Hi. I will show you a simple php5 framework with learning purpose. If you'll interest about the application i'll explain more about it in the next posts.
//An example with few explanations ...
Soon i'll make a documentation for this noobish framework.
PS: It has from default the i18n multi-languages by CreativityKills active...
PS2: Yes isnt like kohana , codeigniter fw...... it's only for beginners-advanced beginners in php
//An example with few explanations ...
PHP Code:
$fw = new IceFrameWork;
#aaa with $fw->Turn_On_Security(ALL); you can start the protection for your variabiles... // i will update it soon
$cont = 'This is a site using IceFrameWork.<br/> Yes it\'s sounds stupid....';
$arr = array('TITLE'=>'Just a test.'
// OR
// $fw->assign_single('CONTENT',$cont);
// OR for wml
// $fw->assign('Wml PAGE');
// $fw->title = 'wml title';
// OR
// see in /icefwlib/tpl/main.tpl more about this key words.
// PS: in tpl folder you will make a tpl for your html
// for a foo.tpl you must have the resurse_foo folder where you put the css and graphix....
// OR
$html_code = '<head><title></title>
<body>blah blah</body></html';
// if cache_on == true the fw will cache your wml / html page
# $fw->cache_on = TRUE;
# $fw->SetCache(IP); // IP = cache for user by ip || URL = foar all users cache the page
# $fw->CacheLife = 2*60*60; // in seconds
$fw->Compile_Page(); // after all codes
PS: It has from default the i18n multi-languages by CreativityKills active...
PS2: Yes isnt like kohana , codeigniter fw...... it's only for beginners-advanced beginners in php