How should i go about adding domain parking to KBuilder?

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    How should i go about adding domain parking to KBuilder?

    I wanna share my script but after testing, everything is fine but too many requests for domain parking which i have no idea how i should start doing it.
    Been a while since i asked for help .
    It would be nice if i can keep it compatible with shared hosting.
    Mobile chat, iphone chat, android chat, chat, rooms

    if u are using cpanel then post the required via curl in addon domain section othewise use virtual host for apache

    Added after 11 minutes:

    Nd I saw ur site its good but u nd I will suggest u to pay Attention in filesystem security by disallowing dot file in editor

    $filename = ".someinvaildfile";
    If($filename{0} == "."){
    //file name can not start with doy
    Last edited by shushant; 11.06.13, 13:54.


      Thank you shushant, i will remove dotfiles with preg_match, and look into the domains with curl
      Mobile chat, iphone chat, android chat, chat, rooms


        Hey shushant, just to clarify, your suggestion was to login to cpanel with curl and post the addon domain in the addon domain section right?
        Mobile chat, iphone chat, android chat, chat, rooms


          yes it is very similar to subdomain creator (Can be found in GumSlone's post for translated version of some russian wap builder script) but you will need to get url of addon domain page and also its post value


            this should help too: php - How To Programmatically Create Addon Domains on Shared Hosting Plans - Stack Overflow
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