its someone's birthday.. so if u can share that be gr8 thanks
May anyone help plz Im looking for the CARD BBcode the is sent Auto in wapdesire when
Code:function cleardata() { $timeto = 120; $timenw = time(); $timeout = $timenw - $timeto; $exec = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_chonline WHERE lton<'".$timeout."'"); $timeto = 300; $timenw = time(); $timeout = $timenw - $timeto; $exec = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_chat WHERE timesent<'".$timeout."'"); $timeto = 60*60; $timenw = time(); $timeout = $timenw - $timeto; $exec = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_search WHERE stime<'".$timeout."'"); ///delete expired rooms $timeto = 5*60; $timenw = time(); $timeout = $timenw - $timeto; $rooms = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM ibwf_rooms WHERE static='0' AND lastmsg<'".$timeout."'"); while ($room=mysql_fetch_array($rooms)) { $ppl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_chonline WHERE rid='".$room[0]."'")); if($ppl[0]==0) { $exec = mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_rooms WHERE id='".$room[0]."'"); } } $lbpm = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT value FROM ibwf_settings WHERE name='lastbpm'")); $td = date("Y-m-d"); //echo $lbpm[0]; if ($td!=$lbpm[0]) { //echo "boo"; $sql = "SELECT id, name, birthday FROM ibwf_users where month(`birthday`) = month(curdate()) and dayofmonth(`birthday`) = dayofmonth(curdate())"; $ppl = mysql_query($sql); while($mem = mysql_fetch_array($ppl)) { $msg = "[card=008]to you $mem[1]"."[/card] $sitename team wish you a day full of joy and happiness and many happy returns[br/]*fireworks*[br/][small][i]p.s: this is an automated pm[/i][/small]"; autopm($msg, $mem[0]); } mysql_query("UPDATE ibwf_settings SET value='".$td."' WHERE name='lastbpm'"); } }
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