Most of you having problems ??
Well for one iconv is not loading for you ?
Replace classAudioFile.php with this one
Soon fixing ffmpeg Errors
if you got any errors you like to inform me about please do inform me.
demo of working with out iconv
WapMasterz Downloads
Well for one iconv is not loading for you ?
Replace classAudioFile.php with this one
PHP Code:
// ************************************************************************
// Class AudioFile
// Version: 0.5.1
// Date: 17/04/2003
// Author: michael kamleitner (
// reto gassmann ( - additional mp3-code
// WWW:
// (suggestions, bug-reports & general shouts are welcome)
// ************************************************************************
class AudioFile
var $wave_id;
var $wave_type;
var $wave_compression;
var $wave_channels;
var $wave_framerate;
var $wave_byterate;
var $wave_bits;
var $wave_size;
var $wave_filename;
var $wave_length;
var $id3_tag;
var $id3_title;
var $id3_artist;
var $id3_album;
var $id3_year;
var $id3_comment;
var $id3_genre;
var $visual_graph_color; // HTML-Style: "#rrggbb"
var $visual_background_color;
var $visual_grid_color;
var $visual_border_color;
var $visual_grid; // true/false
var $visual_border; // true/false
var $visual_width; // width in pixel
var $visual_height; // height in pixel
var $visual_graph_mode; // 0|1
var $visual_fileformat; // "jpeg","png", everything & else default = "png"
// ************************************************************************
// mp3info extracts the attributes of mp3-files
// (code contributed by reto gassmann (
// ************************************************************************
function mp3info()
$byte = array();
$version = array("MPEG Version 2.5",false,"MPEG Version 2 (ISO/IEC 13818-3)","MPEG Version 1 (ISO/IEC 11172-3)");
$version_bitrate = array(1,false,1,0);
$version_sampling = array(2,false,1,0);
$layer = array(false,"Layer III","Layer II","Layer I");
$layer_bitrate = array(false,2,1,0);
$layer_lengt = array(false,1,1,0);
$protection = array("Protected by CRC (16bit crc follows header)","Not protected");
$byterate = array(
array("free",32,48,56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,160,192,224,256,320,384,"bad"),
array("free",32,40,48, 56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,160,192,224,256,320,"bad")
array("free",32,48,56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,144,160,176,192,224,256,"bad"),
array("free", 8,16,24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,144,160,"bad"),
array("free", 8,16,24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,144,160,"bad")
$samplingrate = array(
array(11025,12000, 8000,false)
$cannel_mode = array("Stereo","Joint stereo (Stereo)","Dual channel (Stereo)","Single channel (Mono)");
$copyright = array("Audio is not copyrighted","Audio is copyrighted ");
$original = array("Copy of original media","Original media");
$emphasis = array("none","50/15 ms",false,"CCIT J.17 ");
$genre = array
("Blues","Classic Rock","Country","Dance","Disco","Funk","Grunge","Hip-Hop","Jazz","Metal","New Age","Oldies","Other","Pop","R&B",
"Rap","Reggae","Rock","Techno","Industrial","Alternative","Ska","Death Metal","Pranks","Soundtrack","Euro-Techno","Ambient","Trip-Hop",
"Vocal","Jazz+Funk","Fusion","Trance","Classical","Instrumental","Acid","House","Game","Sound Clip","Gospel","Noise","Alternative Rock",
"Bass","Soul","Punk","Space","Meditative","Instrumental Pop","Instrumental Rock","Ethnic","Gothic","Darkwave","Techno-Industrial",
"Electronic","Pop-Folk","Eurodance","Dream","Southern Rock","Comedy","Cult","Gangsta","Top 40","Christian Rap","Pop/Funk","Jungle",
"Native US","Cabaret","New Wave","Psychadelic","Rave","Showtunes","Trailer","Lo-Fi","Tribal","Acid Punk","Acid Jazz","Polka","Retro",
"Musical","Rock & Roll","Hard Rock","Folk","Folk-Rock","National Folk","Swing","Fast Fusion","Bebob","Latin","Revival","Celtic","Bluegrass",
"Avantgarde","Gothic Rock","Progressive Rock","Psychedelic Rock","Symphonic Rock","Slow Rock","Big Band","Chorus","Easy Listening","Acoustic",
"Humour","Speech","Chanson","Opera","Chamber Music","Sonata","Symphony","Booty Bass","Primus","Porn Groove","Satire","Slow Jam","Club",
"Tango","Samba","Folklore","Ballad","Power Ballad","Rhytmic Soul","Freestyle","Duet","Punk Rock","Drum Solo","Acapella","Euro-House",
"Dance Hall","Goa","Drum & Bass","Club-House","Hardcore","Terror","Indie","BritPop","Negerpunk","Polsk Punk","Beat","Christian Gangsta Rap",
"Heavy Metal","Black Metal","Crossover","Contemporary Christian","Christian Rock","Merengue","Salsa","Trash Metal","Anime","Jpop","Synthpop");
//id3v2 check----------------------------
$footer = 0;
$header = 0;
$v1tag = 0;
$fp = fopen($this->wave_filename,"r");
$tmp = fread($fp,3);
if($tmp == "ID3")
$tmp = ord(fread($fp,1));
$tmp2 = ord(fread($fp,1));
$info["mpeg_id3v2_tag"]["version"] = "ID3v2.".$tmp.".".$tmp2;
$tmp = ord(fread($fp,1));
if($tmp & 128)$info["mpeg_id3v2_tag"]["flag"]["unsync"] = "set";
if($tmp & 64) $info["mpeg_id3v2_tag"]["flag"]["extended"] = "set";
if($tmp & 32) $info["mpeg_id3v2_tag"]["flag"]["experimental"] = "set";
if($tmp & 16)
$info["mpeg_id3v2_tag"]["flag"]["footer"] = "set";
$footer = 10;
$tmp = ord(fread($fp,1))& 127;
$tmp2 = ord(fread($fp,1))& 127;
$tmp3 = ord(fread($fp,1))& 127;
$tmp4 = ord(fread($fp,1))& 127;
$info["mpeg_id3v2_tag"]["header_lenght"] = ($tmp * 2097152) + ($tmp2 * 16384) + ($tmp3 * 128) + $tmp4 + 10 + $footer;
fseek ($fp,$info["mpeg_id3v2_tag"]["header_lenght"]);
$header = $info["mpeg_id3v2_tag"]["header_lenght"];
} else {
fseek ($fp,0);
$info["mpeg_id3v2_tag"] = false;
for ($x=0;$x<4;$x++)
$byte[$x] = ord(fread($fp,1));
fseek ($fp, -128 ,SEEK_END);
$TAG = fread($fp,128);
//id tag?-------------------------------
if(substr($TAG,0,3) == "TAG")
$v1tag = 128;
$info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["title"] = substr($TAG,3,30);
$info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["artist"] = substr($TAG,33,30);
$info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["album"] = substr($TAG,63,30);
$info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["year"] = substr($TAG,93,4);
$info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["comment"] = substr($TAG,97,30);
$info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["genre"] = "";
$tmp = ord(substr($TAG,127,1));
if($tmp < count($genre))
$info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["genre"] = $genre[$tmp];
} else {
$info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"] = false;
$tmp = $byte[1] & 24;
$tmp = $tmp >> 3;
$info_i["mpeg_version"] = $tmp;
$byte_v = $version_bitrate[$tmp];
$byte_vs = $version_sampling[$tmp];
$info["mpeg_version"] = $version[$tmp];
$tmp = $byte[1] & 6;
$tmp = $tmp >> 1;
$info_i["mpeg_layer"] = $tmp;
$byte_l = $layer_bitrate[$tmp];
$byte_len = $layer_lengt[$tmp];
$info["mpeg_layer"] = $layer[$tmp];
$tmp = $byte[2] & 240;
$tmp = $tmp >> 4;
$info_i["mpeg_bitrate"] = $tmp;
$info["mpeg_bitrate"] = $byterate[$byte_v][$byte_l][$tmp]." Kbit / sec.";
$tmp = $byte[2] & 12;
$tmp = $tmp >> 2;
$info["mpeg_sampling_rate"] = $samplingrate[$byte_vs][$tmp];
$tmp = $byte[1] & 1;
$info["mpeg_protection"] = $protection[$tmp];
$tmp = $byte[2] & 2;
$tmp = $tmp >> 1;
$byte_pad = $tmp;
$info["mpeg_padding_bit"] = $tmp;
$tmp = $byte[2] & 1;
$byte_prv = $tmp;
$tmp = $byte[3] & 192;
$tmp = $tmp >> 6;
$info["mpeg_channel_mode"] = $cannel_mode[$tmp];
$tmp = $byte[3] & 8;
$tmp = $tmp >> 3;
$info["mpeg_copyright"] = $copyright[$tmp];
$tmp = $byte[3] & 4;
$tmp = $tmp >> 2;
$info["mpeg_original"] = $original[$tmp];
$tmp = $byte[3] & 3;
$info["mpeg_emphasis"] = $emphasis[$tmp];
if($byte_len == 0)
$rate_tmp = $info["mpeg_bitrate"] * 1000;
$info["mpeg_framelenght"] = (12 * $rate_tmp / $info["mpeg_sampling_rate"] + $byte_pad) * 4 ;
} elseif($byte_len == 1) {
$rate_tmp = $info["mpeg_bitrate"] * 1000;
$info["mpeg_framelenght"] = 144 * $rate_tmp /
$info["mpeg_sampling_rate"] + $byte_pad;
$tmp = filesize($this->wave_filename);
$tmp = $tmp - $header - 4 - $v1tag;
$tmp2 = 0;
if ($info["mpeg_bitrate"]<>0)
$tmp2 = ((8 * $tmp) / 1000) / $info["mpeg_bitrate"];
if ($info["mpeg_framelenght"]<>0)
$info["mpeg_frames"] = floor($tmp/$info["mpeg_framelenght"]);
$tmp = $tmp * 8;
if ($rate_tmp<>0)
$info["mpeg_playtime"] = $tmp/$rate_tmp;
$info["mpeg_playtime"] = $tmp2;
// transfer the extracted data into classAudioFile-structure
$this->wave_id = "MPEG";
$this->wave_type = $info["mpeg_version"];
$this->wave_compression = $info["mpeg_layer"];
$this->wave_channels = $info["mpeg_channel_mode"];
$this->wave_framerate = $info["mpeg_sampling_rate"];
$this->wave_byterate = $info["mpeg_bitrate"];
$this->wave_bits = "n/a";
$this->wave_size = filesize($this->wave_filename);
$this->wave_length = $info["mpeg_playtime"];
$this->id3_tag = $info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"];
if ($this->id3_tag)
$this->id3_title = $info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["title"];
$this->id3_artist = $info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["artist"];
$this->id3_album = $info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["album"];
$this->id3_year = $info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["year"];
$this->id3_comment = $info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["comment"];
$this->id3_genre = $info["mpeg_id3v1_tag"]["genre"];
// ************************************************************************
// longCalc calculates the decimal value of 4 bytes
// mode = 0 ... b1 is the byte with least value
// mode = 1 ... b1 is the byte with most value
// ************************************************************************
function longCalc ($b1,$b2,$b3,$b4,$mode)
$b1 = hexdec(bin2hex($b1));
$b2 = hexdec(bin2hex($b2));
$b3 = hexdec(bin2hex($b3));
$b4 = hexdec(bin2hex($b4));
if ($mode == 0)
return ($b1 + ($b2*256) + ($b3 * 65536) + ($b4 * 16777216));
} else {
return ($b4 + ($b3*256) + ($b2 * 65536) + ($b1 * 16777216));
// ************************************************************************
// shortCalc calculates the decimal value of 2 bytes
// mode = 0 ... b1 is the byte with least value
// mode = 1 ... b1 is the byte with most value
// ************************************************************************
function shortCalc ($b1,$b2,$mode)
$b1 = hexdec(bin2hex($b1));
$b2 = hexdec(bin2hex($b2));
if ($mode == 0)
return ($b1 + ($b2*256));
} else {
return ($b2 + ($b1*256));
// ************************************************************************
// getCompression delivers a string which identifies the compression-mode
// of the AudioFile-Object
// ************************************************************************
function getCompression ($id)
if ($this->wave_id <> "MPEG")
$append = "($id)";
switch ($id)
case 0: return ("unknown $append"); break;
case 1: return ("pcm/uncompressed $append"); break;
case 2: return ("microsoft adpcm $append"); break;
case 6: return ("itu g.711 a-law $append"); break;
case 7: return ("itu g.711 u-law $append"); break;
case 17: return ("ima adpcm $append"); break;
case 20: return ("itu g.723 adpcm (yamaha) $append"); break;
case 49: return ("gsm 6.10 $append"); break;
case 64: return ("itu g.721 adpcm $append"); break;
case 80: return ("mpeg $append"); break;
case 65536:return ("experimental $append"); break;
default: return ("not defined $append"); break;
} else {
return ($id);
// ************************************************************************
// getVisualization creates a graphical visualization of the audio-sample
// (works ONLY * for uncompressed waves!
// * files with 1 or 2 channels
// * 8/16/24/32 bit sample-resolution )
// ************************************************************************
function getVisualization ($output)
$height_channel = $height / $this->wave_channels;
if ($this->wave_filename<>"" && $this->wave_id == "RIFF" && $this->wave_type == "WAVE" && ($this->wave_channels>=1 && $this->wave_channels<=2) && $this->wave_bits%8==0)
$file = fopen ($this->wave_filename,"r");
// read the first 12 bytes (RIFF- & WAVE-chunk)
for ($i=0;$i<12;$i++)
$null = fgetc ($file);
// Read the next chunk-id, supposed to be "fmt "
$chunk_id_3 = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file);
if ($chunk_id_3 == "fmt ")
$chunk_size_3 = $this->longCalc (fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) , fgetc($file),0);
for ($i=0;$i<$chunk_size_3;$i++)
$null = fgetc($file);
// Read the next chunk-id, supposed to be "data"
$chunk_id_4 = "";
while ($chunk_id_4 <> "data" && !feof($file))
$chunk_id_4 = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file);
if ($chunk_id_4 <> "data")
$chunk_size_4 = $this->longCalc (fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) , fgetc($file),0);
for ($i=0;$i<$chunk_size_4;$i++)
$null = fgetc($file);
if ($chunk_id_4 == "data")
$chunk_size_4 = $this->longCalc (fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) , fgetc($file),0);
$visualData = array();
$bytes_per_frame = ($this->wave_bits/8)*($this->wave_channels);
$bytes_per_channel = ($this->wave_bits/8);
$frames = $chunk_size_4 / $bytes_per_frame;
$visual_frames = ceil($frames / $width);
$frame_index = 1;
$data_index = 1;
while (!feof($file))
for ($j=0;$j<$this->wave_channels;$j++)
$bytes = array();
for ($i=0;$i<$bytes_per_channel;$i++)
$bytes[$i] = fgetc($file);
if ($frame_index == $visual_frames)
switch ($bytes_per_channel)
case 1: $visualData[$j][$data_index]= $this->shortCalc($bytes[0],$bytes[1],0);
case 2: $f=128;
if (ord($bytes[1])&128) $f = 0;
$x=chr((ord($bytes[1])&127) + $f);
$visualData[$j][$data_index]= floor($this->shortCalc($bytes[0],$x,0)/256);
if (($j+1) == $this->wave_channels)
$frame_index = 1;
} else {
if (($j+1) == $this->wave_channels) $frame_index++;
//$im = @ImageCreate ($width, (256*$this->wave_channels)+1) or die ("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream!");
$im = @ImageCreate ($width, $height) or die ("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream!");
$background_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, hexdec(substr($this->visual_background_color,1,2)),hexdec(substr($this->visual_background_color,3,2)),hexdec(substr($this->visual_background_color,5,2)));
$cBlack = ImageColorAllocate ($im, hexdec(substr($this->visual_background_color,1,2)),hexdec(substr($this->visual_background_color,3,2)),hexdec(substr($this->visual_background_color,5,2)));
$cGreen = ImageColorAllocate ($im, hexdec(substr($this->visual_graph_color,1,2)),hexdec(substr($this->visual_graph_color,3,2)),hexdec(substr($this->visual_graph_color,5,2)));
$cRed = ImageColorAllocate ($im, hexdec(substr($this->visual_border_color,1,2)),hexdec(substr($this->visual_border_color,3,2)),hexdec(substr($this->visual_border_color,5,2)));
$cBlue = ImageColorAllocate ($im, hexdec(substr($this->visual_grid_color,1,2)),hexdec(substr($this->visual_grid_color,3,2)),hexdec(substr($this->visual_grid_color,5,2)));
if ($this->visual_border)
ImageRectangle ($im,0,0,($width-1),($height-1),$cRed);
for ($i=0;$i<=$this->wave_channels;$i++)
ImageLine ($im,1,($i*($height_channel/2))+($height_channel/2),$width,($i*($height_channel/2))+($height_channel/2),$cRed);
if ($this->visual_grid)
for ($i=1;$i<=($width/100*2);$i++)
ImageLine ($im,$i*50,0,$i*50,(256*$this->wave_channels),$cBlue);
// this for-loop draws a graph for every channel
for ($j=0;$j<sizeof($visualData);$j++)
$last_x = 1;
$last_y = $height_channel / 2;
// this for-loop draws the graphs itself
for ($i=1;$i<sizeof($visualData[$j]);$i++)
$faktor = 128 / ($height_channel / 2);
$val = $visualData[$j][$i] / $faktor;
if ($this->visual_graph_mode == 0)
ImageLine ($im,$last_x,($last_y+($j*$height_channel)),$i,($val+($j*$height_channel)),$cGreen);
} else {
ImageLine ($im,$i,(($height_channel/2)+($j*$height_channel)),$i,($val+($j*$height_channel)),$cGreen);
$last_x = $i;
$last_y = $val;
// change this to generate JPG or direct output to browser
if (strtolower($this->visual_fileformat) == "jpeg")
ImageJpeg ($im,$output);
} else {
ImagePng ($im,$output);
fclose ($file);
} else {
// AudioSample - AudioFile-Object not initialized!
// ************************************************************************
// getSampleInfo extracts the attributes of the AudioFile-Object
// ************************************************************************
function getSampleInfo ()
$valid = true;
if (strstr(strtoupper($this->wave_filename),"MP3"))
$this->mp3info ();
} else {
$this->wave_size = filesize ($this->wave_filename);
if ($this->wave_size > 16)
$file = fopen ($this->wave_filename,"r");
$chunk_id = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file);
$null = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file);
$chunk_id_2 = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file);
$this->wave_id = $chunk_id;
$this->wave_type = $chunk_id_2;
if (substr($chunk_id,0,2)=="PK")
// it's a ZIP-file
$this->wave_id = "ZIP";
$this->wave_type = "ZIP";
$this->valid = true;
} else {
if ($this->wave_id == "RIFF" && $this->wave_type == "WAVE")
// it's a Wave-File
$chunk_id = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file);
$chunk_size = $this->longCalc (fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) , fgetc($file),0);
if ($chunk_id == "fmt ")
$format_len = $chunk_size;
$this->wave_compression = $this->shortCalc (fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file),0);
$this->wave_channels = $this->shortCalc (fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file),0);
$this->wave_framerate = $this->longCalc (fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file),0);
$this->wave_byterate = $this->longCalc (fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file),0);
$null = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file);
$this->wave_bits = $this->shortCalc (fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file),0);
$read = 16;
if ($read < $format_len)
$extra_bytes = $this->shortCalc (fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file),1);
$j = 0;
while ($j < $extra_bytes && !feof($file))
$null = fgetc ($file);
$chunk_id = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file);
$chunk_size = $this->longCalc (fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) , fgetc($file),0);
if ($chunk_id == "data")
$this->wave_length = (($chunk_size / $this->wave_channels) / ($this->wave_bits/8)) / $this->wave_framerate;
} else {
while ($chunk_id <> "data" && !feof($file))
$j = 1;
while ($j <= $chunk_size && !feof($file))
$null = fgetc ($file);
$chunk_id = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file);
//print "<br>$chunk_id*";
$chunk_size = $this->longCalc (fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) , fgetc($file),0);
if ($chunk_id == "data")
$this->wave_length = (($chunk_size / $this->wave_channels) / ($this->wave_bits/8)) / $this->wave_framerate;
} else {
$valid = false;
} else {
if ($this->wave_id == "FORM" && $this->wave_type == "AIFF")
// we have a AIFF file here
$chunk_id = fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file) . fgetc($file);
$chunk_size = $this->longCalc (fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) , fgetc($file) , fgetc($file),0);
if ($chunk_id == "COMM")
$format_len = $chunk_size;
$this->wave_channels = $this->shortCalc (fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file),1);
$null = $this->longCalc (fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file),1);
$this->wave_bits = $this->shortCalc (fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file),1);
$null = fgetc ($file) . fgetc ($file);
$this->wave_framerate = $this->shortCalc (fgetc ($file), fgetc ($file),1);
$read = 16;
} else {
$valid = false;
} else {
// probably crap
$valid = false;
fclose ($file);
} else {
$valid = false;
return ($valid);
// ************************************************************************
// printSampleInfo prints the attributes of the AudioFile-Object
// ************************************************************************
function printSampleInfo()
print '<hr noshade size="1" width="100%" class="hr"><strong>Song information:</strong><br>
Channels: '.$this->wave_channels.'<br>
Frequency: '.$this->wave_framerate.' Gc<br>
Bitrate: '.$this->wave_byterate.'<br>
Length: '.date('i:s', mktime(0,0,round($this->wave_length))).' min<br>';
if($title = trim($this->id3_title)){
print 'Song Name: $title<br>';
if($artist = trim($this->id3_artist)){
print 'Name: $artist<br>';
if($album = trim($this->id3_album)){
print 'Artist: $album<br>';
if($year = trim($this->id3_year)){
print 'year: $year<br>';
if($genre = trim($this->id3_genre)){
print "genre: $genre<br>";
if($comment = trim($this->id3_comment)){
print 'comment: $comment<br>';
// ************************************************************************
// loadFile initializes the AudioFile-Object
// ************************************************************************
function loadFile ($loadFilename)
$this->wave_filename = $loadFilename;
$this->getSampleInfo ();
$this->visual_graph_color = "#18F3AD";
$this->visual_background_color = "#000000";
$this->visual_grid_color = "#002C4A";
$this->visual_border_color = "#A52421";
$this->visual_grid = true;
$this->visual_border = true;
$this->visual_width = 600;
$this->visual_height = 512;
$this->visual_graph_mode = 1;
$this->visual_fileformat = "png";
Soon fixing ffmpeg Errors
if you got any errors you like to inform me about please do inform me.
demo of working with out iconv
WapMasterz Downloads