help regarding all this pls!!

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    PHP Code:

    try using longer value here. find session_start(); in your codes. use
    PHP Code:
    before session_start();
    PHP Code:
    after to make sure it regenerate the session_id.
    Hope this could help you.


      y are you all going so much complicated just use simple thinks ... less headache and work fine
      get last location and from that with help of header you can do waht you was willing is that not simple


        using header to redirect is not the best practise expecially when the php file in question has header already set at top of script.
        you will be bombarded with cannot modify headers. header already sent by blah blah at line blah. error.
        and the post i made about using meta to redirect is so simple a child could do it.

        removed last bit of my comment, due to seeing example in an earlier post
        Last edited by Ghost; 07.07.12, 22:30.
        include ('Ghost');
        if ($Post == true) {
        echo '

        alt='!!' />';
        echo 'Sharing Is Caring!';
        } else {
        echo '

        alt='the username GHOST has been comprimised!' />';
        echo 'OMG SOMEBODY HELP ME!!';


          Originally posted by Ghost View Post
          using header to redirect is not the best practise expecially when the php file in question has header already set at top of script.
          you will be bombarded with cannot modify headers. header already sent by blah blah at line blah. error.
          and the post i made about using meta to redirect is so simple a child could do it.

          removed last bit of my comment, due to seeing example in an earlier post
          ya you are correct but some old java browsers dont exicute meta tage.... and also if net is slow then it will take too long to get redirected.....

          and yes what you said abot header location is correct .... im also facing same problem and using meta tag
          but on some hosting the heder function work fine like host geter and ewebguru krishna server .....

          i was surprised how it work there and not for me ....
          im a noob so if i said any blender plzzz dont laugh at me


            Originally posted by love_444 View Post
            but on some hosting the heder function work fine like host geter and ewebguru krishna server .....
            i was surprised how it work there and not for me ....
            im a noob so if i said any blender plzzz dont laugh at me
            most probably down to the server not producing error logs.

            ive been on a few servers that dont log errors so doesnt show when error appears like header modifying.
            just like it wont show if you turn error report off yourself from inside the script.

            now im using a more stricter ruling server that does error logging i learn from my past errors and no longer use
            header location "unless" the script im writing has no header code to start with. even if meta redirect is slower.
            i would prefer to use it over the chance of if someone uses my script on a strict server like mine and they get alot of error's
            it doesnt make me look like a good coder, it makes me look bad in the long run.

            as the saying goes, its better to be safe. than sorry.
            include ('Ghost');
            if ($Post == true) {
            echo '

            alt='!!' />';
            echo 'Sharing Is Caring!';
            } else {
            echo '

            alt='the username GHOST has been comprimised!' />';
            echo 'OMG SOMEBODY HELP ME!!';


              Originally posted by Ghost View Post
              most probably down to the server not producing error logs.

              ive been on a few servers that dont log errors so doesnt show when error appears like header modifying.
              just like it wont show if you turn error report off yourself from inside the script.
              na i mean that header function work perfect to chek that i turn on the error log and also the error report ... there was no error but when i do outher mistake in script it give all errors but with header no error and workes fine ....
              for me the header function iz kinda misterius ....

