Hi guys I need some help I have a xml document with the following info
and a php script to dump rows in a table with coding to remove the info in the xml document but I cant seem to get it to work it just shows me the rows but dont delete them
can someone help me to get my php document correct so it can clean my xml document to just show the xml doc with the following info in it afterwards
Added after 21 minutes:
ok I manage to get it to work but now I got some other help needed
This delete each record as I refresh it each time, isnt there a way to delete all at once or create a table where I can tick off to delete each record? and after I deleted all the records isn't there a way to tell me there are no more records and link me back to the index? in place of getting the error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <users> <user><name>Skuilnaam</name><score>8</score></user><user><name>Skuilnaam1</name><score>10</score></user><user><name>cobus</name><score>5</score></user></users>
<? $db_host = "xxxxxxxxxxx"; $db_user = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"; $db_pass = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; $db_name = "xxxxxxxxxxx"; $connect = @mysql_connect($db_host,$db_user,$db_pass); @mysql_select_db($db_name); static $leaderboardfile = 'res/leaders.xml'; // Empty table $query = "TRUNCATE TABLE rente"; mysql_query($query); ?> <?php $retriever = new DOMDocument(); $retriever ->load( 'res/leaders.xml' ); $masterElement = $retriever->documentElement; $masterContent = $masterElement->getElementsByTagName('user')->item(0); $oldContent = $masterElement->removeChild($masterContent ); echo $retriever->saveXML(); ?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <users> <</users>
Originally posted by cobusbo
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<?php $retriever = new DOMDocument(); $retriever ->load( 'res/leaders.xml' ); $masterElement = $retriever->documentElement; $masterContent = $masterElement->getElementsByTagName('user')->item(0); $oldContent = $masterElement->removeChild($masterContent ); echo $retriever->saveXML(); echo $retriever->save( 'res/leaders.xml' ); ?>
This delete each record as I refresh it each time, isnt there a way to delete all at once or create a table where I can tick off to delete each record? and after I deleted all the records isn't there a way to tell me there are no more records and link me back to the index? in place of getting the error
Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to DOMNode::removeChild() must be an instance of DOMNode, null given in /srv/disk1/1296487/www/rekvasvra.uni.me/Gr10/Rente/cron.php on line 23 when all records are deleted