This script will generate thumbnail of nokia theme files (.nth) using PHP.
These theme files are simple compressed archive with theme info enclosed in a xml file named 'theme_descriptor.xml'
Follow comment to get an idea of what the script does on each step.
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These theme files are simple compressed archive with theme info enclosed in a xml file named 'theme_descriptor.xml'
Follow comment to get an idea of what the script does on each step.
PHP Code:
NTH THUMBNAIL GENERATOR ( generate thumbnail of nth files using PHP )
Usage :
=> Save this file as nth.php
=> Call it in your html as <img src='nth.php?file=xyz.nth' />
// Get it at
if(!isset($_GET['file']) || !is_file($_GET['file']))exit('Feed me a nth file');
// Add more security checks like extension/filesize check.
$nth = new PclZip($_GET['file']);
// Create a new instance of Pclzip class.
$content = $nth->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_BY_NAME,'theme_descriptor.xml',PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING);
// Extract theme_descriptor_xml file as string.
$xml = simplexml_load_string($content['0']['content']);
// Load the sting in a simple xml object.
$src = trim($xml->wallpaper['src']) or $src = trim($xml->wallpaper['main_display_graphics']);
// Get main theme background image's name.
// Extract the main background image as string.
$img = $img['0']['content'];
// Obtain the string.
$img = imagecreatefromstring($img);
// Create an image from that string.
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
// Send a header to the browser saying that the output is of image/jpeg type.
// Output the image to the browser.
// Clean and free up resources.