Owner Cp on lavalair

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    I really do not understand what the problem is ... but here are here to give you my owner.php, ownercp.php and try .. this core.php I have already written and is .. me to do it perfectly
    header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml");
    header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
    echo("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
    echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\"". " \"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml\">";
    $action = $_GET["action"];
    $sid = $_GET["sid"];
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY\">";
          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
          echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=vlpanel&amp;sid=$sid\">VLASNICKI  PANEL</a><br/>";
          echo "<br/>";
          echo "<a href=\"index.php\">HAPPY</a>";
          echo "</p>";
          echo "</card>";
          echo "</wml>";
            echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY\">";
          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
          echo "You are not logged in<br/>";
          echo "Or Your session has been expired<br/><br/>";
          echo "<a href=\"index.php\">Login</a>";
          echo "</p>";
          echo "</card>";
          echo "</wml>";
        addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Vlasnicki panel","");
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        $xtm = getsxtm();
        $paf = getpmaf();
        $fvw = getfview();
        $fmsg = htmlspecialchars(getfmsg());
          $arv = "e";
          $arv= "d";
      echo "<onevent type=\"onenterforward\">";
      echo "<refresh>
            <setvar name=\"sesp\" value=\"$xtm\"/>
            <setvar name=\"pmaf\" value=\"$paf\"/>
            <setvar name=\"fmsg\" value=\"$fmsg\"/>
            <setvar name=\"areg\" value=\"$arv\"/>
            <setvar name=\"fvw\" value=\"$fvw\"/>
      echo "</refresh></onevent>";
      echo "<p align=\"center\">";
      echo "<b>Opsta Podesavanja</b><br/>";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "<p>";
      echo "Pristupni Period: ";
      echo "<input name=\"sesp\" format=\"*N\" maxlength=\"3\" size=\"3\"/>";
      echo "<br/>PP Antiflood<input name=\"pmaf\" format=\"*N\" maxlength=\"3\" size=\"3\"/>";
      echo "<br/>Forum Poruka: ";
      echo "<input name=\"fmsg\"  maxlength=\"255\" />";
      echo "<br/>Registracija: ";
      echo "<select name=\"areg\" value=\"$arv\">";
      echo "<option value=\"e\">Otvorena</option>";
      echo "<option value=\"d\">Zatvorena</option>";
      echo "</select><br/>";
      echo "Prikazi:";
      echo "<select name=\"fvw\" value=\"$fvw\">";
      //$vname[0]="Drop Menu";
      $vname[0]="Horizontalni Link";
      $vname[1]="Vertikalni Link";
        echo "<option value=\"$i\">$vname[$i]</option>";
      echo "</select>";
      echo "
            <go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=general&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">
            <postfield name=\"sesp\" value=\"$(sesp)\"/>
            <postfield name=\"fmsg\" value=\"$(fmsg)\"/>
            <postfield name=\"areg\" value=\"$(areg)\"/>
            <postfield name=\"pmaf\" value=\"$(pmaf)\"/>
            <postfield name=\"fvw\" value=\"$(fvw)\"/>
      echo "</p>";
      echo "<p align=\"center\">";
      echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p></card>";
    /////////////////////////////////Vlasnicki panel
    else if($action=="ownercp")
      addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"Vlasnicki panel","");
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY\">";
      echo "<p align=\"center\">";
      echo "<b>Vlasnicki panel</b>";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "<p align=\"center\">";
    echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=zeneii&amp;sid=$sid\">» Poruka Svim zenskim Clanovima</a><br/>";
    echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=musii&amp;sid=$sid\">» Poruka Svim muskim  Clanovima</a><br/>";
    echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ujuii&amp;sid=$sid\">» Poruka Svim Clanovima</a><br/>";
    echo " <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=pp2alladmii&amp;sid=$sid\">» Poruka Administraciji</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=general&amp;sid=$sid\">»Opsta podesavanja</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=fcats&amp;sid=$sid\">»Forum Kategorije</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=forums&amp;sid=$sid\">»Forumi</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ugroups&amp;sid=$sid\">»Grupe clanova</a><br/>";
        //echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=manmods&amp;sid=$sid\">»Manage Moderators</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=addperm&amp;sid=$sid\">»Davanje dozvola</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=chuinfo&amp;sid=$sid\">»Promeni info clana</a><br/>";
        //echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=manrss&amp;sid=$sid\">»RSS Menadzer</a><br/>";
        //echo "<a href=\"users/themes.php?sid=$sid\">»Dodaj Temu</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=addsml&amp;sid=$sid\">»Dodaj Smajli</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=addavt&amp;sid=$sid\">»Dodaj  Avatar</a><br/>";
        //echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=addgal&amp;sid=$sid\">»Add Gallery Pic</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=idlestaff&amp;sid=$sid\">» Neaktivna Adninistracija</a><br/>";
       // echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=idlemembers&amp;sid=$sid\">»Clanovi online</a><br/>";
       // echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=shopitems&amp;sid=$sid\">»Shop</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=sponsorsites&amp;sid=$sid\">»Sponzor sajtovi</a><br/>";
        $uid = getuid_sid($sid);
            echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=blocksites&amp;sid=$sid\">»Blokirani sajtovi</a><br/>";
            echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=blocksites&amp;sid=$sid\">»Uredi blokirane sajtove</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=chrooms&amp;sid=$sid\">»Napravi chat sobu</a><br/>";
            echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=clrdta&amp;sid=$sid\">»Obrisi podatke</a><br/>";
            echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=clrdta&amp;sid=$sid\">»Obrisi podatke</a><br/>";
        echo "<br/>";
        //echo "<strong>Server Load</strong><br/>";
    system("cat /proc/loadavg");
        //echo "<strong>Server Load</strong><br/>";
    system("cat /proc/loadavg");
        //echo "<strong>Server Load</strong><br/>";
    system("cat /proc/loadavg");
        echo "Ti nisi vlasnik";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "<p align=\"center\">";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
    echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "</card>";
    /* Generic Admin Action Block
    else if($action=="")
            echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
      echo "<b></b><br/>";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/HAPPY.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
    echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="ujuii")
      addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"<b>Salje PP svim clanovima</b>","");
      echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Salji PP svima\">";
      echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "PP za sve Clanove!<br/><br/>";
      echo "<input name=\"poruka\" maxlength=\"500\"/><br/>";
      echo "<anchor>Posalji<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=ppzasveii&amp;who=&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
      echo "<postfield name=\"poruka\" value=\"$(poruka)\"/>";
      echo "</go></anchor><br/><br/>";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "<p align=\"center\">";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
    echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="zeneii")
      addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"<b>Salje PP svim zenskim clanovima</b>","");
      echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Salji PP svima\">";
      echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "PP za sve zenske Clanove!<br/><br/>";
      echo "<input name=\"poruka\" maxlength=\"500\"/><br/>";
      echo "<anchor>Posalji<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=ppzeneii&amp;who=&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
      echo "<postfield name=\"poruka\" value=\"$(poruka)\"/>";
      echo "</go></anchor><br/><br/>";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "<p align=\"center\">";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
    echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="musii")
      addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"<b>Salje PP svim muskim clanovima</b>","");
      echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Salji PP svima\">";
      echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "PP za sve muske Clanove!<br/><br/>";
      echo "<input name=\"poruka\" maxlength=\"500\"/><br/>";
      echo "<anchor>Posalji<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=ppmusii&amp;who=&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
      echo "<postfield name=\"poruka\" value=\"$(poruka)\"/>";
      echo "</go></anchor><br/><br/>";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "<p align=\"center\">";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
    echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="pp2alladmii"){
        addonline(getuid_sid($sid),"<b>Salje PP Administraciji!</b>","");
            echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Posalji PP Administraciji\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<small>Posalji PP Administraciji</small><br/><br/>";
        echo "<input name=\"pmtext\" maxlength=\"500\"/><br/>";
        echo "<small><anchor>POSALJI<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=pp2alladmii&amp;sid=&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"pmtext\" value=\"$(pmtext)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor></small>";
            echo "<br/>----------<br/>";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "<p align=\"center\">";    
        echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
    echo "HAPPY</a>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    /////////////////////////////////Plusses Shop Coding Start
    else if($action=="shopitems")
            echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
      echo "<b>Plusses Shop Purchases</b><br/>";
      Echo "The Following Plusses Shop Purchases have been made,<br/>Please action the requests ASAP<br/><br/>";
      $shopreq=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_shop WHERE completed='0'"));
      $shopcomp=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_shop WHERE completed='1'"));
      echo "Their are currently $shopreq[0] Purchases Waiting to be Fulfilled.<br/> and $shopcomp[0] Completed<br/>";
      $shopitm= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ibwf_shop WHERE completed='0'");
      while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($shopitm))
          $hndlelnk="<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=shpaddchr&amp;sid=$sid&amp;id=$row[id]\">Handle Request - Create Chatroom</a><br/>";
      }else if($row[item]=="forum"){
          $hndlelnk="<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=shpaddfrm&amp;sid=$sid&amp;id=$row[id]\">Handle Request - Add Forum</a><br/>";
      echo "User Who Purchased: $who<br/>";
      echo "Item Bought: $row[item]<br/>";
      echo "$hndlelnk";
    echo "<br/>";
    echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=shpclrcomp&amp;sid=$sid\">Clear All Completed Requests</a>";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
    echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="shpclrcomp")
            echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
      echo "<b>Clear Completed Shop Items</b><br/>";
      $shpclr=mysql_Query("DELETE FROM ibwf_shop WHERE completed='1'");
      echo "Completed items now cleared";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
    echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="shpaddchr")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        $complete=mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_shop SET completed='".$comp."' WHERE id='".$shpid."'");
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<b>Add Room</b><br/><br/>";
        echo "Name:<input name=\"chrnm\" maxlength=\"30\"/><br/>";
        echo "Minimum Age:<input name=\"chrage\" format=\"*N\" maxlength=\"3\" size=\"3\"/><br/>";
        echo "Minimum Chat Posts:<input name=\"chrpst\" format=\"*N\" maxlength=\"4\" size=\"4\"/><br/>";
        echo "Permission:<select name=\"chrprm\">";
        echo "<option value=\"0\">Normal</option>";
        echo "<option value=\"1\">Moderators</option>";
        echo "<option value=\"2\">Admins</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "Censored:<select name=\"chrcns\">";
        echo "<option value=\"1\">Yes</option>";
        echo "<option value=\"0\">No</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "Fun:<select name=\"chrfun\">";
        echo "<option value=\"0\">No</option>";
        echo "<option value=\"1\">esreveR</option>";
        echo "<option value=\"2\">ravebabe</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>Add";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=addchr&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"chrnm\" value=\"$(chrnm)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"chrage\" value=\"$(chrage)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"chrpst\" value=\"$(chrpst)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"chrprm\" value=\"$(chrprm)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"chrcns\" value=\"$(chrcns)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"chrfun\" value=\"$(chrfun)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=chrooms&amp;sid=$sid\">";
      echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/chat.gif\" alt=\"chat\"/>Chatrooms</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="shpaddfrm")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        $complete=mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_shop SET completed='".$comp."' WHERE id='".$shpid."'");
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<b>Add Forum</b><br/><br/>";
        echo "Name:<input name=\"frname\" maxlength=\"30\"/><br/>";
        echo "Position:<input name=\"frpos\" format=\"*N\" size=\"3\"  maxlength=\"3\"/><br/>";
        $fcats = mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM ibwf_fcats ORDER BY position, id, name");
        echo "Category: <select name=\"fcid\">";
        while ($fcat=mysql_fetch_array($fcats))
            echo "<option value=\"$fcat[0]\">$fcat[1]</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>Add";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=addfrm&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"frname\" value=\"$(frname)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"frpos\" value=\"$(frpos)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"fcid\" value=\"$(fcid)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=forums&amp;sid=$sid\">";
      echo "Forums</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    ///////////////////////////////////////////////Plusses Shop Code End
    else if($action=="idlestaff")
            echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
      echo "<b>Adninistracija online</b><br/>";
          $timeout = 180;
      $timeon = time()-$timeout;
        $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_users WHERE perm>'0' AND lastact>'".$timeon."'"));
      echo "Current Staff Online:".$noi[0]."<br/><br/>";
        $timeout2 = 259200;
      $timeon2 = time()-$timeout2;
      $tdte = date("d m y-H:i:s", $timeon2);
      echo "Idle Date: $tdte,<br/>Only Staff Who have NOT been online after this date are displayed below<br/><br/>";
      $nolq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ibwf_users WHERE perm>'0' AND lastact<'".$timeon2."'");
      while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($nolq))
          echo "Username: <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=chubi&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$row[id]\">$row[name]</a>";
          echo "<br/>";
          $jdt = date("d m y-H:i:s",$row[lastact]);
          echo "Last Online: $jdt <br/><br/>";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
    echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="idlemembers")
            echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
      echo "<b>Clanovi online</b><br/>";
        $timeout2 = 1209600;
      $timeon2 = time()-$timeout2;
            $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_users WHERE lastact>'".$timeon2."'"));
      echo "Current Number of Idle Members:".$noi[0]."<br/><br/>";
      $tdte = date("d m y-H:i:s", $timeon2);
      echo "Idle Date: $tdte,<br/>Only Members Who have NOT been online after this date are displayed below<br/><br/>";
      $nolq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ibwf_users WHERE lastact<'".$timeon2."'");
      while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($nolq))
          echo "Username: <a href=\"index.php?action=viewuser&amp;who=$row[id]&amp;sid=$sid\">$row[name]</a>";
          echo "<br/>";
          $jdt = date("d m y-H:i:s",$row[lastact]);
          echo "Last Online: $jdt <br/><br/>";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
    echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
      echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="addperm")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<b>Daj Saglasnost</b>";
        $forums = mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM ibwf_forums ORDER BY position, id, name");
        echo "<br/><br/>Forum: <select name=\"fid\">";
        while ($forum=mysql_fetch_array($forums))
            echo "<option value=\"$forum[0]\">$forum[1]</option>";
        echo "</select>";
        $forums = mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM ibwf_groups ORDER BY  name, id");
        echo "<br/>Grupa: <select name=\"gid\">";
        while ($forum=mysql_fetch_array($forums))
            echo "<option value=\"$forum[0]\">$forum[1]</option>";
        echo "</select>";
        echo "
            <go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=addperm&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">
            <postfield name=\"fid\" value=\"$(fid)\"/>
            <postfield name=\"gid\" value=\"$(gid)\"/>
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    //////////////////////////////////////Manage Mods
    else if($action=="manmods")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<b>NAPOMENA:</b><br/>Neke od unesenih promena bice prikazane kasnije!<br/><br/>";
        $mods = mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM ibwf_users WHERE perm='1'");
        echo "Mod: <select name=\"mid\">";
          echo "<option value=\"$mod[0]\">$mod[1]</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        $forums = mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM ibwf_forums");
        echo "Forum: <select name=\"fid\">";
          echo "<option value=\"$forum[0]\">$forum[1]</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>POTVRDI";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=addfmod&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"mid\" value=\"$(mid)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"fid\" value=\"$(fid)\"/>";
        echo "</go>";
        echo "</anchor>";
        echo "<anchor>Unesi Sve Forume";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=addfmod&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"mid\" value=\"$(mid)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"fid\" value=\"*\"/>";
        echo "</go>";
        echo "<br/></anchor>";
        echo "<anchor>Obrisi Sve Forume";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=delfmod&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"mid\" value=\"$(mid)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"fid\" value=\"*\"/>";
        echo "</go>";
        echo "</anchor>";
        //echo "<br/><br/>";
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    //Sponsor Links Pages
    else if($action=="sponsorsites")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=addsponsite&amp;sid=$sid\">»Dodaj sajt</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=viewsponsite&amp;sid=$sid\">»Edityj sajt</a><br/>";
        //echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=delsite&amp;sid=$sid\">»Obrisi sajt</a><br/>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="addsponsite")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p>";
        echo "Unesi adresu i opis sajta<br/><br/>";
        echo "Opis<br/>";
        echo "<input name=\"text\"/>";
        echo "<br/>URL<br/>";
        echo "<input name=\"site\"/>";
        echo "<br/><anchor>Dodaj sajt";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=addsponsite&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"site\" value=\"$(site)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"text\" value=\"$(text)\"/>";
        echo "</go>";
        echo "</anchor>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="viewsponsite")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p>";
        echo "Pogledaj blokirane sajtove";
        echo "</p><p>";
          $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ibwf_linksites");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) 
        echo "<b>Ime sajta:</b> $row[text]<br/>";
       echo "<b>Site URL:</b> $row[url] ";
       echo "<a href=\"ownerproc.php?action=delsponsite&amp;sid=$sid&amp;id=$row[0]\">[X]</a>";
       echo "<br/><br/>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    /////// end sponsor site code
    /////// start blocked site code
    else if($action=="blocksites")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=addsite&amp;sid=$sid\">»Dodaj sajt</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=viewsite&amp;sid=$sid\">»Edituj sajt</a><br/>";
        //echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=delsite&amp;sid=$sid\">»Obrisi sajt</a><br/>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="addsite")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p>";
        echo "Unesi adresu sajta za blokadu<br/>";
        echo "<input name=\"site\"/>";
        echo "<br/><anchor>Dodaj sajt";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=addsite&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"site\" value=\"$(site)\"/>";
        echo "</go>";
        echo "</anchor>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="viewsite")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p>";
        echo "Currently Blocked Sites Are Listed Below";
        echo "</p><p>";
          $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ibwf_blockedsite");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) 
       echo $row[1];
       echo " <a href=\"ownerproc.php?action=delsite&amp;sid=$sid&amp;id=$row[0]\">[X]</a>";
       echo "<br/>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    //////////////////// end blocked site code
    else if($action=="fcats")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=addcat&amp;sid=$sid\">»Kreiraj Kategoriju</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=edtcat&amp;sid=$sid\">»Edituj Kategoriju</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=delcat&amp;sid=$sid\">»Obrisi Kategoriju</a><br/>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="club")
        $clid = $_GET["clid"];
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=gccp&amp;sid=$sid&amp;clid=$clid\">»Dodaj Pluseve</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownerproc.php?action=delclub&amp;sid=$sid&amp;clid=$clid\">»Obrisi klub Club</a><br/>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="manrss")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"RSS Sources\">";
        echo "<p>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=addrss&amp;sid=$sid\">»Kreiraj Podrsku</a><br/>";
        $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_rss"));
            $rss = mysql_query("SELECT title, id FROM ibwf_rss");
            echo "<br/><select name=\"rssid\">";
                echo "<option value=\"$rs[1]\">$rs[0]</option>";
          echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>Prikazi Podrsku";
        echo "<go href=\"ownercp.php?action=edtrss&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"rssid\" value=\"$(rssid)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>Obrisi Podrsku";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=delrss&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"rssid\" value=\"$(rssid)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor><br/>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="chrooms")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Chatrooms\">";
        echo "<p>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=addchr&amp;sid=$sid\">»Kreiraj Sobu</a><br/>";
        $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_rooms"));
            $rss = mysql_query("SELECT name, id FROM ibwf_rooms");
            echo "<br/><select name=\"chrid\">";
                echo "<option value=\"$rs[1]\">$rs[0]</option>";
          echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>Obrisi Sobu";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=delchr&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"chrid\" value=\"$(chrid)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor><br/>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="forums")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=addfrm&amp;sid=$sid\">»Dodaj Forum</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=edtfrm&amp;sid=$sid\">»Edituj Forum</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=delfrm&amp;sid=$sid\">»Obrisi Forum</a><br/>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="clrdta")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownerproc.php?action=delpms&amp;sid=$sid\">»Obrisi Stare PP</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownerproc.php?action=clrmlog&amp;sid=$sid\">»Ocisti ModCP</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownerproc.php?action=delsht&amp;sid=$sid\">»Obrisi Stare Razglase</a><br/>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="ugroups")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=addgrp&amp;sid=$sid\">»Kreiraj Grupu Clanova</a><br/>";
        //echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=edtgrp&amp;sid=$sid\">»Edituj Grupu Clanova</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=delgrp&amp;sid=$sid\">»Obrisi Grupu Clanova</a><br/>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="addcat")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<b>Kreiraj Forum Kategoriju</b><br/><br/>";
        echo "Ime Kategorije:<input name=\"fcname\" maxlength=\"30\"/><br/>";
        echo "Pozicija/Mesto:<input name=\"fcpos\" format=\"*N\" size=\"3\"  maxlength=\"3\"/><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>POTVRDI";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=addcat&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"fcname\" value=\"$(fcname)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"fcpos\" value=\"$(fcpos)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=fcats&amp;sid=$sid\">";
      echo "Forum Kategorije</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="addfrm")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<b>Kreiraj Forum</b><br/><br/>";
        echo "Ime Foruma:<input name=\"frname\" maxlength=\"30\"/><br/>";
        echo "Pozicija/Mesto:<input name=\"frpos\" format=\"*N\" size=\"3\"  maxlength=\"3\"/><br/>";
        $fcats = mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM ibwf_fcats ORDER BY position, id, name");
        echo "Kategorija: <select name=\"fcid\">";
        while ($fcat=mysql_fetch_array($fcats))
            echo "<option value=\"$fcat[0]\">$fcat[1]</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>POTVRDI";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=addfrm&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"frname\" value=\"$(frname)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"frpos\" value=\"$(frpos)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"fcid\" value=\"$(fcid)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=forums&amp;sid=$sid\">";
      echo "Panel Forumi</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="gccp")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<b>Dodaj Pluseve Klubu</b><br/><br/>";
        $clid = $_GET["clid"];
        echo "Pluseva BR:<input name=\"plss\" maxlength=\"3\" size=\"3\" format=\"*N\"/><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>POTVRDI";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=gccp&amp;sid=$sid&amp;clid=$clid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"plss\" value=\"$(plss)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="addsml")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<b>Dodaj Smajli</b><br/><br/>";
        echo "Kod Smajlija:<input name=\"smlcde\" maxlength=\"30\"/><br/>";
        echo "Link Smajlija:<input name=\"smlsrc\" maxlength=\"200\"/><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>POTVRDI";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=addsml&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"smlcde\" value=\"$(smlcde)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"smlsrc\" value=\"$(smlsrc)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="addgal")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<b>Dodaj sliku</b><br/><br/>";
        echo "Kod slike:<input name=\"galcde\" maxlength=\"30\"/><br/>";
        echo "Url slike:<input name=\"galsrc\" maxlength=\"200\"/><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>POTVRDI";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=addgal&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"galcde\" value=\"$(galcde)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"galsrc\" value=\"$(galsrc)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=HAPPY&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="addavt")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<b>Dodaj Avatar</b><br/><br/>";
        echo "Link Avatara:<input name=\"avtsrc\" maxlength=\"30\"/><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>POTVRDI";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=addavt&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"avtsrc\" value=\"$(avtsrc)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="addrss")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<b>Kreiraj RSS</b><br/><br/>";
        echo "Ime RSS-a:<input name=\"rssnm\" maxlength=\"50\"/><br/>";
        echo "Link RSS-a:<input name=\"rsslnk\" maxlength=\"255\"/><br/>";
        echo "Link Slike RSS-a:<input name=\"rssimg\" maxlength=\"255\"/><br/>";
        echo "Kratak Opis:<input name=\"rssdsc\"  maxlength=\"255\"/><br/>";
        $forums = mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM ibwf_forums ORDER BY position, id, name");
        echo "Forum: <select name=\"fid\">";
        echo "<option value=\"0\">NO FORUM</option>";
        while ($forum=mysql_fetch_array($forums))
            echo "<option value=\"$forum[0]\">$forum[1]</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>POTVRDI";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=addrss&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"rssnm\" value=\"$(rssnm)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"rsslnk\" value=\"$(rsslnk)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"rssimg\" value=\"$(rssimg)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"rssdsc\" value=\"$(rssdsc)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"fid\" value=\"$(fid)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=manrss&amp;sid=$sid\">";
      echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/rss.gif\" alt=\"rss\"/>RSS Menadzer</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="addchr")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<b>Kreiraj Chat Sobu</b><br/><br/>";
        echo "Ime Sobe:<input name=\"chrnm\" maxlength=\"30\"/><br/>";
        echo "Minimum Godina:<input name=\"chrage\" format=\"*N\" maxlength=\"3\" size=\"3\"/><br/>";
        echo "Minimum Chat Poruka:<input name=\"chrpst\" format=\"*N\" maxlength=\"4\" size=\"4\"/><br/>";
        echo "Saglasnost Za:<select name=\"chrprm\">";
        echo "<option value=\"0\">Svi</option>";
        echo "<option value=\"1\">Moderatori</option>";
        echo "<option value=\"2\">Administratori</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "Censored:<select name=\"chrcns\">";
        echo "<option value=\"1\">Da</option>";
        echo "<option value=\"0\">Ne</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "Dodaj Zabavu:<select name=\"chrfun\">";
        echo "<option value=\"0\">Ne</option>";
        echo "<option value=\"1\">Pogodi Broj</option>";
        echo "<option value=\"2\">ravebabe</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>POTVRDI";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=addchr&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"chrnm\" value=\"$(chrnm)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"chrage\" value=\"$(chrage)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"chrpst\" value=\"$(chrpst)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"chrprm\" value=\"$(chrprm)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"chrcns\" value=\"$(chrcns)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"chrfun\" value=\"$(chrfun)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=chrooms&amp;sid=$sid\">";
      echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/chat.gif\" alt=\"chat\"/>Chat Sobe</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="edtrss")
      $rssid = $_POST["rssid"];
      $rsinfo = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT title, link, imgsrc, fid, dscr FROM ibwf_rss WHERE id='".$rssid."'"));
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<onevent type=\"onenterforward\">";
      echo "<refresh>
            <setvar name=\"rssnm\" value=\"$rsinfo[0]\"/>
            <setvar name=\"rsslnk\" value=\"$rsinfo[1]\"/>
            <setvar name=\"rssimg\" value=\"$rsinfo[2]\"/>
            <setvar name=\"fid\" value=\"$rsinfo[3]\"/>
            <setvar name=\"rssdsc\" value=\"$rsinfo[4]\"/>
            <setvar name=\"rssdsc\" value=\"$rsinfo[4]\"/>
            <setvar name=\"rssid\" value=\"$rssid\"/>
      echo "</refresh></onevent>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<b>Prikazi RSS</b><br/><br/>";
        echo "Ime RSS-a:<input name=\"rssnm\" maxlength=\"50\"/><br/>";
        echo "Link RSS-a:<input name=\"rsslnk\" maxlength=\"255\"/><br/>";
        echo "Link Slike RSS-a:<input name=\"rssimg\" maxlength=\"255\"/><br/>";
        echo "Kratak Opis:<input name=\"rssdsc\"  maxlength=\"255\"/><br/>";
        $forums = mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM ibwf_forums ORDER BY position, id, name");
        echo "Forum: <select name=\"fid\" value=\"$rsinfo[3]\">";
        echo "<option value=\"0\">NE FORUM</option>";
        while ($forum=mysql_fetch_array($forums))
            echo "<option value=\"$forum[0]\">$forum[1]</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>POTVRDI";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=edtrss&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"rssnm\" value=\"$(rssnm)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"rsslnk\" value=\"$(rsslnk)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"rssimg\" value=\"$(rssimg)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"rssdsc\" value=\"$(rssdsc)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"fid\" value=\"$(fid)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"rssid\" value=\"$(rssid)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=manrss&amp;sid=$sid\">";
      echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/rss.gif\" alt=\"rss\"/>RSS Menadzer</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="addgrp")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<b>Kreiraj Grupu Clanova</b><br/><br/>";
        echo "Ime Grupe:<input name=\"ugname\" maxlength=\"30\"/><br/>";
        echo "Automatski Odrediti:<select name=\"ugaa\">";
        echo "<option value=\"1\">Da</option>";
        echo "<option value=\"0\">Ne</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "<br/><small><b>Automatski Odrediti Za</b></small><br/>";
        echo "Allow:<select name=\"allus\">";
        echo "<option value=\"0\">Normalni clanovi</option>";
        echo "<option value=\"1\">Moderatori</option>";
        echo "<option value=\"2\">Admini</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "Minimum Godina:";
        echo "<input name=\"mage\" format=\"*N\" maxlength=\"3\" size=\"3\"/>";
        echo "<br/>Minimum Postova:";
        echo "<input name=\"mpst\" format=\"*N\" maxlength=\"3\" size=\"3\"/>";
        echo "<br/>Minimum Pluseva:";
        echo "<input name=\"mpls\" format=\"*N\" maxlength=\"3\" size=\"3\"/><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>POTVRDI";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=addgrp&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"ugname\" value=\"$(ugname)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"ugaa\" value=\"$(ugaa)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"allus\" value=\"$(allus)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"mage\" value=\"$(mage)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"mpst\" value=\"$(mpst)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"mpls\" value=\"$(mpls)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ugroups&amp;sid=$sid\">";
      echo "Grupe Clanova</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="edtfrm")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<b>Preimenuj Forum</b><br/><br/>";
        $forums = mysql_query("SELECT id,name FROM ibwf_forums ORDER BY position, id, name");
        echo "Odaberi Forum: <select name=\"fid\">";
          echo "<option value=\"$forum[0]\">$forum[1]</option>";
        echo "</select>";
        echo "<br/>Ime Foruma:<input name=\"frname\" maxlength=\"30\"/><br/>";
        echo "Pozicija/Mesto:<input name=\"frpos\" format=\"*N\" size=\"3\"  maxlength=\"3\"/><br/>";
        $fcats = mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM ibwf_fcats ORDER BY position, id, name");
        echo "Kategorija Foruma: <select name=\"fcid\">";
        while ($fcat=mysql_fetch_array($fcats))
            echo "<option value=\"$fcat[0]\">$fcat[1]</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>POTVRDI";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=edtfrm&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"fid\" value=\"$(fid)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"frname\" value=\"$(frname)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"frpos\" value=\"$(frpos)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"fcid\" value=\"$(fcid)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=forums&amp;sid=$sid\">";
      echo "Panel Foruma</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="delfrm")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<b>Obrisi Forum</b><br/><br/>";
        $forums = mysql_query("SELECT id,name FROM ibwf_forums ORDER BY position, id, name");
        echo "Izaberi Forum: <select name=\"fid\">";
          echo "<option value=\"$forum[0]\">$forum[1]</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>OBRISI";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=delfrm&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"fid\" value=\"$(fid)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=forums&amp;sid=$sid\">";
      echo "Panel Foruma</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    }else if($action=="delgrp")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<b>Obrisi Grupu Clanova</b><br/><br/>";
        $forums = mysql_query("SELECT id,name FROM ibwf_groups ORDER BY name, id");
        echo "Odaberi Grupu: <select name=\"ugid\">";
          echo "<option value=\"$forum[0]\">$forum[1]</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>OBRISI";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=delgrp&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"ugid\" value=\"$(ugid)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=forums&amp;sid=$sid\">";
      echo "Panel Foruma</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="edtcat")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<b>Preimenuj Kategoriju Foruma</b><br/><br/>";
        $fcats = mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM ibwf_fcats ORDER BY position, id, name");
        echo "Edit: <select name=\"fcid\">";
        while ($fcat=mysql_fetch_array($fcats))
            echo "<option value=\"$fcat[0]\">$fcat[1]</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "Ime Kategorije:<input name=\"fcname\" maxlength=\"30\"/><br/>";
        echo "Pozicija/Mesto:<input name=\"fcpos\" format=\"*N\" size=\"3\"  maxlength=\"3\"/><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>POTVRDI";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=edtcat&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"fcid\" value=\"$(fcid)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"fcname\" value=\"$(fcname)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"fcpos\" value=\"$(fcpos)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=fcats&amp;sid=$sid\">";
      echo "Panel Forum Kategorija</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    }else if($action=="delcat")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<b>Obrisi Forum Kategoriju</b><br/><br/>";
        $fcats = mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM ibwf_fcats ORDER BY position, id, name");
        echo "Odaberi Kategoriju: <select name=\"fcid\">";
        while ($fcat=mysql_fetch_array($fcats))
            echo "<option value=\"$fcat[0]\">$fcat[1]</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>OBRISI";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=delcat&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"fcid\" value=\"$(fcid)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=fcats&amp;sid=$sid\">";
      echo "Forum Categories</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    /////////////////////////////////user info
    else if($action=="chuinfo")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "Pronadji Nik Clana<br/><br/>";
        echo "Nik: <input name=\"unick\" format=\"*x\" maxlength=\"15\"/><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>[PRONADJI]";
        echo "<go href=\"ownercp.php?action=acui&amp;sid=$sid\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"unick\" value=\"$(unick)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    //////////////////////////////////////Change User info
    else if($action=="acui")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        $unick = $_POST["unick"];
        $tid = getuid_nick($unick);
          echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"x\"/>Nik Ne postoji<br/>";
          echo "</p>";
          echo "<p>";
          echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=chubi&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$tid\">»$unick's Profil</a><br/>";
          $judg = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_judges WHERE uid='".$tid."'"));
          echo "<a href=\"ownerproc.php?action=deljdg&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$tid\">»Pomeri $unick Iz Liste Sudija</a><br/>";
            echo "<a href=\"ownerproc.php?action=addjdg&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$tid\">»Napravi $unick Sudijom</a><br/>";
    $vip = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT vip FROM ibwf_users WHERE id='".$tid."'"));
          echo "<a href=\"ownerproc.php?action=skinivip&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$tid\">»Skini $unick Vip Status</a><br/>";
            echo "<a href=\"ownerproc.php?action=dodajvip&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$tid\">»Dodaj $unick Vip Status</a><br/>";
          //echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=addtog&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$tid\">»Dodaj  $unick U Grupu Clanova</a><br/>";
          //echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=umset&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$tid\">»$unick Mod. Podesvanja</a><br/>";
          echo "<a href=\"ownerproc.php?action=delxp&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$tid\">»Obrisi $unick Postove</a><br/>";
          echo "<a href=\"ownerproc.php?action=delu&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$tid\">»Obrisi $unick</a><br/>";
          echo "</p>";
          echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=chuinfo&amp;sid=$sid\">";
      echo "Panel Clanova</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
    else if($action=="chubi")
        echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
        $who = $_GET["who"];
        $unick = getnick_uid($who);
        echo "<onevent type=\"onenterforward\">";
        $avat = getavatar($who);
        $email = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT email FROM ibwf_users WHERE id='".$who."'"));
        $site = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT site FROM ibwf_users WHERE id='".$who."'"));
        $bdy = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT birthday FROM ibwf_users WHERE id='".$who."'"));
        $uloc = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT location FROM ibwf_users WHERE id='".$who."'"));
        $usig = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT signature FROM ibwf_users WHERE id='".$who."'"));
        $sx = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT sex FROM ibwf_users WHERE id='".$who."'"));
        $perm = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT perm FROM ibwf_users WHERE id='".$who."'"));
      echo "<refresh>
            <setvar name=\"unick\" value=\"$unick\"/>
            <setvar name=\"savat\" value=\"$avat\"/>
            <setvar name=\"semail\" value=\"$email[0]\"/>
            <setvar name=\"usite\" value=\"$site[0]\"/>
            <setvar name=\"ubday\" value=\"$bdy[0]\"/>
            <setvar name=\"uloc\" value=\"$uloc[0]\"/>
            <setvar name=\"usig\" value=\"$usig[0]\"/>
            <setvar name=\"sx\" value=\"$sx[0]\"/>
            <setvar name=\"perm\" value=\"$perm[0]\"/>
            <setvar name=\"npwd\" value=\"\"/>
      echo "</refresh></onevent>";
        echo "<p>";
        echo "Nik: <input name=\"unick\" maxlength=\"30\"/><br/>";
        echo "Avatar: <input name=\"savat\" maxlength=\"100\"/><br/>";
        echo "E-Mail: <input name=\"semail\" maxlength=\"100\"/><br/>";
        echo "Sajt: <input name=\"usite\" maxlength=\"100\"/><br/>";
        echo "Datum Rodjenja<small>(YYYY-MM-DD)</small>: <input name=\"ubday\" maxlength=\"50\"/><br/>";
        echo "Lokacija/Grad: <input name=\"uloc\" maxlength=\"50\"/><br/>";
        echo "Potpis: <input name=\"usig\" maxlength=\"100\"/><br/>";
        echo "Pol: <select name=\"usex\" value=\"$sx[0]\">";
        echo "<option value=\"M\">Musko</option>";
        echo "<option value=\"F\">Zensko</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "Privileges: <select name=\"perm\" value=\"$perm[0]\">";
        echo "<option value=\"0\">Normalne</option>";
        echo "<option value=\"1\">Moderator</option>";
        echo "<option value=\"2\">Admin</option>";
        echo "<option value=\"3\">Super Admin</option>";
    echo "<option value=\"5\">Penzioner</option>";
        echo "<option value=\"4\">Vlasnik</option>";
        echo "</select><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>POTVRDI";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=uprof&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$who\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"unick\" value=\"$(unick)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"savat\" value=\"$(savat)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"semail\" value=\"$(semail)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"usite\" value=\"$(usite)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"ubday\" value=\"$(ubday)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"uloc\" value=\"$(uloc)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"usig\" value=\"$(usig)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"usex\" value=\"$(usex)\"/>";
        echo "<postfield name=\"perm\" value=\"$(perm)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "<br/><br/>";
        echo "Promeni Lozinku: <input name=\"npwd\" format=\"*x\" maxlength=\"15\"/><br/>";
        echo "<anchor>POTVRDI";
        echo "<go href=\"ownerproc.php?action=upwd&amp;sid=$sid&amp;who=$who\" method=\"post\">";
        echo "<postfield name=\"npwd\" value=\"$(npwd)\"/>";
        echo "</go></anchor>";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<p align=\"center\">";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=chuinfo&amp;sid=$sid\">";
      echo "Panel Clanova</a><br/>";
        echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
      echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p>";
        echo "</card>";
       echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">";
      echo "<p align=\"center\">";
      echo "Stvarno  ne znm\am sta trazis ovde?:)<br/><br/>";
      echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>";
    echo "HAPPY</a>";
      echo "</p></card>";
    Last edited by subzero; 16.05.09, 10:41.


      ownwrproc.php I gave on the first page I gave you and what is in core.php here and you add this in the index.php, and it is all the connections for ovnewr function, nothing more
      if (isowner(getuid_sid($sid)))
          echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\">OWNER  PANEL</a><br/>";
      of course, need to translate to your language, but this is not a problem, translate the original script in English.
      I really had a desire to help you but if this fails I do not know how to help you;)


        its errored


          I do not understand what's wrong ... I hope that someone else succeed to help you I tried but obviously do not understand


            what is the langguage of ownercp.php? im just trying to translate it to english.. thanks



              Originally posted by robzky View Post
              what is the langguage of ownercp.php? im just trying to translate it to english.. thanks
              it's serbian language.....
              you can translate it here =>> CLICK
              It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid, than to open it and remove all doubt.
              ⓣⓗⓔ ⓠⓤⓘⓔⓣⓔⓡ ⓨⓞⓤ ⓑⓔ©ⓞⓜⓔ, ⓣⓗⓔ ⓜⓞⓡⓔ ⓨⓞⓤ ⓐⓡⓔ ⓐⓑⓛⓔ ⓣⓞ ⓗⓔⓐⓡ !
              ιη тнєσяу, тнє ρяα¢тι¢є ιѕ α яєѕυℓт σƒ тнє тнєσяу, вυт ιη ρяα¢тι¢є ιѕ тнє σρρσѕιтє.
              キノgんイノ刀g 4 ア乇ムc乇 ノ丂 レノズ乇 キucズノ刀g 4 √ノ尺gノ刀ノイリ!


                PHP Code:
                <? php 
                / ** 

                * Happy Forum Script 

                * / 

                header ( "Content-type: text / vnd.wap.wml"); 
                header ( "Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); 
                echo ( "<? xml version = \" 1.0 \ "?>"); 
                echo "<! DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \" - / / WAPFORUM / / DTD WML 1.1 / / EN \ "". "\" Http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml \ ">"; 
                <? php 
                include ( "config.php"); 
                include ( "core.php"); 
                connectdb (); 
                $ action = $ _GET [ "action"]; 
                $ sid = $ _GET [ "sid"]; 
                if (! isowner (getuid_sid ($ sid))) 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=vlpanel&sid=$sid\"> POWERFUL PANEL </ a> <br/>"; 

                       echo "<br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"index.php\"> HAPPY </ a>"; 
                       echo "</ p>"; 
                       echo "</ card> '; 
                       echo "</ wml>"; 
                       exit (); 
                if (islogged ($ sid) == false) 
                         echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                       echo "Not Ulogovani! <br/>"; 
                       echo "Or is your access period has expired! <br/> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"index.php\"> Login </ a>"; 
                       echo "</ p>"; 
                       echo "</ card> '; 
                       echo "</ wml>"; 
                       exit (); 

                     addonline (getuid_sid ($ sid), "Owner's panel ",""); 
                if ($ action == "general") 

                   $ xtm = $ _POST [ "SESP"]; 
                   $ fmsg = $ _POST [ "fmsg"]; 
                   $ AREG = $ _POST [ "AREG"]; 
                   $ pmaf = $ _POST [ "pmaf"]; 
                   $ fvw = $ _POST [ "fvw"]; 
                   if ($ AREG == "d") 
                     $ arv = 0; 
                   ) else ( 
                     $ arv = 1; 
                    echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                       $ res = mysql_query ( "UPDATE ibwf_settings SET value ='".$ fmsg." 'WHERE name = 4 ummsg' "); 
                       if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> Forum messages successfully updated! <br/>"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> Forum It's impossible to update the message! <br/>"; 
                       $ res = mysql_query ( "UPDATE ibwf_settings SET value ='".$ xtm." 'WHERE name =' sesxp ' "); 
                       if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> Access Period updated successfully! <br/>"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> It's impossible to update <br/> Access Period"; 
                        $ res = mysql_query ( "UPDATE ibwf_settings SET value ='".$ pmaf." 'WHERE name =' pmaf ' "); 
                       if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> PP antiflood is $ pmaf seconds! <br/>"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> It's impossible to update PP antiflood! <br/>"; 
                       $ res = mysql_query ( "UPDATE ibwf_settings SET value ='".$ arv." 'WHERE name =' reg '); 
                       if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> Registrcija updated successfully! <br/>"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> It's impossible to update registration! <br/>"; 
                       $ res = mysql_query ( "UPDATE ibwf_settings SET value ='".$ fvw." 'WHERE name =' fview ' "); 

                       if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> Forum updated successfully! <br/>"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> It's impossible to update Forum! <br/>"; 
                       echo "<br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=general&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "General Settings </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 
                   echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                if ($ action == "ppzasveii") 

                   echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"PP svima\">"; 
                   echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                   $ whonick = getnick_uid ($ who); 
                   $ byuid = getuid_sid ($ sid); 
                   str_replace ("$"," \ $ ", $ message); 

                   $ tm = time () + (7 * 60 * 60); 

                $ max = mysql_fetch_array (mysql_query ( "SELECT MAX (id) FROM ibwf_users")); 
                $ maxid = $ max [0]; 
                $ text = $ message [br /] PS: This is an automated message and sent the owner foruma.Ne should respond to it! "; 
                for ($ i = 1; $ i <= $ maxid $ i + +) 

                   $ ppsvima = mysql_query ( "INSERT INTO SET ibwf_private text ='".$ text." ', byuid ='".$ byuid.', touid ='".$ i. " ', timesent ='".$ tm ."'"); 

                     echo "BP is successfully sent to all members <br/> <br/>"; 
                     parsepm echo ($ message, $ sid); 

                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> $ major"; 
                echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 
                   echo "</ p>"; 
                     echo "</ card> '; 

                if ($ action == "ppzeneii") 

                   echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"PP svima\">"; 
                   echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                   $ whonick = getnick_uid ($ who); 
                   $ byuid = getuid_sid ($ sid); 
                   str_replace ("$"," \ $ ", $ message); 

                   $ tm = time () + (7 * 60 * 60); 

                $ sex = mysql_query ( "SELECT id FROM ibwf_users WHERE sex = 'F'); 
                $ tm = time (); 
                $ text = $ message [br /] PS: This is an automated message to all members of Women's and sent the owner foruma.Ne should respond to it! "; 
                while ($ f = mysql_fetch_array ($ sex)) 

                   $ ppzene = mysql_query ( "INSERT INTO SET ibwf_private text ='".$ text." ', byuid ='".$ byuid.', touid ='".$ f [0 ]."', timesent = ' " . $ tm ."'"); 

                     echo "BP is successfully sent to all female members <br/> <br/>"; 
                     parsepm echo ($ message, $ sid); 

                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> $ major"; 
                echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 
                   echo "</ p>"; 
                     echo "</ card> '; 

                if ($ action == "ppmusii") 

                   echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"PP svima\">"; 
                   echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                   $ whonick = getnick_uid ($ who); 
                   $ byuid = getuid_sid ($ sid); 
                   str_replace ("$"," \ $ ", $ message); 

                   $ tm = time () + (7 * 60 * 60); 

                $ sex = mysql_query ( "SELECT id FROM ibwf_users WHERE sex = 'M'"); 
                $ tm = time (); 
                $ text = $ message [br /] PS: This is an automated message to all members of CTR and sent the owner foruma.Ne should respond to it! "; 
                while ($ f = mysql_fetch_array ($ sex)) 

                   $ ppzene = mysql_query ( "INSERT INTO SET ibwf_private text ='".$ text." ', byuid ='".$ byuid.', touid ='".$ f [0 ]."', timesent = ' " . $ tm ."'"); 

                     echo "BP is successfully sent to all male members <br/> <br/>"; 
                     parsepm echo ($ message, $ sid); 

                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> $ major"; 
                echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 
                   echo "</ p>"; 
                     echo "</ card> '; 

                if ($ action == 'pp2alladmii') ( 
                     $ byuid = getuid_sid ($ sid); 
                str_replace ("$"," \ $ ", $ pmtext); 

                     $ to_arr = SQL_rows ( "SELECT u.id, p.id AS pid, u.perm FROM ibwf_users in left join ibwf_penalties p ON u.id = p.uid AND (penalty ='1 'OR penalty ='2') having Permian> 0 AND pid IS NULL AND id! = $ byuid "); 
                $ text2 = "$ pmtext [br /] PS: This is an automated message sent to moderators and the owner foruma.Ne should respond to it!"; 
                     $ tm = time (); 
                     $ query = 'INSERT INTO ibwf_private ( `text`, `byuid`, `touid`, `timesent`) VALUES'; 

                     $ counter = 0; 
                     foreign ($ to_arr as $ recv) ( 
                         $ query .= ($ counter? "\ n":'')."('$ text2 ',' $ byuid','".$ recv [ 'id']."',' $ tm ') " ; 
                         $ counter + +; 
                         if ($ counter == 20) 

                             mysql_query ($ query); 
                             $ query = 'INSERT INTO ibwf_private ( `text`, `byuid`, `touid`, `timesent`) VALUES'; 
                $ text = "$ pmtext [br /] PS: This is an automated message sent to moderators and the owner foruma.Ne should respond to it!"; 
                             $ counter = 0; 

                     if ($ counter> 0) ( 
                         mysql_query ($ query); 

                     addonline ( "administration sends a message!"); 
                         echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"PP Inbox\">"; 
                     echo "<p align=\"center\"> <small>"; 
                     echo '<b> message sent to <b>. count ($ to_arr ).'</ b> members of the administration. </ b> <br/>. mysql_error (); 
                $ text2 = "$ pmtext [br /] PS: This is an automated message sent to moderators and the owner foruma.Ne should respond to it!"; 
                         echo "<br/> $ text2 <br/>"; 
                     echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> HAPPY </ a>"; 
                     echo "</ small> </ p>"; 
                     echo "</ card> '; 

                ////////////////////////// Add moderating 

                else if ($ action == "addfmod") 

                     $ mid = $ _POST [ "mid"]; 
                   $ fid = $ _POST [ "fid"]; 
                    echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                       $ res = mysql_query ( "INSERT INTO ibwf_modr SET name ='".$ mid." ', the forum ='".$ fid ."'"); 
                       if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> Mod privileges add! <br/>"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> Greska database! <br/>"; 
                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=manmods&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Moderator Menazder </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 
                   echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "delclub") 

                   $ clid = $ _GET [ 'clid']; 
                    echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                       $ res = deleteClub ($ clid); 
                       if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> Club successfully deleted! <br/>"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> Greska database! <br/>"; 
                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn . gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 
                   echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "gccp") 

                   $ clid = $ _GET [ 'clid']; 
                   $ plss = $ _POST [ "plss"]; 
                    echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                       $ NoP = mysql_fetch_array (mysql_query ( "SELECT plusses FROM ibwf_clubs WHERE id ='".$ clid ."'")); 
                       $ newpl = $ NoP [0] + $ plss; 
                       $ res = mysql_query ( "UPDATE ibwf_clubs SET plusses ='".$ newpl." 'WHERE id ='".$ clid ."'"); 
                       if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> Plus Club updated! <br/>"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> Greska database! <br/>"; 
                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn . gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 
                   echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "delfmod") 

                     $ mid = $ _POST [ "mid"]; 
                   $ fid = $ _POST [ "fid"]; 
                    echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                       $ res = mysql_query ( "DELETE FROM WHERE ibwf_modr mid ='".$ name." 'AND fid ='".$ forum ."'"); 
                       if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> Mod privileges deleted! <br/>"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> Greska database! <br/>"; 
                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=manmods&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Moderator Menazder </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 
                   echo "</ p> </ card> '; 


                else if ($ action == "addcat") 

                   $ fcname = $ _POST [ "fcname"]; 
                   $ fcpos = $ _POST [ "fcpos"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo $ fcname; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $ res = mysql_query ( "INSERT INTO ibwf_fcats SET name ='".$ fcname." ', position ='".$ fcpos ."'"); 
                         if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> Forum Category successfully added!"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> It's impossible to add Forum Categories"; 

                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=fcats&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Forum Category </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 

                       echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "addfrm") 

                   $ frname = $ _POST [ "frname"]; 
                   $ frpos = $ _POST [ "frpos"]; 
                   $ fcid = $ _POST [ "fcid"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo $ frname; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $ res = mysql_query ( "INSERT INTO ibwf_forums SET name ='".$ frname." ', position ='".$ frpos. "', CID ='".$ fcid ."'"); 

                         if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> Forum added successfully!"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> Forum It's impossible to add"; 

                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=forums&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Forum </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 

                       echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "addsml") 

                   $ smlcde = $ _POST [ "smlcde"]; 
                   $ smlsrc = $ _POST [ "smlsrc"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $ res = mysql_query ( "INSERT INTO ibwf_smilies SET scode ='".$ smlcde." ', imgsrc ='".$ smlsrc. "', hidden ='0 '"); 

                         if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> Smaje successfully added!"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> add Smaje It's impossible!"; 

                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=addsml&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel smilies </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 

                       echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "addavt") 

                   $ avtsrc = $ _POST [ "avtsrc"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $ res = mysql_query ( "INSERT INTO ibwf_avatars SET avlink ='".$ avtsrc ."'"); 

                         if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> Avatar successfully added!"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> Avatar It's impossible to add"; 

                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=addavt&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Avatar Control Panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 

                       echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "addjdg") 

                   $ who = $ _GET [ "who"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $ res = mysql_query ( "INSERT INTO ibwf_judges SET uid ='".$ who ."'"); 

                         if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> judge added successfully!"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> It's impossible to add Judges!"; 

                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=chuinfo&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Members </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 

                       echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "deljdg") 

                   $ who = $ _GET [ "who"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $ res = mysql_query ( "DELETE FROM ibwf_judges WHERE uid ='".$ who ."'"); 

                         if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> judge deleted successfully!"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> It's impossible obisati Judges!"; 

                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=chuinfo&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Members </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 

                       echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "delsm") 

                   $ SMID = $ _GET [ "SMID"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $ res = mysql_query ( "DELETE FROM ibwf_smilies WHERE id ='".$ Smid ."'"); 

                         if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> Smaje deleted successfully!"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> Could not delete Smaje!"; 

                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn . gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 

                       echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "addrss") 

                   $ rssnm = $ _POST [ "rssnm"]; 
                   $ rsslnk = $ _POST [ "rsslnk"]; 
                   $ rssimg = $ _POST [ "rssimg"]; 
                   $ rssdsc = $ _POST [ "rssdsc"]; 
                   $ fid = $ _POST [ "fid"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo $ rssnm; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $ res = mysql_query ( "INSERT INTO ibwf_rss SET title ='".$ rssnm." ', link ='".$ rsslnk. "', imgsrc ='".$ rssimg." ', dscr ='".$ rssdsc . ', fid ='".$ fid ."'"); 

                         if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> RSS support successfully added!"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> It's impossible to add RSS support"; 

                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=manrss&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "RSS Manager </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 
                  echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "addchr") 

                   $ chrnm = $ _POST [ "chrnm"]; 
                   $ chrage = $ _POST [ "chrage"]; 
                   $ chrpst = $ _POST [ "chrpst"]; 
                   $ chrprm = $ _POST [ "chrprm"]; 
                   $ chrcns = $ _POST [ "chrcns"]; 
                   $ chrfun = $ _POST [ "chrfun"]; 

                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo $ chrnm; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $ res = mysql_query ( "INSERT INTO ibwf_rooms SET name ='".$ chrnm." ', static ='1', pass ='', MAGE ='".$ chrage. " ', chposts ='".$ chrpst . ',' perms ='".$ chrprm. " ', censord ='".$ chrcns.' freaky ='".$ chrfun ."'"); 
                echo mysql_error (); 
                         if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> Cet Room successfully created!"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> Cet It's impossible to create a room!"; 

                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=chrooms&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Cet Room </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 

                       echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "edtrss") 

                   $ rssnm = $ _POST [ "rssnm"]; 
                   $ rsslnk = $ _POST [ "rsslnk"]; 
                   $ rssimg = $ _POST [ "rssimg"]; 
                   $ rssdsc = $ _POST [ "rssdsc"]; 
                   $ fid = $ _POST [ "fid"]; 
                   $ rssid = $ _POST [ "rssid"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo $ rssnm; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $ res = mysql_query ( "UPDATE ibwf_rss SET title ='".$ rssnm." ', link ='".$ rsslnk. "', imgsrc ='".$ rssimg." ', dscr ='".$ rssdsc. " ', fid ='".$ fid."' WHERE id ='".$ rssid ."'"); 

                         if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> RSS support updated successfully!"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> It's impossible to update RSS support"; 

                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=manrss&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Menazder RSS </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 

                       echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "addperm") 

                   $ fid = $ _POST [ "fid"]; 
                   $ GID = $ _POST [ "GID"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $ res = mysql_query ( "INSERT INTO ibwf_acc SET ='".$ fid fid." ', ='".$ GID GID ."'"); 

                         if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> Approval successfully added!"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> It's impossible to consent"; 

                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=addperm&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Add Approval </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 

                       echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                ////////////////////////////////////////// Update profile 

                else if ($ action == "uprof") 

                     $ who = $ _GET [ "who"]; 
                     $ unick = $ _POST [ "unick"]; 
                     $ Permian = $ _POST [ "Permian"]; 
                     $ savat = $ _POST [ "savat"]; 
                     $ semail = $ _POST [ "semail"]; 
                     $ sew = $ _POST [ "sew"]; 
                     $ ubday = $ _POST [ "ubday"]; 
                     $ uloc = $ _POST [ "uloc"]; 
                     $ usig = $ _POST [ "usig"]; 
                     $ usex = $ _POST [ "usex"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                   echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                   $ onk = mysql_fetch_array (mysql_query ( "SELECT name FROM ibwf_users WHERE id ='".$ who ."'")); 
                   $ exs = mysql_fetch_array (mysql_query ( "SELECT COUNT (*) FROM ibwf_users WHERE name ='".$ unick ."'")); 
                   if ($ onk [0]! = $ unick) 
                       if ($ exs [0]> 0) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"x\"/> Nik already postole, choose another! <br/>"; 
                       ) else 
                   $ res = mysql_query ( "UPDATE ibwf_users SET avatar ='".$ savat." ', email ='".$ semail.' site ='".$ sew. " ', birthday ='".$ ubday. " ', location ='".$ uloc.' signature ='".$ usig." ', sex ='".$ usex. "' name ='".$ unick." ', Permian =' ". $ Permian." 'WHERE id ='".$ who ."'"); 
                   if ($ res) 
                     echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"o\"/> $ unick profile was successfully updated! <br/>"; 
                   ) else ( 
                     echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"x\"/> It's impossible to update $ unick profile! <br/>"; 
                   ) else 
                   $ res = mysql_query ( "UPDATE ibwf_users SET avatar ='".$ savat." ', email ='".$ semail.' site ='".$ sew. " ', birthday ='".$ ubday. " ', location ='".$ uloc.' signature ='".$ usig." ', sex ='".$ usex. "' name ='".$ unick." ', Permian =' ". $ Permian." 'WHERE id ='".$ who ."'"); 
                   if ($ res) 
                     echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"o\"/> $ unick profile was successfully updated! <br/>"; 
                   ) else ( 
                     echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"x\"/> It's impossible to update $ unick profile! <br/>"; 
                   echo "<br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=chuinfo&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Members </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 
                   echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                ///////////// user password 
                else if ($ action == "upwd") 

                     $ npwd = $ _POST [ "npwd"]; 
                     $ who = $ _GET [ "who"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                   echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                    if ((strlen ($ npwd) <4) | | (strlen ($ npwd)> 15)) ( 
                     echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"x\"/> password must contain from 4 to 15 letters or numbers! <br/>" ; 

                   ) else ( 
                     $ pwd = md5 ($ npwd); 
                     $ res = mysql_query ( "UPDATE ibwf_users SET pass ='".$ pwd." 'WHERE id ='".$ who ."'"); 
                     if ($ res) 
                     echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"o\"/> Password successfully updated! <br/>"; 
                   ) else ( 
                     echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"x\"/> It's impossible to update the password! <br/>"; 

                echo "<br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=chuinfo&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Members </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 
                   echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                /////////////// add group 
                else if ($ action == "addgrp") 

                   $ frname = $ _POST [ "ugname"]; 
                   $ ugaa = $ _POST [ "ugaa"]; 
                   $ allus = $ _POST [ 'allus']; 
                   $ MAGE = $ _POST [ "MAGE"]; 
                   $ mpst = $ _POST [ "mpst"]; 
                   MPLS $ = $ _POST [ "MPLS"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo $ ugname; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $ res = mysql_query ( "INSERT INTO ibwf_groups SET name ='".$ ugname." ', autoass ='".$ ugaa. "', userst ='".$ allus." ', MAGE MAGE ='".$ . 'posts ='".$ mpst.' plusses ='".$ MPLS ."'"); 

                         if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> a group of members successfully created!"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> It's impossible to create the Group members"; 

                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ugroups&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Group Members </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 

                       echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "edtfrm") 

                   $ fid = $ _POST [ "fid"]; 
                   $ frname = $ _POST [ "frname"]; 
                   $ frpos = $ _POST [ "frpos"]; 
                   $ fcid = $ _POST [ "fcid"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo $ frname; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $ res = mysql_query ( "UPDATE ibwf_forums SET name ='".$ frname." ', position ='".$ frpos. "', CID ='".$ fcid." 'WHERE id ='".$ fid. "'"); 

                         if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> Forum updated successfully!"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> update the Forum It's impossible!"; 

                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=forums&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Forum </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 

                       echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "edtcat") 

                   $ fcid = $ _POST [ "fcid"]; 
                   $ fcname = $ _POST [ "fcname"]; 
                   $ fcpos = $ _POST [ "fcpos"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo $ fcname; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $ res = mysql_query ( "UPDATE ibwf_fcats SET name ='".$ fcname." ', position ='".$ fcpos. "' WHERE id ='".$ fcid ."'"); 

                         if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> Forum Kategirije successfully updated!"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> It's impossible to update Forum Categories"; 

                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=fcats&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Forum Category </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 

                       echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "delfrm") 

                   $ fid = $ _POST [ "fid"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $ res = mysql_query ( "DELETE FROM ibwf_forums WHERE id ='".$ fid ."'"); 

                         if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> Forum successfully deleted!"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> Could not delete forum"; 

                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=forums&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Forum </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 

                       echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "delpms") 

                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 

                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $ res = mysql_query ( "DELETE FROM WHERE ibwf_private reported! ='1 'and starred ='0' AND'0 = unread '); 

                         if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> All PP are deleted unless commenced, trnutno active and unread!"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> Database error!"; 

                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=clrdta&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Data Forum </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 

                       echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "clrmlog") 

                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 

                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $ res = mysql_query ( "DELETE FROM ibwf_mlog"); 
                         echo mysql_error (); 
                         if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> ModCP successfully deleted!"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> Database error!"; 

                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=clrdta&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Data Forum </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "FORUM </ a>"; 

                       echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "delsht") 

                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         $ altm = time () - (2 * 24 * 60 * 60); 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $ res = mysql_query ( "DELETE FROM WHERE ibwf_shouts Shtime <'".$ altm ."'"); 

                         if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> sound older than 2 days have been successfully deleted!"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> Database error!"; 

                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=clrdta&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Data Forum </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 

                       echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "delgrp") 

                   $ ugid = $ _POST [ "ugid"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 

                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $ res = mysql_query ( "DELETE FROM ibwf_groups WHERE id ='".$ ugid ."'"); 

                         if ($ res) 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/> a group of members successfully deleted!"; 
                       ) else ( 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/> Could not delete a group of members"; 

                       echo "<br/> <br/> <a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ugroups&sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Group Members </ a> <br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "Owner's panel </ a> <br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\"> <img src = \" http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif \ "alt = \" * \ "/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY </ a>"; 

                       echo "</ p> </ card> '; 

                else if ($ action == "delrss") 

                   $ rssid = $ _POST [ "rssid"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_rss WHERE id='".$rssid."'"); 

                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>RSS Podrska uspesno obrisana!"; 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Greska baze podataka!"; 

                       echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=manrss&amp;sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "RSS Menadzer</a><br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; 
                   echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY</a>"; 

                       echo "</p></card>"; 

                else if($action=="delchr") 

                   $chrid = $_POST["chrid"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_rooms WHERE id='".$chrid."'"); 

                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>Chat Soba uspesno obrisana!"; 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Greska baze podataka!"; 

                       echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=chrooms&amp;sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Cet Soba</a><br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; 
                   echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY</a>"; 

                       echo "</p></card>"; 

                else if($action=="delu") 

                   $who = $_GET["who"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 

                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_buddies WHERE tid='".$who."' OR uid='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_gbook WHERE gbowner='".$who."' OR gbsigner='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_ignore WHERE name='".$who."' OR target='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_mangr WHERE uid='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_modr WHERE name='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_penalties WHERE uid='".$who."' OR exid='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_posts WHERE uid='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_private WHERE byuid='".$who."' OR touid='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_shouts WHERE shouter='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_topics WHERE authorid='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_brate WHERE uid='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_games WHERE uid='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_presults WHERE uid='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_vault WHERE uid='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_blogs WHERE bowner='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_chat WHERE chatter='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_chat WHERE who='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_chonline WHERE uid='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_online WHERE userid='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_ses WHERE uid='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_xinfo WHERE uid='".$who."'"); 
                       $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_users WHERE id='".$who."'"); 

                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>Clan uspesno obrisan!"; 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Nemoguce obrisati clana!"; 

                       echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=chuinfo&amp;sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Clanova</a><br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; 
                   echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY</a>"; 

                       echo "</p></card>"; 

                else if($action=="dodajvip") 

                   $who = $_GET["who"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $res = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET vip='1' where id='".$who."'"); 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>Vip Status dodat uspesno!"; 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Nemoguce dodati Vip Status!"; 

                       echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=chuinfo&amp;sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Clanova</a><br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; 
                   echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY</a>"; 

                       echo "</p></card>"; 

                else if($action=="skinivip") 

                   $who = $_GET["who"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $res = mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET vip='0' where id='".$who."'"); 

                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>Vip Status obrisan uspesno!"; 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Nemoguce obisati Vip Status!"; 

                       echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=chuinfo&amp;sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Clanova</a><br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; 
                   echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY</a>"; 

                       echo "</p></card>"; 

                //////////// Delete users posts 
                else if($action=="delxp") 

                   $who = $_GET["who"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 

                         echo "<br/>"; 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_posts WHERE uid='".$who."'"); 
                     $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_topics WHERE authorid='".$who."'"); 

                       mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_users SET plusses='0' where id='".$who."'"); 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>Post Clana uspesno obrisan!"; 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Nemoguce obrisati Post Clana!"; 

                       echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=chuinfo&amp;sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Clanova</a><br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; 
                   echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY</a>"; 

                       echo "</p></card>"; 

                else if($action=="delcat") 

                   $fcid = $_POST["fcid"]; 
                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"HAPPY Forum\">"; 
                       echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                         echo $fcname; 
                         echo "<br/>"; 
                         $res = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_fcats WHERE id='".$fcid."'"); 

                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/ok.gif\" alt=\"O\"/>Forum Kategorija uspesno obrisana!"; 
                         echo "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/notok.gif\" alt=\"X\"/>Nemoguce obrisati Forum Kategoriju!"; 

                       echo "<br/><br/><a href=\"ownercp.php?action=fcats&amp;sid=$sid\">"; 
                   echo "Panel Forum Kategorija</a><br/>"; 
                       echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=ownercp&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/admn.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; 
                   echo "Vlasnicki panel</a><br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; 
                   echo "HAPPY</a>"; 

                       echo "</p></card>"; 

                     echo "<card id=\"main\" title=\"Vlasnicki panel\">"; 
                   echo "<p align=\"center\">"; 
                      echo "<a href=\"ownercp.php?action=adminpanel&amp;sid=$sid\">Vlasnicki panel</a>"; 
                   //echo "NEMATE PRISTUP Vlasnicki panelU!<br/><br/>"; 
                   echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=main&amp;sid=$sid\"><img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/home.gif\" alt=\"*\"/>"; 
                echo "HAPPY</a>"; 
                   echo "</p></card>"; 

                try it.. english ownercp.php
                LESS TALK. LESS MISTAKE.



                  very superficial translation.....
                  It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid, than to open it and remove all doubt.
                  ⓣⓗⓔ ⓠⓤⓘⓔⓣⓔⓡ ⓨⓞⓤ ⓑⓔ©ⓞⓜⓔ, ⓣⓗⓔ ⓜⓞⓡⓔ ⓨⓞⓤ ⓐⓡⓔ ⓐⓑⓛⓔ ⓣⓞ ⓗⓔⓐⓡ !
                  ιη тнєσяу, тнє ρяα¢тι¢є ιѕ α яєѕυℓт σƒ тнє тнєσяу, вυт ιη ρяα¢тι¢є ιѕ тнє σρρσѕιтє.
                  キノgんイノ刀g 4 ア乇ムc乇 ノ丂 レノズ乇 キucズノ刀g 4 √ノ尺gノ刀ノイリ!


                    thanks Metulj.. Anyway.. How to add another script to index.php??
                    LESS TALK. LESS MISTAKE.



                      example: how can i add this USER RATING script to Core.php

                      PHP Code:
                      function rating($uid)
                      $info=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ibwf_users WHERE id='".$uid."'"));
                      $posts $info["posts"];
                      $plusses $info["plusses"];
                      $gplus $gplus["gplus"];
                      $shouts $shouts["shouts"];
                      $tot $posts+$plusses+$gplus+$shouts;
                      $tot<100){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/half-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}
                      $tot<250){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/1-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}
                      $tot<500){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/1half-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}
                      $tot<750){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/2-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}
                      $tot<2500){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/2half-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}
                      $tot<50000){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/3-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}
                      $tot<75000){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/3half-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}
                      $tot<100000){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/4-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}
                      $tot<150000){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/4half-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}
                      $tot>=150000){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/5-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}

                      LESS TALK. LESS MISTAKE.

                      HTTP://APPSROB.COM - LIST OF MY FACEBOOK APPS!


                        Originally posted by robzky View Post
                        example: how can i add this USER RATING script to Core.php

                        PHP Code:
                        function rating($uid)
                        $info=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ibwf_users WHERE id='".$uid."'"));
                        $posts $info["posts"];
                        $plusses $info["plusses"];
                        $gplus $gplus["gplus"];
                        $shouts $shouts["shouts"];
                        $tot $posts+$plusses+$gplus+$shouts;
                        $tot<100){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/half-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}
                        $tot<250){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/1-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}
                        $tot<500){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/1half-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}
                        $tot<750){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/2-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}
                        $tot<2500){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/2half-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}
                        $tot<50000){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/3-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}
                        $tot<75000){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/3half-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}
                        $tot<100000){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/4-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}
                        $tot<150000){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/4half-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}
                        $tot>=150000){return "<img src=\"http://coding-talk.com/images/5-star.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";}

                        you add this exactly as it is..
                        but you also need small code
                        to add it into user profile
                        to get this work...
                        and some images are mentioned in function as weel...

                        better search forum..
                        cos this function+usage+images been posted
                        complete... means function+usage+images
                        It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid, than to open it and remove all doubt.
                        ⓣⓗⓔ ⓠⓤⓘⓔⓣⓔⓡ ⓨⓞⓤ ⓑⓔ©ⓞⓜⓔ, ⓣⓗⓔ ⓜⓞⓡⓔ ⓨⓞⓤ ⓐⓡⓔ ⓐⓑⓛⓔ ⓣⓞ ⓗⓔⓐⓡ !
                        ιη тнєσяу, тнє ρяα¢тι¢є ιѕ α яєѕυℓт σƒ тнє тнєσяу, вυт ιη ρяα¢тι¢є ιѕ тнє σρρσѕιтє.
                        キノgんイノ刀g 4 ア乇ムc乇 ノ丂 レノズ乇 キucズノ刀g 4 √ノ尺gノ刀ノイリ!


                          thanks metulj.. but wheres part of core.php i put this script?
                          in the middle, bottom, or top?? thanks again..
                          LESS TALK. LESS MISTAKE.

                          HTTP://APPSROB.COM - LIST OF MY FACEBOOK APPS!


                            Originally posted by robzky View Post
                            thanks metulj.. but wheres part of core.php i put this script?
                            in the middle, bottom, or top?? thanks again..
                            it's just function anyway
                            It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid, than to open it and remove all doubt.
                            ⓣⓗⓔ ⓠⓤⓘⓔⓣⓔⓡ ⓨⓞⓤ ⓑⓔ©ⓞⓜⓔ, ⓣⓗⓔ ⓜⓞⓡⓔ ⓨⓞⓤ ⓐⓡⓔ ⓐⓑⓛⓔ ⓣⓞ ⓗⓔⓐⓡ !
                            ιη тнєσяу, тнє ρяα¢тι¢є ιѕ α яєѕυℓт σƒ тнє тнєσяу, вυт ιη ρяα¢тι¢є ιѕ тнє σρρσѕιтє.
                            キノgんイノ刀g 4 ア乇ムc乇 ノ丂 レノズ乇 キucズノ刀g 4 √ノ尺gノ刀ノイリ!


                              Originally posted by robzky View Post
                              thanks metulj.. but wheres part of core.php i put this script?
                              in the middle, bottom, or top?? thanks again..
                              lol anywhere. just insert it anywhere after a function:

                              function example {


                              function rating {

                              LDSWAPWORLD sigpic
                              site closed.
                              im busy with other things in life like facebook , send me PM so i can add you

                              don't ask for help if you're not even helping yourself!
                              i am tired of seeing the line "best site", i want to see something NEW and UNIQUE. maybe if i find one, ill go back to my wap life again.


                                capofret how about a code?

                                like this how to install this to index.php

                                echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=sharepl&amp;who=$who&amp;sid=$sid\">Share Plusses</a><br/>";
                                Last edited by robzky; 16.05.09, 12:18.
                                LESS TALK. LESS MISTAKE.

                                HTTP://APPSROB.COM - LIST OF MY FACEBOOK APPS!

