Smarty and Zend ( include sanity... of site...)...

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    Smarty and Zend ( include sanity... of site...)...

    require '../libs/Smarty.class.php';
    $smarty = new Smarty;
    Added after 2 minutes:

    {config_load file=test.conf section="setup"}
    {include file="header.tpl" title=foo}
    {* bold and title are read from the config file *}
    {if #bold#}<b>{/if}
    {* capitalize the first letters of each word of the title *}
    Title: {#title#|capitalize}
    {if #bold#}</b>{/if}
    The current date and time is {$|date_format:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"}
    The value of global assigned variable $SCRIPT_NAME is {$SCRIPT_NAME}
    Example of accessing server environment variable SERVER_NAME: {$smarty.server.SERVER_NAME}
    The value of {ldelim}$Name{rdelim} is <b>{$Name}</b>
    variable modifier example of {ldelim}$Name|upper{rdelim}
    An example of a section loop:
    {section name=outer loop=$FirstName}
    {if $smarty.section.outer.index is odd by 2}
        {$smarty.section.outer.rownum} . {$FirstName[outer]} {$LastName[outer]}
        {$smarty.section.outer.rownum} * {$FirstName[outer]} {$LastName[outer]}
    An example of section looped key values:
    {section name=sec1 loop=$contacts}
        phone: {$contacts[sec1].phone}<br>
        fax: {$contacts[sec1].fax}<br>
        cell: {$contacts[sec1].cell}<br>
    testing strip tags
    <table border=0>
                <A HREF="{$SCRIPT_NAME}">
                <font color="red">This is a  test     </font>
    This is an example of the html_select_date function:
    {html_select_date start_year=1998 end_year=2010}
    This is an example of the html_select_time function:
    {html_select_time use_24_hours=false}
    This is an example of the html_options function:
    <select name=states>
    {html_options values=$option_values selected=$option_selected output=$option_output}
    {include file="footer.tpl"}
    [I]Added after 7 minutes[/I]:
     * Project:     Smarty: the PHP compiling template engine
     * File:        Smarty.class.php
     * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
     * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
     * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
     * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     * Lesser General Public License for more details.
     * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
     * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
     * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
     * For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc., please join the
     * Smarty mailing list. Send a blank e-mail to
     * [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL] 
     * @link [URL=""]PHP Template Engine | Smarty[/URL]
     * @copyright 2001-2005 New Digital Group, Inc.
     * @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com>
     * @author Andrei Zmievski <>
     * @package Smarty
     * @version 2.6.26
    /* $Id: Smarty.class.php 3163 2009-06-17 14:39:24Z monte.ohrt $ */
     * DIR_SEP isn't used anymore, but third party apps might
    if(!defined('DIR_SEP')) {
     * set SMARTY_DIR to absolute path to Smarty library files.
     * if not defined, include_path will be used. Sets SMARTY_DIR only if user
     * application has not already defined it.
    if (!defined('SMARTY_DIR')) {
        define('SMARTY_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
    if (!defined('SMARTY_CORE_DIR')) {
        define('SMARTY_CORE_DIR', SMARTY_DIR . 'internals' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
    define('SMARTY_PHP_PASSTHRU',   0);
    define('SMARTY_PHP_QUOTE',      1);
    define('SMARTY_PHP_REMOVE',     2);
    define('SMARTY_PHP_ALLOW',      3);
     * @package Smarty
    class Smarty
         * Smarty Configuration Section
         * The name of the directory where templates are located.
         * @var string
        var $template_dir    =  'templates';
         * The directory where compiled templates are located.
         * @var string
        var $compile_dir     =  'templates_c';
         * The directory where config files are located.
         * @var string
        var $config_dir      =  'configs';
         * An array of directories searched for plugins.
         * @var array
        var $plugins_dir     =  array('plugins');
         * If debugging is enabled, a debug console window will display
         * when the page loads (make sure your browser allows unrequested
         * popup windows)
         * @var boolean
        var $debugging       =  false;
         * When set, smarty does uses this value as error_reporting-level.
         * @var integer
        var $error_reporting  =  null;
         * This is the path to the debug console template. If not set,
         * the default one will be used.
         * @var string
        var $debug_tpl       =  '';
         * This determines if debugging is enable-able from the browser.
         * <ul>
         *  <li>NONE => no debugging control allowed</li>
         *  <li>URL => enable debugging when SMARTY_DEBUG is found in the URL.</li>
         * </ul>
         * @link [URL][/URL]
         * @var string
        var $debugging_ctrl  =  'NONE';
         * This tells Smarty whether to check for recompiling or not. Recompiling
         * does not need to happen unless a template or config file is changed.
         * Typically you enable this during development, and disable for
         * production.
         * @var boolean
        var $compile_check   =  true;
         * This forces templates to compile every time. Useful for development
         * or debugging.
         * @var boolean
        var $force_compile   =  false;
         * This enables template caching.
         * <ul>
         *  <li>0 = no caching</li>
         *  <li>1 = use class cache_lifetime value</li>
         *  <li>2 = use cache_lifetime in cache file</li>
         * </ul>
         * @var integer
        var $caching         =  0;
         * The name of the directory for cache files.
         * @var string
        var $cache_dir       =  'cache';
         * This is the number of seconds cached content will persist.
         * <ul>
         *  <li>0 = always regenerate cache</li>
         *  <li>-1 = never expires</li>
         * </ul>
         * @var integer
        var $cache_lifetime  =  3600;
         * Only used when $caching is enabled. If true, then If-Modified-Since headers
         * are respected with cached content, and appropriate HTTP headers are sent.
         * This way repeated hits to a cached page do not send the entire page to the
         * client every time.
         * @var boolean
        var $cache_modified_check = false;
         * This determines how Smarty handles "<?php ... ?>" tags in templates.
         * possible values:
         * <ul>
         *  <li>SMARTY_PHP_PASSTHRU -> print tags as plain text</li>
         *  <li>SMARTY_PHP_QUOTE    -> escape tags as entities</li>
         *  <li>SMARTY_PHP_REMOVE   -> remove php tags</li>
         *  <li>SMARTY_PHP_ALLOW    -> execute php tags</li>
         * </ul>
         * @var integer
        var $php_handling    =  SMARTY_PHP_PASSTHRU;
         * This enables template security. When enabled, many things are restricted
         * in the templates that normally would go unchecked. This is useful when
         * untrusted parties are editing templates and you want a reasonable level
         * of security. (no direct execution of PHP in templates for example)
         * @var boolean
        var $security       =   false;
         * This is the list of template directories that are considered secure. This
         * is used only if {@link $security} is enabled. One directory per array
         * element.  {@link $template_dir} is in this list implicitly.
         * @var array
        var $secure_dir     =   array();
         * These are the security settings for Smarty. They are used only when
         * {@link $security} is enabled.
         * @var array
        var $security_settings  = array(
                                        'PHP_HANDLING'    => false,
                                        'IF_FUNCS'        => array('array', 'list',
                                                                   'isset', 'empty',
                                                                   'count', 'sizeof',
                                                                   'in_array', 'is_array',
                                                                   'true', 'false', 'null'),
                                        'INCLUDE_ANY'     => false,
                                        'PHP_TAGS'        => false,
                                        'MODIFIER_FUNCS'  => array('count'),
                                        'ALLOW_CONSTANTS'  => false,
                                        'ALLOW_SUPER_GLOBALS' => true
         * This is an array of directories where trusted php scripts reside.
         * {@link $security} is disabled during their inclusion/execution.
         * @var array
        var $trusted_dir        = array();
         * The left delimiter used for the template tags.
         * @var string
        var $left_delimiter  =  '{';
         * The right delimiter used for the template tags.
         * @var string
        var $right_delimiter =  '}';
         * The order in which request variables are registered, similar to
         * variables_order in php.ini E = Environment, G = GET, P = POST,
         * C = Cookies, S = Server
         * @var string
        var $request_vars_order    = 'EGPCS';
         * Indicates wether $HTTP_*_VARS[] (request_use_auto_globals=false)
         * are uses as request-vars or $_*[]-vars. note: if
         * request_use_auto_globals is true, then $request_vars_order has
         * no effect, but the php-ini-value "gpc_order"
         * @var boolean
        var $request_use_auto_globals      = true;
         * Set this if you want different sets of compiled files for the same
         * templates. This is useful for things like different languages.
         * Instead of creating separate sets of templates per language, you
         * set different compile_ids like 'en' and 'de'.
         * @var string
        var $compile_id            = null;
         * This tells Smarty whether or not to use sub dirs in the cache/ and
         * templates_c/ directories. sub directories better organized, but
         * may not work well with PHP safe mode enabled.
         * @var boolean
        var $use_sub_dirs          = false;
         * This is a list of the modifiers to apply to all template variables.
         * Put each modifier in a separate array element in the order you want
         * them applied. example: <code>array('escape:"htmlall"');</code>
         * @var array
        var $default_modifiers        = array();
         * This is the resource type to be used when not specified
         * at the beginning of the resource path. examples:
         * $smarty->display('file:index.tpl');
         * $smarty->display('db:index.tpl');
         * $smarty->display('index.tpl'); // will use default resource type
         * {include file="file:index.tpl"}
         * {include file="db:index.tpl"}
         * {include file="index.tpl"} {* will use default resource type *}
         * @var array
        var $default_resource_type    = 'file';
         * The function used for cache file handling. If not set, built-in caching is used.
         * @var null|string function name
        var $cache_handler_func   = null;
         * This indicates which filters are automatically loaded into Smarty.
         * @var array array of filter names
        var $autoload_filters = array();
         * @var boolean
         * This tells if config file vars of the same name overwrite each other or not.
         * if disabled, same name variables are accumulated in an array.
        var $config_overwrite = true;
         * This tells whether or not to automatically booleanize config file variables.
         * If enabled, then the strings "on", "true", and "yes" are treated as boolean
         * true, and "off", "false" and "no" are treated as boolean false.
        var $config_booleanize = true;
         * This tells whether hidden sections [.foobar] are readable from the
         * tempalates or not. Normally you would never allow this since that is
         * the point behind hidden sections: the application can access them, but
         * the templates cannot.
        var $config_read_hidden = false;
         * This tells whether or not automatically fix newlines in config files.
         * It basically converts \r (mac) or \r\n (dos) to \n
        var $config_fix_newlines = true;
         * If a template cannot be found, this PHP function will be executed.
         * Useful for creating templates on-the-fly or other special action.
         * @var string function name
        var $default_template_handler_func = '';
         * The file that contains the compiler class. This can a full
         * pathname, or relative to the php_include path.
         * @var string
        var $compiler_file        =    'Smarty_Compiler.class.php';
         * The class used for compiling templates.
         * @var string
        var $compiler_class        =   'Smarty_Compiler';
         * The class used to load config vars.
         * @var string
        var $config_class          =   'Config_File';
     * END Smarty Configuration Section
     * There should be no need to touch anything below this line.
     * @access private
         * where assigned template vars are kept
         * @var array
        var $_tpl_vars             = array();
         * stores run-time $smarty.* vars
         * @var null|array
        var $_smarty_vars          = null;
         * keeps track of sections
         * @var array
        var $_sections             = array();
         * keeps track of foreach blocks
         * @var array
        var $_foreach              = array();
         * keeps track of tag hierarchy
         * @var array
        var $_tag_stack            = array();
         * configuration object
         * @var Config_file
        var $_conf_obj             = null;
         * loaded configuration settings
         * @var array
        var $_config               = array(array('vars'  => array(), 'files' => array()));
         * md5 checksum of the string 'Smarty'
         * @var string
        var $_smarty_md5           = 'f8d698aea36fcbead2b9d5359ffca76f';
         * Smarty version number
         * @var string
        var $_version              = '2.6.26';
         * current template inclusion depth
         * @var integer
        var $_inclusion_depth      = 0;
         * for different compiled templates
         * @var string
        var $_compile_id           = null;
         * text in URL to enable debug mode
         * @var string
        var $_smarty_debug_id      = 'SMARTY_DEBUG';
         * debugging information for debug console
         * @var array
        var $_smarty_debug_info    = array();
         * info that makes up a cache file
         * @var array
        var $_cache_info           = array();
         * default file permissions
         * @var integer
        var $_file_perms           = 0644;
         * default dir permissions
         * @var integer
        var $_dir_perms               = 0771;
         * registered objects
         * @var array
        var $_reg_objects           = array();
         * table keeping track of plugins
         * @var array
        var $_plugins              = array(
                                           'modifier'      => array(),
                                           'function'      => array(),
                                           'block'         => array(),
                                           'compiler'      => array(),
                                           'prefilter'     => array(),
                                           'postfilter'    => array(),
                                           'outputfilter'  => array(),
                                           'resource'      => array(),
                                           'insert'        => array());
         * cache serials
         * @var array
        var $_cache_serials = array();
         * name of optional cache include file
         * @var string
        var $_cache_include = null;
         * indicate if the current code is used in a compiled
         * include
         * @var string
        var $_cache_including = false;
         * The class constructor.
        function Smarty()
          $this->assign('SCRIPT_NAME', isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']
                        : @$GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['SCRIPT_NAME']);
         * assigns values to template variables
         * @param array|string $tpl_var the template variable name(s)
         * @param mixed $value the value to assign
        function assign($tpl_var, $value = null)
            if (is_array($tpl_var)){
                foreach ($tpl_var as $key => $val) {
                    if ($key != '') {
                        $this->_tpl_vars[$key] = $val;
            } else {
                if ($tpl_var != '')
                    $this->_tpl_vars[$tpl_var] = $value;
         * assigns values to template variables by reference
         * @param string $tpl_var the template variable name
         * @param mixed $value the referenced value to assign
        function assign_by_ref($tpl_var, &$value)
            if ($tpl_var != '')
                $this->_tpl_vars[$tpl_var] = &$value;
         * appends values to template variables
         * @param array|string $tpl_var the template variable name(s)
         * @param mixed $value the value to append
        function append($tpl_var, $value=null, $merge=false)
            if (is_array($tpl_var)) {
                // $tpl_var is an array, ignore $value
                foreach ($tpl_var as $_key => $_val) {
                    if ($_key != '') {
                        if(!@is_array($this->_tpl_vars[$_key])) {
                        if($merge && is_array($_val)) {
                            foreach($_val as $_mkey => $_mval) {
                                $this->_tpl_vars[$_key][$_mkey] = $_mval;
                        } else {
                            $this->_tpl_vars[$_key][] = $_val;
            } else {
                if ($tpl_var != '' && isset($value)) {
                    if(!@is_array($this->_tpl_vars[$tpl_var])) {
                    if($merge && is_array($value)) {
                        foreach($value as $_mkey => $_mval) {
                            $this->_tpl_vars[$tpl_var][$_mkey] = $_mval;
                    } else {
                        $this->_tpl_vars[$tpl_var][] = $value;
         * appends values to template variables by reference
         * @param string $tpl_var the template variable name
         * @param mixed $value the referenced value to append
        function append_by_ref($tpl_var, &$value, $merge=false)
            if ($tpl_var != '' && isset($value)) {
                if(!@is_array($this->_tpl_vars[$tpl_var])) {
                if ($merge && is_array($value)) {
                    foreach($value as $_key => $_val) {
                        $this->_tpl_vars[$tpl_var][$_key] = &$value[$_key];
                } else {
                    $this->_tpl_vars[$tpl_var][] = &$value;
         * clear the given assigned template variable.
         * @param string $tpl_var the template variable to clear
        function clear_assign($tpl_var)
            if (is_array($tpl_var))
                foreach ($tpl_var as $curr_var)
         * Registers custom function to be used in templates
         * @param string $function the name of the template function
         * @param string $function_impl the name of the PHP function to register
        function register_function($function, $function_impl, $cacheable=true, $cache_attrs=null)
            $this->_plugins['function'][$function] =
                array($function_impl, null, null, false, $cacheable, $cache_attrs);
         * Unregisters custom function
         * @param string $function name of template function
        function unregister_function($function)
         * Registers object to be used in templates
         * @param string $object name of template object
         * @param object &$object_impl the referenced PHP object to register
         * @param null|array $allowed list of allowed methods (empty = all)
         * @param boolean $smarty_args smarty argument format, else traditional
         * @param null|array $block_functs list of methods that are block format
        function register_object($object, &$object_impl, $allowed = array(), $smarty_args = true, $block_methods = array())
            settype($allowed, 'array');
            settype($smarty_args, 'boolean');
            $this->_reg_objects[$object] =
                array(&$object_impl, $allowed, $smarty_args, $block_methods);
         * Unregisters object
         * @param string $object name of template object
        function unregister_object($object)
         * Registers block function to be used in templates
         * @param string $block name of template block
         * @param string $block_impl PHP function to register
        function register_block($block, $block_impl, $cacheable=true, $cache_attrs=null)
            $this->_plugins['block'][$block] =
                array($block_impl, null, null, false, $cacheable, $cache_attrs);
         * Unregisters block function
         * @param string $block name of template function
        function unregister_block($block)
         * Registers compiler function
         * @param string $function name of template function
         * @param string $function_impl name of PHP function to register
        function register_compiler_function($function, $function_impl, $cacheable=true)
            $this->_plugins['compiler'][$function] =
                array($function_impl, null, null, false, $cacheable);
         * Unregisters compiler function
         * @param string $function name of template function
        function unregister_compiler_function($function)
         * Registers modifier to be used in templates
         * @param string $modifier name of template modifier
         * @param string $modifier_impl name of PHP function to register
        function register_modifier($modifier, $modifier_impl)
            $this->_plugins['modifier'][$modifier] =
                array($modifier_impl, null, null, false);
         * Unregisters modifier
         * @param string $modifier name of template modifier
        function unregister_modifier($modifier)
         * Registers a resource to fetch a template
         * @param string $type name of resource
         * @param array $functions array of functions to handle resource
        function register_resource($type, $functions)
            if (count($functions)==4) {
                $this->_plugins['resource'][$type] =
                    array($functions, false);
            } elseif (count($functions)==5) {
                $this->_plugins['resource'][$type] =
                    array(array(array(&$functions[0], $functions[1])
                                ,array(&$functions[0], $functions[2])
                                ,array(&$functions[0], $functions[3])
                                ,array(&$functions[0], $functions[4]))
            } else {
                $this->trigger_error("malformed function-list for '$type' in register_resource");
         * Unregisters a resource
         * @param string $type name of resource
        function unregister_resource($type)
         * Registers a prefilter function to apply
         * to a template before compiling
         * @param callback $function
        function register_prefilter($function)
                = array($function, null, null, false);
         * Unregisters a prefilter function
         * @param callback $function
        function unregister_prefilter($function)
         * Registers a postfilter function to apply
         * to a compiled template after compilation
         * @param callback $function
        function register_postfilter($function)
                = array($function, null, null, false);
         * Unregisters a postfilter function
         * @param callback $function
        function unregister_postfilter($function)
         * Registers an output filter function to apply
         * to a template output
         * @param callback $function
        function register_outputfilter($function)
                = array($function, null, null, false);
         * Unregisters an outputfilter function
         * @param callback $function
        function unregister_outputfilter($function)
         * load a filter of specified type and name
         * @param string $type filter type
         * @param string $name filter name
        function load_filter($type, $name)
            switch ($type) {
                case 'output':
                    $_params = array('plugins' => array(array($type . 'filter', $name, null, null, false)));
                    require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.load_plugins.php');
                    smarty_core_load_plugins($_params, $this);
                case 'pre':
                case 'post':
                    if (!isset($this->_plugins[$type . 'filter'][$name]))
                        $this->_plugins[$type . 'filter'][$name] = false;
         * clear cached content for the given template and cache id
         * @param string $tpl_file name of template file
         * @param string $cache_id name of cache_id
         * @param string $compile_id name of compile_id
         * @param string $exp_time expiration time
         * @return boolean
        function clear_cache($tpl_file = null, $cache_id = null, $compile_id = null, $exp_time = null)
            if (!isset($compile_id))
                $compile_id = $this->compile_id;
            if (!isset($tpl_file))
                $compile_id = null;
            $_auto_id = $this->_get_auto_id($cache_id, $compile_id);
            if (!empty($this->cache_handler_func)) {
                return call_user_func_array($this->cache_handler_func,
                                      array('clear', &$this, &$dummy, $tpl_file, $cache_id, $compile_id, $exp_time));
            } else {
                $_params = array('auto_base' => $this->cache_dir,
                                'auto_source' => $tpl_file,
                                'auto_id' => $_auto_id,
                                'exp_time' => $exp_time);
                require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.rm_auto.php');
                return smarty_core_rm_auto($_params, $this);
         * clear the entire contents of cache (all templates)
         * @param string $exp_time expire time
         * @return boolean results of {@link smarty_core_rm_auto()}
        function clear_all_cache($exp_time = null)
            return $this->clear_cache(null, null, null, $exp_time);
         * test to see if valid cache exists for this template
         * @param string $tpl_file name of template file
         * @param string $cache_id
         * @param string $compile_id
         * @return string|false results of {@link _read_cache_file()}
        function is_cached($tpl_file, $cache_id = null, $compile_id = null)
            if (!$this->caching)
                return false;
            if (!isset($compile_id))
                $compile_id = $this->compile_id;
            $_params = array(
                'tpl_file' => $tpl_file,
                'cache_id' => $cache_id,
                'compile_id' => $compile_id
            require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.read_cache_file.php');
            return smarty_core_read_cache_file($_params, $this);
         * clear all the assigned template variables.
        function clear_all_assign()
            $this->_tpl_vars = array();
         * clears compiled version of specified template resource,
         * or all compiled template files if one is not specified.
         * This function is for advanced use only, not normally needed.
         * @param string $tpl_file
         * @param string $compile_id
         * @param string $exp_time
         * @return boolean results of {@link smarty_core_rm_auto()}
        function clear_compiled_tpl($tpl_file = null, $compile_id = null, $exp_time = null)
            if (!isset($compile_id)) {
                $compile_id = $this->compile_id;
            $_params = array('auto_base' => $this->compile_dir,
                            'auto_source' => $tpl_file,
                            'auto_id' => $compile_id,
                            'exp_time' => $exp_time,
                            'extensions' => array('.inc', '.php'));
            require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.rm_auto.php');
            return smarty_core_rm_auto($_params, $this);
         * Checks whether requested template exists.
         * @param string $tpl_file
         * @return boolean
        function template_exists($tpl_file)
            $_params = array('resource_name' => $tpl_file, 'quiet'=>true, 'get_source'=>false);
            return $this->_fetch_resource_info($_params);
         * Returns an array containing template variables
         * @param string $name
         * @param string $type
         * @return array
        function &get_template_vars($name=null)
            if(!isset($name)) {
                return $this->_tpl_vars;
            } elseif(isset($this->_tpl_vars[$name])) {
                return $this->_tpl_vars[$name];
            } else {
                // var non-existant, return valid reference
                $_tmp = null;
                return $_tmp;   
         * Returns an array containing config variables
         * @param string $name
         * @param string $type
         * @return array
        function &get_config_vars($name=null)
            if(!isset($name) && is_array($this->_config[0])) {
                return $this->_config[0]['vars'];
            } else if(isset($this->_config[0]['vars'][$name])) {
                return $this->_config[0]['vars'][$name];
            } else {
                // var non-existant, return valid reference
                $_tmp = null;
                return $_tmp;
         * trigger Smarty error
         * @param string $error_msg
         * @param integer $error_type
        function trigger_error($error_msg, $error_type = E_USER_WARNING)
            trigger_error("Smarty error: $error_msg", $error_type);
         * executes & displays the template results
         * @param string $resource_name
         * @param string $cache_id
         * @param string $compile_id
        function display($resource_name, $cache_id = null, $compile_id = null)
            $this->fetch($resource_name, $cache_id, $compile_id, true);
         * executes & returns or displays the template results
         * @param string $resource_name
         * @param string $cache_id
         * @param string $compile_id
         * @param boolean $display
        function fetch($resource_name, $cache_id = null, $compile_id = null, $display = false)
            static $_cache_info = array();
            $_smarty_old_error_level = $this->debugging ? error_reporting() : error_reporting(isset($this->error_reporting)
                   ? $this->error_reporting : error_reporting() & ~E_NOTICE);
            if (!$this->debugging && $this->debugging_ctrl == 'URL') {
                $_query_string = $this->request_use_auto_globals ? $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['QUERY_STRING'];
                if (@strstr($_query_string, $this->_smarty_debug_id)) {
                    if (@strstr($_query_string, $this->_smarty_debug_id . '=on')) {
                        // enable debugging for this browser session
                        @setcookie('SMARTY_DEBUG', true);
                        $this->debugging = true;
                    } elseif (@strstr($_query_string, $this->_smarty_debug_id . '=off')) {
                        // disable debugging for this browser session
                        @setcookie('SMARTY_DEBUG', false);
                        $this->debugging = false;
                    } else {
                        // enable debugging for this page
                        $this->debugging = true;
                } else {
                    $this->debugging = (bool)($this->request_use_auto_globals ? @$_COOKIE['SMARTY_DEBUG'] : @$GLOBALS['HTTP_COOKIE_VARS']['SMARTY_DEBUG']);
            if ($this->debugging) {
                // capture time for debugging info
                $_params = array();
                require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.get_microtime.php');
                $_debug_start_time = smarty_core_get_microtime($_params, $this);
                $this->_smarty_debug_info[] = array('type'      => 'template',
                                                    'filename'  => $resource_name,
                                                    'depth'     => 0);
                $_included_tpls_idx = count($this->_smarty_debug_info) - 1;
            if (!isset($compile_id)) {
                $compile_id = $this->compile_id;
            $this->_compile_id = $compile_id;
            $this->_inclusion_depth = 0;
            if ($this->caching) {
                // save old cache_info, initialize cache_info
                array_push($_cache_info, $this->_cache_info);
                $this->_cache_info = array();
                $_params = array(
                    'tpl_file' => $resource_name,
                    'cache_id' => $cache_id,
                    'compile_id' => $compile_id,
                    'results' => null
                require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.read_cache_file.php');
                if (smarty_core_read_cache_file($_params, $this)) {
                    $_smarty_results = $_params['results'];
                    if (!empty($this->_cache_info['insert_tags'])) {
                        $_params = array('plugins' => $this->_cache_info['insert_tags']);
                        require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.load_plugins.php');
                        smarty_core_load_plugins($_params, $this);
                        $_params = array('results' => $_smarty_results);
                        require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.process_cached_inserts.php');
                        $_smarty_results = smarty_core_process_cached_inserts($_params, $this);
                    if (!empty($this->_cache_info['cache_serials'])) {
                        $_params = array('results' => $_smarty_results);
                        require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.process_compiled_include.php');
                        $_smarty_results = smarty_core_process_compiled_include($_params, $this);
                    if ($display) {
                        if ($this->debugging)
                            // capture time for debugging info
                            $_params = array();
                            require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.get_microtime.php');
                            $this->_smarty_debug_info[$_included_tpls_idx]['exec_time'] = smarty_core_get_microtime($_params, $this) - $_debug_start_time;
                            require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.display_debug_console.php');
                            $_smarty_results .= smarty_core_display_debug_console($_params, $this);
                        if ($this->cache_modified_check) {
                            $_server_vars = ($this->request_use_auto_globals) ? $_SERVER : $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS'];
                            $_last_modified_date = @substr($_server_vars['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'], 0, strpos($_server_vars['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'], 'GMT') + 3);
                            $_gmt_mtime = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $this->_cache_info['timestamp']).' GMT';
                            if (@count($this->_cache_info['insert_tags']) == 0
                                && !$this->_cache_serials
                                && $_gmt_mtime == $_last_modified_date) {
                                if (php_sapi_name()=='cgi')
                                    header('Status: 304 Not Modified');
                                    header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
                            } else {
                                header('Last-Modified: '.$_gmt_mtime);
                                echo $_smarty_results;
                        } else {
                                echo $_smarty_results;
                        // restore initial cache_info
                        $this->_cache_info = array_pop($_cache_info);
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        // restore initial cache_info
                        $this->_cache_info = array_pop($_cache_info);
                        return $_smarty_results;
                } else {
                    $this->_cache_info['template'][$resource_name] = true;
                    if ($this->cache_modified_check && $display) {
                        header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()).' GMT');
            // load filters that are marked as autoload
            if (count($this->autoload_filters)) {
                foreach ($this->autoload_filters as $_filter_type => $_filters) {
                    foreach ($_filters as $_filter) {
                        $this->load_filter($_filter_type, $_filter);
            $_smarty_compile_path = $this->_get_compile_path($resource_name);
            // if we just need to display the results, don't perform output
            // buffering - for speed
            $_cache_including = $this->_cache_including;
            $this->_cache_including = false;
            if ($display && !$this->caching && count($this->_plugins['outputfilter']) == 0) {
                if ($this->_is_compiled($resource_name, $_smarty_compile_path)
                        || $this->_compile_resource($resource_name, $_smarty_compile_path))
            } else {
                if ($this->_is_compiled($resource_name, $_smarty_compile_path)
                        || $this->_compile_resource($resource_name, $_smarty_compile_path))
                $_smarty_results = ob_get_contents();
                foreach ((array)$this->_plugins['outputfilter'] as $_output_filter) {
                    $_smarty_results = call_user_func_array($_output_filter[0], array($_smarty_results, &$this));
            if ($this->caching) {
                $_params = array('tpl_file' => $resource_name,
                            'cache_id' => $cache_id,
                            'compile_id' => $compile_id,
                            'results' => $_smarty_results);
                require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.write_cache_file.php');
                smarty_core_write_cache_file($_params, $this);
                require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.process_cached_inserts.php');
                $_smarty_results = smarty_core_process_cached_inserts($_params, $this);
                if ($this->_cache_serials) {
                    // strip nocache-tags from output
                    $_smarty_results = preg_replace('!(\{/?nocache\:[0-9a-f]{32}#\d+\})!s'
                // restore initial cache_info
                $this->_cache_info = array_pop($_cache_info);
            $this->_cache_including = $_cache_including;
            if ($display) {
                if (isset($_smarty_results)) { echo $_smarty_results; }
                if ($this->debugging) {
                    // capture time for debugging info
                    $_params = array();
                    require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.get_microtime.php');
                    $this->_smarty_debug_info[$_included_tpls_idx]['exec_time'] = (smarty_core_get_microtime($_params, $this) - $_debug_start_time);
                    require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.display_debug_console.php');
                    echo smarty_core_display_debug_console($_params, $this);
            } else {
                if (isset($_smarty_results)) { return $_smarty_results; }
         * load configuration values
         * @param string $file
         * @param string $section
         * @param string $scope
        function config_load($file, $section = null, $scope = 'global')
            require_once($this->_get_plugin_filepath('function', 'config_load'));
            smarty_function_config_load(array('file' => $file, 'section' => $section, 'scope' => $scope), $this);
         * return a reference to a registered object
         * @param string $name
         * @return object
        function &get_registered_object($name) {
            if (!isset($this->_reg_objects[$name]))
            $this->_trigger_fatal_error("'$name' is not a registered object");
            if (!is_object($this->_reg_objects[$name][0]))
            $this->_trigger_fatal_error("registered '$name' is not an object");
            return $this->_reg_objects[$name][0];
         * clear configuration values
         * @param string $var
        function clear_config($var = null)
            if(!isset($var)) {
                // clear all values
                $this->_config = array(array('vars'  => array(),
                                             'files' => array()));
            } else {
         * get filepath of requested plugin
         * @param string $type
         * @param string $name
         * @return string|false
        function _get_plugin_filepath($type, $name)
            $_params = array('type' => $type, 'name' => $name);
            require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php');
            return smarty_core_assemble_plugin_filepath($_params, $this);
         * test if resource needs compiling
         * @param string $resource_name
         * @param string $compile_path
         * @return boolean
        function _is_compiled($resource_name, $compile_path)
            if (!$this->force_compile && file_exists($compile_path)) {
                if (!$this->compile_check) {
                    // no need to check compiled file
                    return true;
                } else {
                    // get file source and timestamp
                    $_params = array('resource_name' => $resource_name, 'get_source'=>false);
                    if (!$this->_fetch_resource_info($_params)) {
                        return false;
                    if ($_params['resource_timestamp'] <= filemtime($compile_path)) {
                        // template not expired, no recompile
                        return true;
                    } else {
                        // compile template
                        return false;
            } else {
                // compiled template does not exist, or forced compile
                return false;
         * compile the template
         * @param string $resource_name
         * @param string $compile_path
         * @return boolean
        function _compile_resource($resource_name, $compile_path)
            $_params = array('resource_name' => $resource_name);
            if (!$this->_fetch_resource_info($_params)) {
                return false;
            $_source_content = $_params['source_content'];
            $_cache_include    = substr($compile_path, 0, -4).'.inc';
            if ($this->_compile_source($resource_name, $_source_content, $_compiled_content, $_cache_include)) {
                // if a _cache_serial was set, we also have to write an include-file:
                if ($this->_cache_include_info) {
                    require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.write_compiled_include.php');
                    smarty_core_write_compiled_include(array_merge($this->_cache_include_info, array('compiled_content'=>$_compiled_content, 'resource_name'=>$resource_name)),  $this);
                $_params = array('compile_path'=>$compile_path, 'compiled_content' => $_compiled_content);
                require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.write_compiled_resource.php');
                smarty_core_write_compiled_resource($_params, $this);
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
         * compile the given source
         * @param string $resource_name
         * @param string $source_content
         * @param string $compiled_content
         * @return boolean
        function _compile_source($resource_name, &$source_content, &$compiled_content, $cache_include_path=null)
            if (file_exists(SMARTY_DIR . $this->compiler_file)) {
                require_once(SMARTY_DIR . $this->compiler_file);
            } else {
                // use include_path
            $smarty_compiler = new $this->compiler_class;
            $smarty_compiler->template_dir      = $this->template_dir;
            $smarty_compiler->compile_dir       = $this->compile_dir;
            $smarty_compiler->plugins_dir       = $this->plugins_dir;
            $smarty_compiler->config_dir        = $this->config_dir;
            $smarty_compiler->force_compile     = $this->force_compile;
            $smarty_compiler->caching           = $this->caching;
            $smarty_compiler->php_handling      = $this->php_handling;
            $smarty_compiler->left_delimiter    = $this->left_delimiter;
            $smarty_compiler->right_delimiter   = $this->right_delimiter;
            $smarty_compiler->_version          = $this->_version;
            $smarty_compiler->security          = $this->security;
            $smarty_compiler->secure_dir        = $this->secure_dir;
            $smarty_compiler->security_settings = $this->security_settings;
            $smarty_compiler->trusted_dir       = $this->trusted_dir;
            $smarty_compiler->use_sub_dirs      = $this->use_sub_dirs;
            $smarty_compiler->_reg_objects      = &$this->_reg_objects;
            $smarty_compiler->_plugins          = &$this->_plugins;
            $smarty_compiler->_tpl_vars         = &$this->_tpl_vars;
            $smarty_compiler->default_modifiers = $this->default_modifiers;
            $smarty_compiler->compile_id        = $this->_compile_id;
            $smarty_compiler->_config            = $this->_config;
            $smarty_compiler->request_use_auto_globals  = $this->request_use_auto_globals;
            if (isset($cache_include_path) && isset($this->_cache_serials[$cache_include_path])) {
                $smarty_compiler->_cache_serial = $this->_cache_serials[$cache_include_path];
            $smarty_compiler->_cache_include = $cache_include_path;
            $_results = $smarty_compiler->_compile_file($resource_name, $source_content, $compiled_content);
            if ($smarty_compiler->_cache_serial) {
                $this->_cache_include_info = array(
                    ,'include_file_path' => $cache_include_path);
            } else {
                $this->_cache_include_info = null;
            return $_results;
         * Get the compile path for this resource
         * @param string $resource_name
         * @return string results of {@link _get_auto_filename()}
        function _get_compile_path($resource_name)
            return $this->_get_auto_filename($this->compile_dir, $resource_name,
                                             $this->_compile_id) . '.php';
         * fetch the template info. Gets timestamp, and source
         * if get_source is true
         * sets $source_content to the source of the template, and
         * $resource_timestamp to its time stamp
         * @param string $resource_name
         * @param string $source_content
         * @param integer $resource_timestamp
         * @param boolean $get_source
         * @param boolean $quiet
         * @return boolean
        function _fetch_resource_info(&$params)
            if(!isset($params['get_source'])) { $params['get_source'] = true; }
            if(!isset($params['quiet'])) { $params['quiet'] = false; }
            $_return = false;
            $_params = array('resource_name' => $params['resource_name']) ;
            if (isset($params['resource_base_path']))
                $_params['resource_base_path'] = $params['resource_base_path'];
                $_params['resource_base_path'] = $this->template_dir;
            if ($this->_parse_resource_name($_params)) {
                $_resource_type = $_params['resource_type'];
                $_resource_name = $_params['resource_name'];
                switch ($_resource_type) {
                    case 'file':
                        if ($params['get_source']) {
                            $params['source_content'] = $this->_read_file($_resource_name);
                        $params['resource_timestamp'] = filemtime($_resource_name);
                        $_return = is_file($_resource_name) && is_readable($_resource_name);
                        // call resource functions to fetch the template source and timestamp
                        if ($params['get_source']) {
                            $_source_return = isset($this->_plugins['resource'][$_resource_type]) &&
                                                     array($_resource_name, &$params['source_content'], &$this));
                        } else {
                            $_source_return = true;
                        $_timestamp_return = isset($this->_plugins['resource'][$_resource_type]) &&
                                                 array($_resource_name, &$params['resource_timestamp'], &$this));
                        $_return = $_source_return && $_timestamp_return;
            if (!$_return) {
                // see if we can get a template with the default template handler
                if (!empty($this->default_template_handler_func)) {
                    if (!is_callable($this->default_template_handler_func)) {
                        $this->trigger_error("default template handler function \"$this->default_template_handler_func\" doesn't exist.");
                    } else {
                        $_return = call_user_func_array(
                            array($_params['resource_type'], $_params['resource_name'], &$params['source_content'], &$params['resource_timestamp'], &$this));
            if (!$_return) {
                if (!$params['quiet']) {
                    $this->trigger_error('unable to read resource: "' . $params['resource_name'] . '"');
            } else if ($_return && $this->security) {
                require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.is_secure.php');
                if (!smarty_core_is_secure($_params, $this)) {
                    if (!$params['quiet'])
                        $this->trigger_error('(secure mode) accessing "' . $params['resource_name'] . '" is not allowed');
                    $params['source_content'] = null;
                    $params['resource_timestamp'] = null;
                    return false;
            return $_return;
         * parse out the type and name from the resource
         * @param string $resource_base_path
         * @param string $resource_name
         * @param string $resource_type
         * @param string $resource_name
         * @return boolean
        function _parse_resource_name(&$params)
            // split tpl_path by the first colon
            $_resource_name_parts = explode(':', $params['resource_name'], 2);
            if (count($_resource_name_parts) == 1) {
                // no resource type given
                $params['resource_type'] = $this->default_resource_type;
                $params['resource_name'] = $_resource_name_parts[0];
            } else {
                if(strlen($_resource_name_parts[0]) == 1) {
                    // 1 char is not resource type, but part of filepath
                    $params['resource_type'] = $this->default_resource_type;
                    $params['resource_name'] = $params['resource_name'];
                } else {
                    $params['resource_type'] = $_resource_name_parts[0];
                    $params['resource_name'] = $_resource_name_parts[1];
            if ($params['resource_type'] == 'file') {
                if (!preg_match('/^([\/\\\\]|[a-zA-Z]:[\/\\\\])/', $params['resource_name'])) {
                    // relative pathname to $params['resource_base_path']
                    // use the first directory where the file is found
                    foreach ((array)$params['resource_base_path'] as $_curr_path) {
                        $_fullpath = $_curr_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $params['resource_name'];
                        if (file_exists($_fullpath) && is_file($_fullpath)) {
                            $params['resource_name'] = $_fullpath;
                            return true;
                        // didn't find the file, try include_path
                        $_params = array('file_path' => $_fullpath);
                        require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.get_include_path.php');
                        if(smarty_core_get_include_path($_params, $this)) {
                            $params['resource_name'] = $_params['new_file_path'];
                            return true;
                    return false;
                } else {
                    /* absolute path */
                    return file_exists($params['resource_name']);
            } elseif (empty($this->_plugins['resource'][$params['resource_type']])) {
                $_params = array('type' => $params['resource_type']);
                require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.load_resource_plugin.php');
                smarty_core_load_resource_plugin($_params, $this);
            return true;
         * Handle modifiers
         * @param string|null $modifier_name
         * @param array|null $map_array
         * @return string result of modifiers
        function _run_mod_handler()
            $_args = func_get_args();
            list($_modifier_name, $_map_array) = array_splice($_args, 0, 2);
            list($_func_name, $_tpl_file, $_tpl_line) =
            $_var = $_args[0];
            foreach ($_var as $_key => $_val) {
                $_args[0] = $_val;
                $_var[$_key] = call_user_func_array($_func_name, $_args);
            return $_var;
         * Remove starting and ending quotes from the string
         * @param string $string
         * @return string
        function _dequote($string)
            if ((substr($string, 0, 1) == "'" || substr($string, 0, 1) == '"') &&
                substr($string, -1) == substr($string, 0, 1))
                return substr($string, 1, -1);
                return $string;
         * read in a file
         * @param string $filename
         * @return string
        function _read_file($filename)
            if ( file_exists($filename) && is_readable($filename) && ($fd = @fopen($filename, 'rb')) ) {
                $contents = '';
                while (!feof($fd)) {
                    $contents .= fread($fd, 8192);
                return $contents;
            } else {
                return false;
         * get a concrete filename for automagically created content
         * @param string $auto_base
         * @param string $auto_source
         * @param string $auto_id
         * @return string
         * @staticvar string|null
         * @staticvar string|null
        function _get_auto_filename($auto_base, $auto_source = null, $auto_id = null)
            $_compile_dir_sep =  $this->use_sub_dirs ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : '^';
            $_return = $auto_base . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
            if(isset($auto_id)) {
                // make auto_id safe for directory names
                $auto_id = str_replace('%7C',$_compile_dir_sep,(urlencode($auto_id)));
                // split into separate directories
                $_return .= $auto_id . $_compile_dir_sep;
            if(isset($auto_source)) {
                // make source name safe for filename
                $_filename = urlencode(basename($auto_source));
                $_crc32 = sprintf('%08X', crc32($auto_source));
                // prepend %% to avoid name conflicts with
                // with $params['auto_id'] names
                $_crc32 = substr($_crc32, 0, 2) . $_compile_dir_sep .
                          substr($_crc32, 0, 3) . $_compile_dir_sep . $_crc32;
                $_return .= '%%' . $_crc32 . '%%' . $_filename;
            return $_return;
         * unlink a file, possibly using expiration time
         * @param string $resource
         * @param integer $exp_time
        function _unlink($resource, $exp_time = null)
            if(isset($exp_time)) {
                if(time() - @filemtime($resource) >= $exp_time) {
                    return @unlink($resource);
            } else {
                return @unlink($resource);
         * returns an auto_id for auto-file-functions
         * @param string $cache_id
         * @param string $compile_id
         * @return string|null
        function _get_auto_id($cache_id=null, $compile_id=null) {
        if (isset($cache_id))
            return (isset($compile_id)) ? $cache_id . '|' . $compile_id  : $cache_id;
            return $compile_id;
            return null;
         * trigger Smarty plugin error
         * @param string $error_msg
         * @param string $tpl_file
         * @param integer $tpl_line
         * @param string $file
         * @param integer $line
         * @param integer $error_type
        function _trigger_fatal_error($error_msg, $tpl_file = null, $tpl_line = null,
                $file = null, $line = null, $error_type = E_USER_ERROR)
            if(isset($file) && isset($line)) {
                $info = ' ('.basename($file).", line $line)";
            } else {
                $info = '';
            if (isset($tpl_line) && isset($tpl_file)) {
                $this->trigger_error('[in ' . $tpl_file . ' line ' . $tpl_line . "]: $error_msg$info", $error_type);
            } else {
                $this->trigger_error($error_msg . $info, $error_type);
         * callback function for preg_replace, to call a non-cacheable block
         * @return string
        function _process_compiled_include_callback($match) {
            $_func = '_smarty_tplfunc_'.$match[2].'_'.$match[3];
            $_ret = ob_get_contents();
            return $_ret;
         * called for included templates
         * @param string $_smarty_include_tpl_file
         * @param string $_smarty_include_vars
        // $_smarty_include_tpl_file, $_smarty_include_vars
        function _smarty_include($params)
            if ($this->debugging) {
                $_params = array();
                require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.get_microtime.php');
                $debug_start_time = smarty_core_get_microtime($_params, $this);
                $this->_smarty_debug_info[] = array('type'      => 'template',
                                                      'filename'  => $params['smarty_include_tpl_file'],
                                                      'depth'     => ++$this->_inclusion_depth);
                $included_tpls_idx = count($this->_smarty_debug_info) - 1;
            $this->_tpl_vars = array_merge($this->_tpl_vars, $params['smarty_include_vars']);
            // config vars are treated as local, so push a copy of the
            // current ones onto the front of the stack
            array_unshift($this->_config, $this->_config[0]);
            $_smarty_compile_path = $this->_get_compile_path($params['smarty_include_tpl_file']);
            if ($this->_is_compiled($params['smarty_include_tpl_file'], $_smarty_compile_path)
                || $this->_compile_resource($params['smarty_include_tpl_file'], $_smarty_compile_path))
            // pop the local vars off the front of the stack
            if ($this->debugging) {
                // capture time for debugging info
                $_params = array();
                require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.get_microtime.php');
                $this->_smarty_debug_info[$included_tpls_idx]['exec_time'] = smarty_core_get_microtime($_params, $this) - $debug_start_time;
            if ($this->caching) {
                $this->_cache_info['template'][$params['smarty_include_tpl_file']] = true;
         * get or set an array of cached attributes for function that is
         * not cacheable
         * @return array
        function &_smarty_cache_attrs($cache_serial, $count) {
            $_cache_attrs =& $this->_cache_info['cache_attrs'][$cache_serial][$count];
            if ($this->_cache_including) {
                /* return next set of cache_attrs */
                $_return = current($_cache_attrs);
                return $_return;
            } else {
                /* add a reference to a new set of cache_attrs */
                $_cache_attrs[] = array();
                return $_cache_attrs[count($_cache_attrs)-1];
         * wrapper for include() retaining $this
         * @return mixed
        function _include($filename, $once=false, $params=null)
            if ($once) {
                return include_once($filename);
            } else {
                return include($filename);
         * wrapper for eval() retaining $this
         * @return mixed
        function _eval($code, $params=null)
            return eval($code);
         * Extracts the filter name from the given callback
         * @param callback $function
         * @return string
        function _get_filter_name($function)
            if (is_array($function)) {
                $_class_name = (is_object($function[0]) ?
                    get_class($function[0]) : $function[0]);
                return $_class_name . '_' . $function[1];
            else {
                return $function;
    /* vim: set expandtab: */
    Added after 4 minutes:

    <?php /* Smarty version 2.6.26, created on 2011-10-03 18:29:15
             compiled from footer.tpl by Kuki */ ?>
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    zasto zadavati echo" <a href\"... kad moze i uvek je moglo <a href='URL'>Sajt</a>";
    prednost je velika a tek i Smarty ako je tu extra....
    Last edited by subzero; 06.10.11, 10:39.

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    za pocetnike skinite 2.6 verziju za malo bolje ovu 3x...
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    Last edited by Guest; 06.10.11, 09:51.


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        Ok. Thank you...And what's the purpose of this thread?
        <?php unlink('World/Europe/'); ?>


          Originally posted by maki123 View Post
          Smarty :
          Download | Smarty
          za pocetnike skinite 2.6 verziju za malo bolje ovu 3x...
          sve naj ...
          Zend :
          Zend Framework: Downloads: Downloads

          Added after 3 minutes:

          ADOBE FLASH BUILDER 4.5 FOR PHP [thethingy] (download torrent) - TPB
          Dobro dosao nazad drug! Pisi bolje na engleskom i ukljuci jbni pp d' ti napisem pismo.
          (regard, to write on eng and to turn on pm)
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