Hi, Since shoutcast version 2 has come on the scene my soundbox radio panel has stopped working on my invision power board x3.4... i can't input my shoutcast server details for it to play the auto dj music and show up on the panel because it all i get is a error.

my last host sorted this problem out by editing one of the PHP files in the soundbox folder on my server but didn't tell me which one... I've gone with a new host now and have the same prolem due to having to set my forum up from scratch could someone please help me with this. sorry if i haven't been very clear about this.

my last host sorted this problem out by editing one of the PHP files in the soundbox folder on my server but didn't tell me which one... I've gone with a new host now and have the same prolem due to having to set my forum up from scratch could someone please help me with this. sorry if i haven't been very clear about this.