is there anything that can help me?
I was upset when put ads on the site because it does not support php.
but I get a script like this:
whether the script above dangerous if I put on my site?
is there anything that can help me?
I was upset when put ads on the site because it does not support php.
but I get a script like this:
[B]Admod[/B] <script language="JavaScript" src="http://tools.top.vc/ads/admob.js?id=[U]SITE-ID[/U]"></script>; [B]Inmobi[/B] <script language="JavaScript" src="http://tools.top.vc/ads/inmobi.js?id=[U]SITE-ID[/U]"></script>; [B]Mobgold[/B] <script language="JavaScript" src="http://tools.top.vc/ads/mobgold.js?id=[U]SITE-ID[/U]"></script>; [B]Smaato[/B] <iframe frameborder="no" src="http://tools.top.vc/ads/smaato.php?id=[U]SITE-ID[/U]&s=[U]ADSPACE-ID[/U]"; scrolling="no"></iframe> [B]Note[/B]: Before installing the script above into your wapsite first delete the symbol ; which is on every script