lava updates by me

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    lava updates by me

    ok heres my first share forum attachments for lava style scripts that supports apk files

    a vb style look ul have to change the links to suit your script as i removed the session ids in this version

    included: likes and thanks for topics , post attachment in new posts and replies. guests cant access the file download. whos viewd the download just like in ctalk
    feel free to use as u wish but please give me some credit if u guys like this work ill post more updates on this topic.if no one cares to reply ill just keep them to myself :pClick image for larger version

Name:	forums.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	60.5 KB
ID:	113069

    Added after 4 minutes:

    ok as this one says
    PHP Code:
    $unick $_POST["unick"];
    $tid getuid_nick($unick);
    $who==1) || ($who==2) || ($who==3))
    $unick getnick_uid($who);
    "<div class=\"error\"><img src=\"images/no.gif\" alt=\"-\"/>";
    "<b><strong>You Cant Edit $unick's Profile </strong></b><br/>";
    ///// your normal content here

    what this does who=1 who=2 who =3 stops ids 1 , 2 and 3 from being tampered with
    more tips to come
    Last edited by ozziemale31; 30.04.13, 11:35.

    Dont Ask Me Dumb Questions.Or you'l get a Dumb Answer..
    Want A Profesional Logo or Theme For Your wap site Pm Me.If I Have The Time Ill Make It For Free

    Good work bro
    Girls are like internet domain name, The girls i like are already taken!


      Quick heads up:
      Looks like you may have possible injection holes in your script:
      PHP Code:
      $mob2 $_SERVER['HTTP_X_MSISDN'];
      $mob $_SERVER['HTTP_X_NETWORK_INFO']; 
      also you may want to share your core.php as there is a lot of custom functions that would need editing/deleting from your script.

      Also from what i can remember from lava script you could change this:

      Originally posted by ozziemale31 View Post
      PHP Code:
      $unick $_POST["unick"];
      $tid getuid_nick($unick);
      $who==1) || ($who==2) || ($who==3))
      $unick getnick_uid($who);
      "<div class=\"error\"><img src=\"images/no.gif\" alt=\"-\"/>";
      "<b><strong>You Cant Edit $unick's Profile </strong></b><br/>";
      ///// your normal content here

      PHP Code:
      if(isadmin($who)) //saves manually editing each time you have new admin
      $unick getnick_uid($who);
      "<div class=\"error\"><img src=\"images/no.gif\" alt=\"-\"/>";
      "<b><strong>You Cant Edit $unick's Profile </strong></b><br/>";
      ///// your normal content here



        $mob2 = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_MSISDN'];
        $mob = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_NETWORK_INFO'];
        dont have any real functions as of yet i forgot to remove them lol
        fix them using
        PHP Code:
        $mob2 cleanQuery($_SERVER['HTTP_X_MSISDN']);
        $mob cleanQuery($_SERVER['HTTP_X_NETWORK_INFO']); 
        just seeing what values they returned
        heres the core
        Attached Files
        Last edited by ozziemale31; 01.05.13, 08:16.

        Dont Ask Me Dumb Questions.Or you'l get a Dumb Answer..
        Want A Profesional Logo or Theme For Your wap site Pm Me.If I Have The Time Ill Make It For Free


          i want try one version of lava edited by @something_else
          i think he is very expert
          if like my post click:


            Originally posted by sweetangel View Post
            i want try one version of lava edited by @something_else
            i think he is very expert
            Only real difference between most of them on here is that it is full of mods that a lot of people would like to get there hands on.
            The script is not scripted that well as we started it as a noobs. Also there is ways to hack it that we never got round to fixing
            I will have a word with my partner to see if it is ok to release it, seeming we don't use it any more.


              Originally posted by something else View Post
              Only real difference between most of them on here is that it is full of mods that a lot of people would like to get there hands on.
              The script is not scripted that well as we started it as a noobs. Also there is ways to hack it that we never got round to fixing
              I will have a word with my partner to see if it is ok to release it, seeming we don't use it any more.

              oooh gr8 news :D
              im curious about your feature

              @Centi too has dev one best lava edition.. who know where is???
              if like my post click:




                wel now everyone can enjoy file attachments in ther forums i do have other mods 2 ill share by request if u need something codded for lava ill do it but not for free.
                thers nothing i dont know about this script mods are easy to do

                Dont Ask Me Dumb Questions.Or you'l get a Dumb Answer..
                Want A Profesional Logo or Theme For Your wap site Pm Me.If I Have The Time Ill Make It For Free



                  Originally posted by riderz
                  You don't have a wall script like facebook I know ejat have one but I didn't get it to work like facebook wall script
                  i do too lol

                  in sql add
                  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ibwf_wall` (
                    `id` int(100) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                    `gbowner` int(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
                    `gbsigner` int(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
                    `gbmsg` blob NOT NULL,
                    `dtime` int(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
                    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
                  ) ENGINE=MyISAM  DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1091 ;
                  in core add
                  function candelwall($uid,$mid)
                    $minfo = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT gbowner, gbsigner FROM ibwf_wall WHERE id='".$mid."'"));
                      return true;
                      return true;
                    return false;
                  on profiles add this code
                   $sql = "SELECT gbowner, gbsigner, gbmsg, dtime FROM ibwf_wall WHERE gbowner='".$who."' ORDER BY dtime DESC LIMIT 4";
                      $items = mysql_query($sql);
                      echo mysql_error();
                   $br = "<br/>";
                   $hr = "";
                      while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($items))
                        $hr ="<div class=\"hr\"></hr>";
                           $snick = getnick_uid($item[1]);
                        $text = parsepm($item[2], $sid);
                   echo "<table><tr><td>$foto</td><td>$seximg<a href=\"profile.php?action=viewuser&amp;who=$item[1]\">$snick</a><br/>$text</td></tr></table>";
                   echo "<i>*No Messages</i><br/>";
                      if(cansigngb($uid, $who))
                      echo "<br/><a href=\"profile.php?action=writewall&amp;who=$who\">";
                   echo "Sign Wall</a> | ";
                      echo "<br/>";
                     $noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_wall WHERE gbowner='".$who."'"));
                     echo "<a href=\"profile.php?action=wall&amp;who=$who\">Comments</a> [$noi[0]]";
                  change profile.php to your code where it is used

                  and use the guestbook script for all the other bits

                  Dont Ask Me Dumb Questions.Or you'l get a Dumb Answer..
                  Want A Profesional Logo or Theme For Your wap site Pm Me.If I Have The Time Ill Make It For Free



                    Originally posted by sweetangel View Post
                    oooh gr8 news :D
                    im curious about your feature

                    @Centi too has dev one best lava edition.. who know where is???
                    writing a new awesome one these days ill show it to you soon... stuipd peeps baned my domain lol,



                      Originally posted by centi View Post
                      writing a new awesome one these days ill show it to you soon... stuipd peeps baned my domain lol,
                      i remember of u!!
                      eheehehhe :P
                      if like my post click:



                        Originally posted by riderz
                        You don't have a wall script like facebook I know ejat have one but I didn't get it to work like facebook wall script
                        If you want to create fb like wall on lava (if i'm not wrong) you must create at least 2 more tables in database ,recode friends functions and codes,recode 80% of script to fit it for wall purpose ,this took me 6 months to figure out and make it but its nice and i'm not using any javascript/jquery or ajax just pure php .if you have litle bit of time you can do it it's not that big problem and your site users will be happy to have thing like wall.if you want to use lava gb code for wall ,just don't becouse it still will be a guestbook not a wall


                          sure,no problem :D

                          I don't have it online becouse can't buy decent hosting,few month ago one of free hosting services shout down my site with script on it
                          and I never had a backup (bad habbit) ,how ever these days was start all over again from some old fragmets that i have on my pc .now i'm using xampp instead of some crapy free host .I've never shere my ideas with nobody but when i finish my so called Lava on stereoids you will be informed that's no problem

                          maybe you'll like what's inside package like
                          -> Main wall which show all site activity (I mean ALL activity)
                          -> User walls in profiles which show feeds only from friends in whos profiles you was click button "Follow me " not from all friends that you have
                          -> 3 versions Web/mobile/touch
                          -> Entire site is menagable by single main admin panel,there is nothing that you can't change
                          -> Constitution of all site code is changed ,you can't tell that this site is running 7 years old lava script,but it's running on lava
                          files and functions names are the same ,code is not
                          -> script is made on blocks there is no lot of stuff that is used to be there
                          -> it's clean and is running like bullet on crapiest free host on the planet becouse source is small but efective

