Im getting this error code on my index
this is the code in html.tpl.php
this is what is included in valid.php which i think is causing error because when i put something in $s = array(''); like $s = array('SOMETHING HERE'); then the error goes away
i tried messing with code but not getting anywhere
Im getting this error code on my index
PHP Code:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home//public_html/12/html.tpl.php on line 3
PHP Code:
<?php include 'head.inc.php'; ?>
<div class="rmenu"><img src="a.gif" /> Search Results: [<?=$q?>]</div>
<?php foreach ($data['results'] as $result) :?>
<div class="rmenu"><a href="<?php printf('tweak.php?u=%s&h=%d&w=%d', urlencode($result['url']), $result['height'], $result['width']); ?>"><img src="<?=$result['tbUrl'] ?>" alt="<?=$result['titleNoFormatting'] ?>" width="116" height="78"/></a><div class="text"><?=$result['titleNoFormatting'] ?></div></div>
<?php endforeach ?>
<div id="rmenu">
<center><a href="<?php printf('?q=%s&safe=%s&size=%s&type=%s&p=%d', $GS -> search, $GS -> safe, $GS -> image_size, $GS -> image_type, ($p - 1))?>">Prev</a> | <a href="<?php printf('?q=%s&safe=%s&size=%s&type=%s&p=%d', $GS -> search, $GS -> safe, $GS -> image_size, $GS -> image_type, ($p + 1)) ?>">Next</a></center></div>
PHP Code:
$safe = array("moderate", "active");
$image_type = array('', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp');
$image_size = array('',);
$s = array('SOMETHING HERE');