help abt online list

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    help abt online list

    Hey guys, I need help with online list I'm trying to get the user avatar to show on online list bt I can't get the code to work, I try searching forum and other scripts bt still no result ..

    This is the coding I was trying to use

    PHP Code:
    $avlink getavatar($item[3]);
      if (
    $sex mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT sex FROM ibwf_users WHERE id='$item[3]'"));
    "<br/><img src=\"images/nophotoboy.gif\" alt=\"avatar\"/><br/>";
        }else if(
    "<br/><img src=\"images/nophotogirl.gif\" alt=\"avatar\"/><br/>";
    "<br/><img src=\"images/nopic.jpg\" alt=\"avatar\"/><br/>";
    "<br/><img src=\"$avlink\" alt=\"avatar\"/><br/><br/>";
    This is the code. sorry abt tht
    Last edited by MyGyChat; 16.07.12, 12:54.

    seriously. this is why you wont get help with this code. its not wrapped in bbcode php tags and has forced smileys to appear in places where code should be.
    include ('Ghost');
    if ($Post == true) {
    echo '

    alt='!!' />';
    echo 'Sharing Is Caring!';
    } else {
    echo '

    alt='the username GHOST has been comprimised!' />';
    echo 'OMG SOMEBODY HELP ME!!';


      No I use 3 smiley tht is showing. Tht code is the plain code.


        Originally posted by MyGyChat View Post
        No I use 3 smiley tht is showing. Tht code is the plain code.
        oops my bad you are right. but please still wrap the code into a php tag for easier viewing and cleaner posts.
        include ('Ghost');
        if ($Post == true) {
        echo '

        alt='!!' />';
        echo 'Sharing Is Caring!';
        } else {
        echo '

        alt='the username GHOST has been comprimised!' />';
        echo 'OMG SOMEBODY HELP ME!!';


          Ok bbcode is [ php ] whtever [ /php ] right. Cause I jus did tht


            Originally posted by MyGyChat View Post
            Ok bbcode is [ php ] whtever [ /php ] right. Cause I jus did tht
            yes mate thank you. looks much better. there is a button you can press to do it also at top of textarea box marked php ;)
            but that maybe just for pc user mode of site not mobile im not sure. but thanks lol.
            include ('Ghost');
            if ($Post == true) {
            echo '

            alt='!!' />';
            echo 'Sharing Is Caring!';
            } else {
            echo '

            alt='the username GHOST has been comprimised!' />';
            echo 'OMG SOMEBODY HELP ME!!';


              do u have this getavatar function in ur core.php check it , secondly are ur avatar images placed in proper folder see tht also , if u r getting any error better report tht fully


                Yea it have getavatar function in core and its working. Cause my profile using tht same code and it working fine. But I don't know it aint working on the online list . Plzz help me

                Yea I'm mobile


                  You need to get the user id into avatar or it will never work.
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                    Originally posted by MyGyChat View Post
                    Yea it have getavatar function in core and its working. Cause my profile using tht same code and it working fine. But I don't know it aint working on the online list . Plzz help me

                    Yea I'm mobile

                    After looking at your code i did a update so try this code below and tell me if it works for you now

                    PHP Code:
                    $avlink getavatar($item[3]);

                      if (
                    $sex mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT sex FROM ibwf_users WHERE id='$item[3]'"));

                    "<br/><img src=\"images/nophotoboy.gif\" alt=\"avatar\"/><br/>";
                        }else if(
                    "<br/><img src=\"images/nophotogirl.gif\" alt=\"avatar\"/><br/>";
                              }else if(

                    "<br/><img src=\"images/nopic.jpg\" alt=\"avatar\"/><br/>";


                    "<br/><img src=\"$avlink\" alt=\"avatar\"/><br/><br/>";


                      Hmmm I change $item[3] to $item[2] and its working according to the sex and which pic to show bt pic from gallery aren't showing lik the rest it show in url form

