection: Close\r\n";
    		$header .= "Authorization: WHM " . $this->user . ":" . $this->accessHash . "\r\n";
    		// Comment above line and uncomment below line to use password authentication in place of hash authentication
    		//$header .= "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($user . ":" . $pass) . "\r\n";
    		$header .= "\r\n";
    		 * Send the Header
    		if(!@fputs($this->fp, $header))
    			$this->errors[]='Unable to send header.';
    			return false;
    	 * Close the socket
    	function disconnect()
    	 * Get the raw output from the server
    	 * Output: string
    	function getOutput()
    		$rawResult = "";
    		while (!feof($this->fp))
    			$rawResult .= @fgets($this->fp, 128); // Suppress errors with @
    		 * Ignore headers
    		$rawResultParts = explode("\r\n\r\n",$rawResult);
    		$result = $rawResultParts[1];
    		 * Output XML
    		return $result;
    	 * This function lists the verison of cPanel and WHM installed on the server.
    	 * Output: string
    	function version()
    		//connect using prpoer xml api address
    		//get the output
    			$this->errors[]='No output.';
    			return false;
    		//get the output xml as an array using simple xml
    		$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr);
    		return $xml->version;
    function accountsummary($accUser)
    		//connect using prpoer xml api address
    		//get the output
    			$this->errors[]='No output.';
    			return false;
    		//get the output xml as an array using simple xml
    		$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr);
    			return $result;
    			return false;

    |~~Dont forget to say thanx~~|

    The second file used to call the functions, example: test.php

    //include the whm class file.
    // create a new instance of whm class
    $test= new whm;
    //initilize the whm object 
    //you can use you hostname or an IP below 
    //you can find you whm hash when yopu login into your whm account clickong on "Setup Remote Access Key" link.
    $test->init('localhost','username','remote access key');
    //This will output the cpanel/whm version.  
    $version= $test->version();
    echo "Cpanel/whm version is: $version <br>";
    //This way you can list an account. 
    //This function will return a result set as an array in success and will return false on fail.
    $accUser = "account user";
    $result= $test->accountsummary($accUser);
    //check if list account summary was successfull or not.
    	//print the result set
    	//You can get the errors like this.

    now when you have added your host, username and remote access key to both whm.php and test.php, the output code works 100% but it is displayed using simple xml, and i would like to display in a more cleaner way.

    Can anybody do this as i am not too clued up on xml

    |~~Dont forget to say thanx~~|

