Hello I have removed the chat system of similes and spam from public rooms, and I just wish it were only in private rooms
that is when I create a private room, someone can help me? thanks
PHP Code:
$ds= date("H.i.s", $chat[2]);
$text = parsepm($chat[3], $sid);
$nos = substr_count($text,"<img src=");
$chnick = getnick_uid($chat[0]);
echo addchatmsg($chat[0],$text,1,"*ehi! $chnick, Niente Spamming!*");
else if($nos>20){
$chnick = getnick_uid($chat[0]);
echo addchatmsg($chat[0],$text,1,"*ehi! $chnick, solo 20 smilies per msg!*");
$sres = substr($chat[3],0,3);
if($sres == "/me")
$chco = strlen($chat[3]);
$goto = $chco - 3;
$rest = substr($chat[3],3,$goto);
$tosay = parsepm($rest, $sid);