Does anyone have in use this in sql based? It would be nice to hear experiences, advice, at what to pay attention...
CSS editing by user
Depends on how the user is able to edit the css , as a text ? in a text area form ? or just by div ids as body{} and others via submit form with drop down options menu ...
i used to let my users customize their page look by a submit form with a drop down menu with options... for example
customize css on body{}
<option value="#000">black</option>
<option value="#19A6FF">blue</option>
<option value="#FFFFFF">white</option>
got it ? :D // just an idea :p
Added after 4 minutes:
as by payn' attention to something that would be the options you should enable for changing by your user (div's ,global's as body,img,a link,etc,) and an option to set it back to default .. / resset
Added after 10 minutes:
and something else to add
you could output for use to a php file with header
header('Content-type: text/css'); by simply echoing it from database / per user select and then use it to your header
PHP Code:echo'<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/style.css" type="text/css"/>';
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^style\.css$ /style.php [L]Last edited by just_m3.; 19.01.12, 18:34.This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!
Originally posted by just_m3. View PostDepends on how the user is able to edit the css , as a text ? in a text area form ? or just by div ids as body{} and others via submit form with drop down options menu ...
i used to let my users customize their page look by a submit form with a drop down menu with options... for example
customize css on body{}
<option value="#000">black</option>
<option value="#19A6FF">blue</option>
<option value="#FFFFFF">white</option>
got it ? :D // just an idea :p
Added after 4 minutes:
as by payn' attention to something that would be the options you should enable for changing by your user (div's ,global's as body,img,a link,etc,) and an option to set it back to default .. / resset
I have investegate this and thats why i need someone who have this in use by any way, anything.
If i should go by predefined CSS attributes than i'll make an array do loop foreach ($color_array as $col => $color) ... , you don't want that i post color_array.No way that im gonna scroll 2.000 lines just because color select option, i have them 115 in that array.
And than text size, font, borders, border style, weight, ......... Thats too much, can do, but its too nasty.
Added after 2 minutes:
Originally posted by just_m3. View Post
Added after 10 minutes:
and something else to add
you could output for use to a php file with header
header('Content-type: text/css'); by simply echoing it from database / per user select and then use it to your header
PHP Code:echo'<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/style.css" type="text/css"/>';
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^style\.css$ /style.php [L]Last edited by arnage; 19.01.12, 18:40.<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM.RS
Originally posted by arnage View PostDoes anyone have in use this in sql based? It would be nice to hear experiences, advice, at what to pay attention...
if so, i'm using something similar at one of my sites, so that users can customize their profiles.
Originally posted by GumSlone View Postyou want your users to edit the css in a textarea and save the edited css in sql for every user?
if so, i'm using something similar at one of my sites, so that users can customize their profiles.<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM.RS
Originally posted by arnage View PostExactly. Just for guest books but its the same. How did you solve it?
you can make it via textarea but its bad idea because not many users know much about css.
Originally posted by GumSlone View Posti made a form where they could change colors for links, text, background etc, and then just placed the values into a css code and saved the code in the database.
you can make it via textarea but its bad idea because not many users know much about css.
the very same way as i used and gived demo in the first post .. :pThis is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!
Originally posted by just_m3. View Post"is best to continue this way". ;)Originally posted by just_m3. View Postthe very same way as i used and gived demo in the first post .. :p
PHP Code:$color_array = array(
'Aqua[00FFFF]' => '00FFFF', 'Black[000000]' => '000000', 'Blue[0000FF]' => '0000FF', 'Fuchsia[FF00FF]' => 'FF00FF', 'Gray[808080]' => '808080',
'Green[008000]' => '008000', 'Lime[00FF00]' => '00FF00', 'Maroon[800000]' => '800000', 'Navy[000080]' => '000080', 'Olive[808000]' => '808000',
'Purple[800080]' => '800080', 'Red[FF0000]' => 'FF0000', 'Silver[C0C0C0]' => 'C0C0C0', 'Teal[008080]' => '008080', 'White[FFFFFF]' => 'FFFFFF',
'Yellow[FFFF00]' => 'FFFF00', 'Aquamarine[7FFFD4]' => '7FFFD4', 'Blueviolet[8A2BE2]' => '8A2BE2', 'Brown[A52A2A]' => 'A52A2A', 'Burlywood[DEB887]' => 'DEB887',
'Cadetblue[5F9EA0]' => '5F9EA0', 'Chocolate[02691E]' => '02691E', 'Coral[FF7F50]' => 'FF7F50', 'Cornflowerblue[6495ED]' => '6495ED', 'Crimson[DC143C]' => 'DC143C',
'Darkcyan[008686]' => '008686', 'Darkgoldenrod[688606]' => '688606', 'Darkgray[A9A9A9]' => 'A9A9A9', 'Darkgreen[006400]' => '006400', 'Darkkhaki[606766]' => '606766',
'Darkmagenta[860086]' => '860086', 'Darkolivegreen[55662F]' => '55662F', 'Darkorange[FF8C00]' => 'FF8C00', 'Darkorchid[9932CC]' => '9932CC', 'Darkred[860000]' => '860000',
'Darksalmon[E9967A]' => 'E9967A', 'Darkslateblue[483086]' => '483086', 'Darkslategray[2F4F4F]' => '2F4F4F', 'Darkturquoise[00CED1]' => '00CED1', 'Darkviolet[940003]' => '940003',
'Deeppink[FF1493]' => 'FF1493', 'Deepskyblue[00BFFF]' => '00BFFF', 'Dimgray[696969]' => '696969', 'Dodgerblue[1E90FF]' => '1E90FF', 'Firebrick[622222]' => '622222',
'Floralwhite[FFFAF0]' => 'FFFAF0', 'Forestgreen[228622]' => '228622', 'Gainsboro[DCDCDC]' => 'DCDCDC', 'Gold[FFD700]' => 'FFD700', 'Goldenrod[DAA520]' => 'DAA520',
'Greenyellow[ADFF2F]' => 'ADFF2F', 'Hotpink[FF69B4]' => 'FF69B4', 'Indianred[CD5C5C]' => 'CD5C5C', 'Indigo[460082]' => '460082', 'Khaki[F0E68C]' => 'F0E68C',
'Lavender[E6E6FA]' => 'E6E6FA', 'Lavenderblush[FFF0F5]' => 'FFF0F5', 'Lawngreen[7CFC00]' => '7CFC00', 'Lightblue[ADD8E6]' => 'ADD8E6', 'Lightcoral[F08080]' => 'F08080',
'Lightcyan[E0FFFF]' => 'E0FFFF', 'Lightgreen[90EE90]' => '90EE90', 'Lightgrey[D3D3D3]' => 'D3D3D3', 'Lightpink[FFB6C1]' => 'FFB6C1', 'Lightsalmon[FFA07A]' => 'FFA07A',
'Lightseagreen[20B2AA]' => '20B2AA', 'Lightskyblue[87CEFA]' => '87CEFA', 'Lightslategray[778899]' => '778899', 'Lightsteelblue[B0C4DE]' => 'B0C4DE', 'Limegreen[32CD32]' => '32CD32',
'Linen[FAF0E6]' => 'FAF0E6', 'Mediumorchid[BA55D3]' => 'BA55D3', 'Mediumpurple[9370DB]' => '9370DB', 'Mediumseagreen[3CB371]' => '3CB371', 'Mediumslateblue[7B68EE]' => '7B68EE',
'Mediumturquoise[4801CC]' => '4801CC', 'Mediumvioletred[071585]' => '071585', 'Midnightblue[191970]' => '191970', 'Mintcream[F5FFFA]' => 'F5FFFA', 'Mistyrose[FFE4E1]' => 'FFE4E1',
'Moccasin[FFE4B5]' => 'FFE4B5', 'Navajowhite[FFDEAD]' => 'FFDEAD', 'Old lace[FDF5E6]' => 'FDF5E6', 'Olivedrab[6B8E23]' => '6B8E23', 'Orange[FFA500]' => 'FFA500',
'Orangered[FF4500]' => 'FF4500', 'Orchid[DA70D6]' => 'DA70D6', 'Palegoldenrod[EEE8AA]' => 'EEE8AA', 'Palegreen[98F698]' => '98F698', 'Paleturquoise[AFEEEE]' => 'AFEEEE',
'Palevioletred[DB7093]' => 'DB7093', 'Peachpuff[FFDAB9]' => 'FFDAB9', 'Peru[CD853F]' => 'CD853F', 'Pink[FFCOC8]' => 'FFCOC8', 'Plum[DDA0DD]' => 'DDA0DD',
'Powderblue[B0E0E6]' => 'B0E0E6', 'Rosybrown[BC8F8F]' => 'BC8F8F', 'Royalblue[4169E1]' => '4169E1', 'Saddlebrown[864513]' => '864513', 'Salmon[FA8072]' => 'FA8072',
'Sandybrown[F4A460]' => 'F4A460', 'Seagreen[2E8B57]' => '2E8B57', 'Sienna[A0522D]' => 'A0522D', 'Skyblue[87CEEB]' => '87CEEB', 'Slateblue[6A5ACD]' => '6A5ACD',
'Slategray[708090]' => '708090', 'Springgreen[00FF7F]' => '00FF7F', 'Steelblue[468264]' => '468264', 'Tan[D2B48C]' => 'D2B48C', 'Thistle[D8BFD8]' => 'D8BFD8',
'Tomato[FF6347]' => 'FF6347', 'Turquoise[40E0D0]' => '40E0D0', 'Violet[EE82EE]' => 'EE82EE', 'Wheat[F5DEB3]' => 'F5DEB3', 'Yellowgreen[9ACD32]' => '9ACD32'
PHP Code:echo 'Body Text Color:<br/>'."\n";
echo '<select name="body_text_color" title="Select Body Text Color">'."\n";
echo '<option value="">None</option>'."\n";
foreach ($color_array as $col => $color) {
echo '<option value="'.$color.'"'.($usersset['bodycolor'] == $color ? ' selected="selected">' : '>').$col.'</option>'."\n";
echo '</select>'."\n";
PHP Code:$body_color = !empty($_POST['body_text_color'])
? (in_array($_POST['body_text_color'], $color_array) ? $_POST['body_text_color'] : '')
: $usersset['bodycolor'];
Than for borders array:
PHP Code:$border_array = array('none', 'solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'double', 'groove', 'ridge');
PHP Code:echo 'Title Border Style:<br/>'."\n";
echo '<select name="set_title_border" title="Select Title Border Style">'."\n";
foreach ($border_array as $border) {
echo '<option value="'.$border.'"'.($usersset['title_border'] == $border ? ' selected="selected">' : '>').capsfirst($border).'</option>'."\n";
echo '</select>'."\n";
PHP Code:echo ' // bla bla
'.($body_border_style == 'none' ? '' : 'border: '.$body_border_size.'px '.$body_border_style.' #'.$body_border_color.';').'
// bla bla';
Manageable but too nasty.
Im gonna cut out some div's and take out span's, definetly.Last edited by arnage; 19.01.12, 19:43.<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM.RS