hi. Help me guys. Whats the code for when the user register and start login in my site he didnt aCcesS any pages like downloads until he reach a 30mins online so his aCct auTomatically validated and he can accesS n0w other pages. Give me the c0de for if he got 30mins online auT0maticalLy validate his acct. My script is lavalair.
30mins Online to validate account!
do you want to limit the acces to downlod ..... only ...... or do you want to ..... give the whole validation itself after 30 mints
if you want to limit only acces to a page then you can use
$totaltimeonline = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT tottimeonl FROM ibwf_users WHERE id='".$who."'"));
PHP Code:if ($totaltimeonline[0]<1800){
echo "<center><img src=\"images/notok.gif\" alt=\"\"/>";
echo "<br/>";
echo "<img src=\"images/home.gif\"><a href=\"index.php?action=main&sid=$sid\">Main Menu</a>";
echo "<b>Total Time Online: </b>".gettimemsg($totaltimeonline[0])."<br/> you need 30 mints online to acces the page .... so b more active ";
echo "</font></body>";
echo "</html>";
Last edited by love_444; 07.09.11, 15:58.