MySQL HTML cache / Disk Cache Help

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    MySQL HTML cache / Disk Cache Help

    Hello Guys,
    Please help meme to cache mysql based text/html based cache to reduce server load and memory usages of server. I have tried memcached and its not giving much good response.
    It givies time out error. Please help in disk cache.
    //HTML Header
    //connect mysql
    $data = "APAC";
    print'<div class="ad">'.$ad.'</div>';
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM db WHERE cine = ''$data";
    $query = mysql_query($sql);
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))

    How can i turn this to a cache script?
    I can can cache this page into cache or somedir but that's not a solution. Problem is with ads. If i cache this page everything will be cached it will be big problem for
    Is there any solution to cache all page expect ads and page will load from cache file after caching and ads will display without caching.
    Please share your ideas and code how to get ride from this problem.
    Thanks friends

    use memcached to cache mysql query results
    Advertise your mobile site for FREE with AdTwirl


      I wrote a simple Cache class. It helps you manage file system caching effectively, so use it wisely.

       * Cache Class.
       * Provides an interface to Cache data to the filesystem.
       * @author Neo Ighodaro <>
       * @copyright (c) CreativityKills 2013
      class Cache {
           * Singleton instance of the Cache_Object class.
           * @var Cache_Object
          public static $instance;
           * Returns a singleton instance of the Cache_Object class.
           * @return Cache_Object
          public static function instance()
              if (Cache::$instance === null)
                  // Cache directory
                  $directory = defined('APP_CACHE_DIRECTORY') ? APP_CACHE_DIRECTORY : dirname(__FILE__);
                  Cache::$instance = new Cache_Object($directory);
              return Cache::$instance;
           * Acts as a facade to magically call methods from the Cache_Object
           * class statically.
           * <code>
           *     // Save a new cache data
           *     Cache::put('name', 'Neo', 15);
           *     // Get the saved cache
           *     Cache::get('name');
           *     // Delete a saved cache
           *     Cache::forget('name');
           *     // Check if cache has expired
           *     if (Cache::expired('name'))
           *     {
           *         echo 'Cache has expired.';
           *     }
           *     // Run the caches garbage collector to delete expired cache
           *     Cache::garbage_collector();
           *     // Manually purge expired cache
           *     Cache::purge();
           * </code>
           * @param  string $method
           * @param  array $parameters
           * @return mixed
          public static function __callStatic($method, $parameters)
              return call_user_func_array(array(Cache::instance(), $method), $parameters);
      class Cache_Object {
           * Path to the cache directory with trailing slash. Make sure
           * this directory is readable and writable.
           * @var string
          public $cache_directory = '';
           * All the cache data.
           * @var array
          public $cache_data = array();
           * Initializes the Cache_Object class.
           * @param string $cache_directory
           * @return null
          public function __construct($cache_directory)
              $this->cache_directory = $cache_directory;
           * Saves a new cache data to the cache directory
           * @param  string  $key
           * @param  mixed  $data
           * @param  integer $lifetime
           * @return boolean
          public function put($key, $data, $lifetime = 15)
              // The full path to the cache file
              $cache_file = $this->cache_file($key);
              // When the cache will expire
              $expires_at = time() + ($lifetime*60);
              // The full data we want to cache
              $this->cache_data[$cache_file] = array(
                  'data' => $data,
                  'expires_at' => $expires_at,
              // Serialize the cache data so we can save it in a text format
              $serialized_cache_data = serialize($this->cache_data[$cache_file]);
              // Save the cache
              file_put_contents($cache_file, $serialized_cache_data);
              return $this->has($key);
           * Get the cached data from a cache file.
           * @param  string  $key
           * @param  mixed $fallback
           * @return mixed
          public function get($key, $fallback = false)
              $cache_data = $this->load($key);
              if ($cache_data !== false and ! $this->expired($key))
                  return $cache_data['data'];
              return $fallback;
           * Check if cache exists in the filesystem.
           * @param  string  $key
           * @return mixed
          public function has($key)
              return file_exists($this->cache_file($key));
           * Delete a cache file from the cache directory.
           * @param  string $key
           * @return boolean
          public function forget($key)
              if ($cache_data = $this->load($key))
                  $cache_file = $this->cache_file($key);
                  // Delete the cache file...
                  // ...and its spawn ...mwahaha!
                  return ! $this->has($key);
              return true;
           * Load the full data stored in a cache including the expiry time.
           * @param  string $key
           * @return array|false
          public function load($key)
              $cache_file = $this->cache_file($key);
              if ($this->has($key))
                  if ( ! isset($this->cache_data[$cache_file]))
                      // Get the serialized cache data from the cache file
                      $serialized_cache_data = file_get_contents($cache_file);
                      // Unserialize the serialized cache data
                      $cache_data = unserialize($serialized_cache_data);
                      $this->cache_data[$cache_file] = $cache_data;
                  return $this->cache_data[$cache_file];
              return false;
           * Checks if a cache is expired.
           * @param  string $key
           * @return boolean
          public function expired($key)
              if ($cache_data = $this->load($key))
                  return ($cache_data['expires_at'] <= time());
              return true;
           * Delete all expired cache files. Use this function sparingly.
           * @param boolean $full_purge
           * @return null
          public function purge($full_purge = false)
              $cache_directory = new DirectoryIterator($this->cache_directory);
              foreach ($cache_directory as $file)
                  if ($this->is_cache_file($file->getFilename()))
                      $cache_file = $file->getPathname();
                      // Full purge mode essentially deletes all the files cached, whether
                      // they are expired or not.
                      if ($full_purge === true)
                      // Since this is not a full purge, We'll only delete the cache files
                      // that are actually marked as expired
                          $data = @unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_file));
                          // We'll check to see if the data stored in this file is valid. If it is
                          // we'll check the expiry time and delete if its expired.
                          if (is_array($data) and isset($data['expires_at']))
                              if (time() > $data['expires_at'])
                          // This cache file is invalid or corrupt, either way, we dont need
                          // you to take up unnecessary space...
           * Clears expired cache randomly from the cache directory.
           * You can call this method everytime a request runs on
           * your app to check if purge should be run.
           * @param  integer $probability
           * @return string
          public function garbage_collector($probability = 5)
              $lotto_number = rand(0, 100);
              if ($probability <= $lotto_number)
           * Get the cache files full path from a specified key.
           * @param  string $key
           * @return string
          public function cache_file($key)
              return $this->cache_directory.$this->hash($key).'.cache';
           * Checks if the given path to a file is a cache file.
           * @param  string  $file_path
           * @return boolean
          protected function is_cache_file($file_path)
                  list($file_name, $extension) = explode('.', $file_path, 2);
                  return ($extension === 'cache');
           * Hash a given string.
           * @param  string $string
           * @return string
          protected function hash($string)
              return md5($string);
      That is the class. An an example usage is...

      // Load the cache class
      require dirname(__FILE__).'/cache.php';
      // Set the Cache storage directory
      define('APP_CACHE_DIRECTORY', dirname(__FILE__).'/cache/');
      function query_cache($sql, $expiry = 15)
      	if ( ! $results = Cache::get($sql))
      		$query = mysql_query($sql);
      		$results = array();
      		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
      			$results[] = $row;
      		Cache::put($sql, $results, $expiry);
      	return $results;
      // Connect to mysql
      $conn = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', false);
      if ($conn)
      	$db = mysql_select_db('test');
      if ( ! isset($db) or ! $db) die('blah');
      // Results are always in array
      $results = query_cache("SELECT * FROM rb_user_metas WHERE id = 1");
      ?><pre><?php var_dump($results); ?></pre>
      Last edited by CreativityKills; 05.04.13, 15:38.

